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I mean calling the Colts road wimps in the Star is a little harsh. I know they didn't play well and they haven't played well on the road. But I wouldn't call them wimps, There a young team who is trying to find there way. I mean the Jets were a desperate team who had lost 2 in a row. I never like to play a team after a loss especially 2 in a row and they were playing at home. What's everybody elses thoughts?

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I mean calling the Colts road wimps in the Star is a little harsh. I know they didn't play well and they haven't played well on the road. But I wouldn't call them wimps, There a young team who is trying to find there way. I mean the Jets were a desperate team who had lost 2 in a row. I never like to play a team after a loss especially 2 in a row and they were playing at home. What's everybody elses thoughts?

I never understand calling a team desperate or how that even decides how a team will play. We were desperate every week last season and look how long it took us to get a win. We just don't have a very good team and no one really expects us to win many games. I wouldn't call them wimps though.

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I mean calling the Colts road wimps in the Star is a little harsh. I know they didn't play well and they haven't played well on the road. But I wouldn't call them wimps, There a young team who is trying to find there way. I mean the Jets were a desperate team who had lost 2 in a row. I never like to play a team after a loss especially 2 in a row and they were playing at home. What's everybody elses thoughts?

That the star needs to sell papers.

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sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade..it is what it is..we showed no heart out there and I can't even begin to tell you how embarrassed I was being one of the few Colts fans there..to see us playing like that along with hearing Jets fans talking smack was like being stabbed with a knife and have somebody just slowly twisting it..

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I mean calling the Colts road wimps in the Star is a little harsh. I know they didn't play well and they haven't played well on the road. But I wouldn't call them wimps, There a young team who is trying to find there way. I mean the Jets were a desperate team who had lost 2 in a row. I never like to play a team after a loss especially 2 in a row and they were playing at home. What's everybody elses thoughts?

Well they have lost 10 straight games on the road and haven't won a road game since December 26th 2010. I wouldn't take the road wimps thing to seriously but let's be honest here we have struggled on the road and that's the main point. Over half our roster has never won a road game in the NFL so people can call it whatever they want but it doesn't hide the fact we have struggled on the road, don't let their word choice hide the main point.
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Well they have lost 10 straight games on the road and haven't won a road game since December 26th 2010.

Wow.....I had to let that sink in for a minute. I realize last year was the QB debacle, but that's a horrendous stat.

I wonder what Curtis Painter is doing right now.......getting intercepted taking carts back from the Walmart parking lot?

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hearing Jets fans talking smack was like being stabbed with a knife and have somebody just slowly twisting it..

Gotta make the most of that situation - heck we've got an excuse if you will .... were a team rebuilding with lots of new faces. They on the other hand were supposed to win the last 3 superbowls ... whats their excuse?

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I just moved to Indiana and I want to tailgate this Sunday. What is the traditional food for Indianapolis colts fans that are tail gating? I can't find anything online. Thanks for your help.

Well we're just like everyone else and eat like anyone else. We like Fillet mignon and lobster.

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we've playd 2 road games...last year's team isnt here any more...but the writers dont write the headlines

..and the idea is to anger the fans

We've played 2 road games and have gotten destroyed in both of them. Hardly put up a fight in either. We'll see if they play with some heart come the 28th at Tennessee.

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My objection to Kravitz has been years in the making. Writers that criticize players has never bothered me even when I disagreed with their point of view. After all, sensationalistic journalism has always been employed to sell newspapers and give pundits means to be recognized. This was how I characterized Mr. Kravitz back in the day.

However, as time marched on I became appalled at the "lows" to which Mr. Kravitz was willing to stoop. Many times it appeared to me that he went as far to stretch, bend, or distort the truth of a player, team, coach, or owner to make some outlandish claim or castigate the object of his poisen. When reading between the lines after the last season, I felt this is precisely what he did to Peyton, Jim, and Bill. Frankly, his behavior offended me. It wreaked of the quality that has become the norm in some of the "large market" franchises. I felt that was an embarrassment to Indianapolis.

It was no knee jerk reaction when I finally stopped my subscription to the Star. My relationship with the Star/News started when I would pick up my bundle of papers at the drop point and peddle my bicycle around town making delivery. As I tell them each time they call wanting to know why I don't re-subscribe, I miss the TV section, headlines, puzzles, and comics but I cannot support an organization that will allow the hitman journalism of a Robert Kravitz.

I recognize that many do not see it that way, but that is the view from my saddle!

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I believe we will get a road win in the 2nd half of the season as we will be a much better team, young teams like the Colts are prone to improve at a better pace than older teams based on expierence alone. The colts will be the type of team that teams don't want want to play down the stretch, because of their youth, talent and nothing to lose, they will be the type of team that you should be able to beat on paper but, they will be very scary.

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sometimes you gotta call a spade a spade..it is what it is..we showed no heart out there and I can't even begin to tell you how embarrassed I was being one of the few Colts fans there..to see us playing like that along with hearing Jets fans talking smack was like being stabbed with a knife and have somebody just slowly twisting it..

Well when a 2 win team from the previous year is starting a rookie at QB, and is missing Mathis, Redding, Angerer, Moala, and every one else on D...

You get what we saw. Oh and the emotional let down after a HUGE win against GB...

I put a bill on the Jets... now I have 2.

We all should have seen it coming a mile away..

This week will be no easier.

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My objection to Kravitz has been years in the making. Writers that criticize players has never bothered me even when I disagreed with their point of view. After all, sensationalistic journalism has always been employed to sell newspapers and give pundits means to be recognized. This was how I characterized Mr. Kravitz back in the day.

However, as time marched on I became appalled at the "lows" to which Mr. Kravitz was willing to stoop. Many times it appeared to me that he went as far to stretch, bend, or distort the truth of a player, team, coach, or owner to make some outlandish claim or castigate the object of his poisen. When reading between the lines after the last season, I felt this is precisely what he did to Peyton, Jim, and Bill. Frankly, his behavior offended me. It wreaked of the quality that has become the norm in some of the "large market" franchises. I felt that was an embarrassment to Indianapolis.

It was no knee jerk reaction when I finally stopped my subscription to the Star. My relationship with the Star/News started when I