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Jim Tressel Now A Colts Employee (Merge)


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Tressel amazes me. He got caught cheating his butt off at Ohio State. He's not welcome in D1 football. Now he has an opportunity to get a SB ring by telling Caldwell to review 3 or so plays during the season. Wow, just wow. I'm surprised he wasn't hired to do the video recording for the Pats lmao

That would be fitting for his job. If he went to the Pats. Cheaters hired a football cheater. I am scratching my head on why the Colts! I think Caldwell been out in the heat to much and out in the sun to much. That is making him have illusions. On why this was a good pick.

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This holier than thou attitude is just nonsense. Seroiusly people, I would venture to bet that 99% of the top football programs in the country are cheating in some way, shape, or form. A lot of them have just been lucky and not got caught yet. Why should anyone care that we hired a very good football coach to do a meaningless job?

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Guest BlueShoe

Sorry, I pay little attention to college football.

How exactly was he caught cheating?? What were they doing over there in Ohio State??

It wasn't really cheating, but he broke the rules. He "overlooked" a few things the players were doing.

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I bleed blue for the Colts.

This hiring disturbs me. This organization needs to maintain the level of ethics it has held for the past 15 years. We are the class of the league and we hire a (mod edit-no masked cursing) like Trussel? It makes me sick to my stomach.

Folks no masked cursing. period. read the rules. Or be warned.

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Guest BlueShoe

I bleed blue for the Colts.

This hiring disturbs me. This organization needs to maintain the level of ethics it has held for the past 15 years. We are the class of the league and we hire a piece of (mod edit-no masked cursing) like Trussel? It makes me sick to my stomach.

Sure he made a mistake but it wasn't like he broke any laws that could get him thrown in jail or anything.

The man has a lot of integrity. The NCAA only game him a two game suspension and gave his players a five game suspension. He said you should give me a five game suspension too.

He later decided it was time to move on and resigned.

People don't realize that if a college player gets a free lunch at a restaurant and the coach knows about then it is considered cheating and against the rules. That's what Tressel did here, in a nut shell.

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I bleed blue for the Colts.

This hiring disturbs me. This organization needs to maintain the level of ethics it has held for the past 15 years. We are the class of the league and we hire a (mod edit-no masked cursing) like Trussel? It makes me sick to my stomach.

Folks no masked cursing. period. read the rules. Or be warned.

Im sure you've never broke any rules in your entire life have you??? :rolleyes: If something like this really "makes you sick to your stomach" then you must really have a weak stomach. I find it comical that people really act as if they are above this.

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Man this is funny on so many levels ...

That such a formerly prestigious college coach is now basically the coaching equivalent of a water-boy

That Caldwell is so bad at calling timeouts that he arguably was a decisive factor in single-handedly losing 2 games last year with ill-advised timeouts that he now needs a dedicated "assistant" for such a specific task

That Caldwell is often perceived to have little to nothing to do with running the team (perception here) that now he'll have even more time to do nothing

...now cue all the jokes about Colts players getting tattoos and Manning arriving to work in a Bentley

We lost those games long before the timeouts occurred. People just hated Caldwell (for no reason) and will blame him for everything.

Tressel amazes me. He got caught cheating his butt off at Ohio State. He's not welcome in D1 football. Now he has an opportunity to get a SB ring by telling Caldwell to review 3 or so plays during the season. Wow, just wow. I'm surprised he wasn't hired to do the video recording for the Pats lmao

He didn't cheat. He found out that some players sold a few awards pieces but didn't tell on them.

This holier than thou attitude is just nonsense. Seroiusly people, I would venture to bet that 99% of the top football programs in the country are cheating in some way, shape, or form. A lot of them have just been lucky and not got caught yet. Why should anyone care that we hired a very good football coach to do a meaningless job?

While your stat is dead wrong, even if it were true, that wouldn't make cheating acceptable. The goal is to set an example with those who were caught, so that those who haven't been caught clean up their act. It's actually a tremendously effective strategy.

Also, I doubt his job will be meaningless if the Front Office declares that we've been looking to fill that "void" for a long time.

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Sorry. I mistakenly referenced something that happend at Ohio state.

My bad.

If I'm not mistaken he was brought in an position to challenge plays from the booth as a replay consultant. I don't see a lot of harm that can come from this.

I'm not defending the guy because I don't know enough about the character issues involved.

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This hiring disturbs me too.

People think Tressel's misconduct at Ohio State was minor, but remember that his suspensions were issued while information was still coming out - his decision to resign was an attempt to avoid stronger punishments still to come. No, he did not cheat on the field, his players were breaking NCAA rules (taking cash, cars, and tattoos) and he not only did not report them, he lied to cover up what they were doing and did nothing to stop them from continuing. It started at Youngstown State, continued almost immediately after he was hired at Ohio State, and went on until he resigned in disgrace. During the whole time, he wore an image of almost saintly propriety... while urinating on the rules behind everyone's back.

He may not be the worst coach out there, but he puts winning ahead of honor, and that is NOT something I have ever until now associated with the Colts.

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First of all, they DO have Colts sweater vests!! I have one!!! So I'm ready.

Second, I am and have been for my entire life a HUGE OSU Buckeye fan. I was extremely disappointed in the developments over the past year. Tressel is a good man that unfortunately set himself up as a man that stood on his principles. He allowed those principles to be compromised in the pursuit of the ultimate prize in college football. He is, and always has been, a terrific football mind. In the capacity he will fill for the Colts, I see this as a no-lose situation for the team. I think this will allow him to remain close to the game he loves and hopefully re-establish himself. Only time will tell if the public receives him as he tries to restore his image.

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I was extremely disappointed in the developments over the past year.

Only the revelations occurred over the past year - the actual infractions cover nearly his entire head coaching career. Interestingly, he has been repeatedly investigated and cleared of nearly identical infractions in the past, even when the players were clearly guilty and no one could explain how he failed to notice things like star players rolling up in new and expensive cars that changed every few weeks.

I do not dispute that his is a minor position, and I am not opposed to the idea that he might redeem himself... I just don't want him doing it here.

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While I do appreciate the fact that the Colts are a clean organization that tries to avoid some of the less classy figures in the NFL, I really would support us tweaking that idea a bit.

I would really like to see us keep our squeaky clean image, but be open to bringing in some guys who are not career criminals but just made a mistake along the way. There are many players, and now coaches, who have tarnished reputations that may not truly represent their character. Tressel is a great football guy, and has always been a standout person at OSU. He made a huge mistake, that cannot be overlooked, but he will have the opportunity to redeem himself, help the colts, and be an example for players and coaches who may be blurring the lines between playing fair and not playing fair

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I am sorry I always said our classynes started and ended with Tony Dungy. Bill Polian would fire his own son if he thought it would make the team better.

The Colts have avoided less classy players because they have felt those players weren't going to help us win not because we only wanted classy people. We have took two chances on a guy like Ed Johnson because we thought he would help our team. Don't get me wrong I believe Jim Irsay when he said he wanted to win a certain way with the right kind of people but the Colts don't just rule someone out because they make a mistake. Again, Ed Johnson proves. Bringing Rhodes back after he got arrested proves that. Not cutting McAfee helps prove that. As long as you can help us win the Colts like most teams will look past problems.

Now as far as the sweater vest. I would be more worried about it if we were a college team hiring him. I agree he should have been fired at OSU for violating NCAA rules (which is where it was going) but I can also look at those rules and realize what his players did weren't the worst things in the world. If he was cheating in games I would say no way keep him away. Frankly his teams were doing things that were mostly legal at the NFL level so I don't really have a problem with it. I hope he helps our team. I will say this he spent a lot of time visiting NFL teams this off-season so he might very will bring some knowledge we can use.

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First of all, they DO have Colts sweater vests!! I have one!!! So I'm ready.

Second, I am and have been for my entire life a HUGE OSU Buckeye fan. I was extremely disappointed in the developments over the past year. Tressel is a good man that unfortunately set himself up as a man that stood on his principles. He allowed those principles to be compromised in the pursuit of the ultimate prize in college football. He is, and always has been, a terrific football mind. In the capacity he will fill for the Colts, I see this as a no-lose situation for the team. I think this will allow him to remain close to the game he loves and hopefully re-establish himself. Only time will tell if the public receives him as he tries to restore his image.

See, people just don't see it as this even though this is the most logical statement. Tressel wasn't a bad coach by any means at OSU, in fact he was one of the best during his era. Turning a blind eye to players selling memorabilia is more or less his version of protecting his players. Whether thats right or wrong in that context is up to you but lets be straight on his football knowledge when we consider this hire.

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Hate to burst anyones bubble but in the present economy, the college football system is the most hypocritical broken sham there is, OSU players sold there autographs and personal items which should have nothing to do with the ncaa. These violations a rd e a joke when schools make millions on a football program, graduating players that could never function in a professional setting using there degrees. Colleges get fat off of being nfl stables but the second a player gets smart enough to go hey OSU makes money off my name why the heck shouldnt I, its a violation?! These kinds of things are why,our world is as messed up as it is.

Tressel is a good coach, colts good pick up for a guy wanting to get in a booth and out of the spot light, he brings high football IQ, good eniugh for me

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I have been a die hard Colts fan for over a decade now, and with the news of Tressel being added to the staff, I am forced to hang that all up. Decades worth of jerseys and other memoribilia will be put away only for the respect of the plyers who wear the numbers on the field. After the scandal at OSU, I would have hoped that an upstanding organization such as the Colts would have steered clear of the man in charge of it all. However, I cannot continue to call myself a fan of an organization that I was obviuosly so wrong about to begin with. I will sit this football season out and maybe Peyton will make the same choice, and avoid further affiliation with such an embarrassing move by the upper management of his team.

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I have been a die hard Colts fan for over a decade now, and with the news of Tressel being added to the staff, I am forced to hang that all up. Decades worth of jerseys and other memoribilia will be put away only for the respect of the plyers who wear the numbers on the field. After the scandal at OSU, I would have hoped that an upstanding organization such as the Colts would have steered clear of the man in charge of it all. However, I cannot continue to call myself a fan of an organization that I was obviuosly so wrong about to begin with. I will sit this football season out and maybe Peyton will make the same choice, and avoid further affiliation with such an embarrassing move by the upper management of his team.

hmm...do i smell a troll??? :feedtroll:

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Are you guys kidding us? Why would such a storied classy organization bring aboard someone who lied, continually and disgraced his organization. He hasn't even paid his debt. Being involved in football, pro, college or high school is a privilege not a right. To bring a guy like this into this wonderful group is a bad idea. He isn't honest nor ethical. Winning at all costs including lying has to have it's price. His is to sit home and suffer every weekend. You messed up. Sad day for Colts.

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Are you guys kidding us? Why would such a storied classy organization bring aboard someone who lied, continually and disgraced his organization. He hasn't even paid his debt. Being involved in football, pro, college or high school is a privilege not a right. To bring a guy like this into this wonderful group is a bad idea. He isn't honest nor ethical. Winning at all costs including lying has to have it's price. His is to sit home and suffer every weekend. You messed up. Sad day for Colts.

Not getting to coach at his beloved Ohio State ever again, with whom he had built a collegiate dynasty, while being relegated to a second-chance, booth-only position (paying him far less) isn't punishment?

He's fortunate we took him in, but it's not as if the Colts did so to figure out how their own players can pull of what the kids at Ohio State were doing. Selling personal items as a professional football player isn't illegal, as far as I know. I mean, let's be real here: most of you obviously have absolutely no idea what happened at Ohio State. I can tell by the way some of you discuss it; not to mention the number of 1st time posters suddenly quitting on the Colts.

Tressel didn't cheat.

The players didn't cheat.

No players were obtained illegitimately by the university.

There were no performance enhancing drugs involved, narcotics, or other illegal activities.

The players sold some stuff to make money. When Tressel found out about it, he didn't squeal. A poor ethical decision? Definitely. But this mistake doesn't define the man. Everyone makes mistakes, and in fear of the consequences, we do irrational things to cover up the blemish. Does he not deserve another chance? Should you be fired forever for taking some part of your job lightly over a small portion of your career? I have a feeling you'd be singing a different tune in his shoes.

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He shouldn't be allowed in the booth for the 5 weeks. If the NFL has the authority to suspend Terrell Pryor for 5 weeks, no way his coach who resigned in disgrace should not be given at least the same punishment.

That's because Pryor actually committed the crime. Tressel just knew about it. The NCAA was going to suspend him for two games, he offered them five to match the punishment of the players, and then went a step further by being a man and giving up his prestigious position.

Consider this: Pryor still gets to be the QB of a football team, only now he's getting paid to do it at the cost of a 5-game suspension. Meanwhile, Tressel will likely never be allowed to coach again, and he's working from a booth in what many consider to be a puppet's position. How's that for fair?

There's no reason to suspend Tressel.

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Guest BlueShoe

I have been a die hard Colts fan for over a decade now, and with the news of Tressel being added to the staff, I am forced to hang that all up. Decades worth of jerseys and other memoribilia will be put away only for the respect of the plyers who wear the numbers on the field. After the scandal at OSU, I would have hoped that an upstanding organization such as the Colts would have steered clear of the man in charge of it all. However, I cannot continue to call myself a fan of an organization that I was obviuosly so wrong about to begin with. I will sit this football season out and maybe Peyton will make the same choice, and avoid further affiliation with such an embarrassing move by the upper management of his team.

Let's get real dude. Tressel's players sold some old game jerseys for money. Yeah he knew it was going on but we aren't talking about the players getting rich off of this stuff.

If your son was a college athlete and he went to McDonald's and the owner of McDonald's said "Hey you're the quarterback at OSU. That Big Mac is on me son!" Well guess what? Your son just violated the rules for a Big Mac. He would be a cheater according to the rules.

Hmmm. Somethings really wrong with this picture.

Now a coach or non student athlete of the school can go into any restaurant and get gifts all they want. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, Tressel could have auctioned off some old jerseys and it would have been totally legal.

I think we can see why he looked the other way and it doesn't make him a bad guy at all. He broke a rule that most people in American think is ridiculous to begin with.

But if that is the way you feel then, See Ya!

And more than likely you're just trolling anyway so just saying my peace.

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While your stat is dead wrong, even if it were true, that wouldn't make cheating acceptable. The goal is to set an example with those who were caught, so that those who haven't been caught clean up their act. It's actually a tremendously effective strategy.

Also, I doubt his job will be meaningless if the Front Office declares that we've been looking to fill that "void" for a long time.

You really have no way of saying that my stat is dead wrong. Of course, there's no way of knowing if its right or not either, but to say that most of the top college programs are not guilty of some sort of violation is just naive. Also, I guess "meaningless" was the wrong term to use. More like trivial, compared to where he came from. My point is that some people seem to think they are above such a move by the Colts. Unless those people are direct descendants of the all mighty himself, they have made their fair share of mistakes too. Im all for these coaches and players obeying the rules but a lot of times the players, or the universities put these coaches in posistions they can't possibly get out of.

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Tressel didn't cheat.

Actually, he did, just not on the field

The players didn't cheat.

Again, yes they did, just not on the field... what do you think the sanctions mean, anyway? Just because it was not on the field it wasn't "real" cheating?

No players were obtained illegitimately by the university.

You know for a fact that said "perks" were kept secret from prospects?

The players sold some stuff to make money. When Tressel found out about it, he didn't squeal. A poor ethical decision? Definitely.

And one he appeared to make over and over again across his entire head coaching career. This wasn't a momentary lapse of judgement, or a one-time mistake - this started at Youngstown, started again almost immediately at Ohio State, and continued (despite having over a decade to quell it) until it became so blatant that it was discovered and they prepared to throw the book at him.

My issue is that this sort of behavior (and it is a behavior, not a momentary mistake) is symptomatic of a moral failing, a willingness to place winning above all else. No, the Colts do not need to worry about this exact problem, but what else will he be willing to let slide or cover up if it helps him win? A great deal of college player problems involve money simply because that is what they are most lacking, but that does not mean that there are not areas where professionals can err, and when they do will Tressel be involved? His is a minor position, but I do not trust him any farther than I can throw him, and just as he is seeking redemption, many such seekers will actually cheat MORE if it helps them regain the appearance of success and propriety.

Anyway, I neither like nor trust the guy, and I think his employment, however small, is a stain on the organization. I hope that he does redeem himself, but I think it just as likely that in a few years we will see him associated with tainted players or ethical/rule violations again.

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I think its a great addition, and can not see how anyone could deem this as a bad acquisition. The guy has a very proven record. Love it!!!!

So tired of the whining. If the NCAA actual investigated all d1 schools, we wouldn't have college football at all.

Right or wrong, this guy did beat Miami when Miami was "Miami" and you know Miami was cheating like no other team in history. Miami, sorry just had to put that one in there, Miami.(Sorry Reggie)

Dungy often wore the colts sweater vest. Look back at some of the games!

Hope we get to keep him on in the future in whatever capacity.

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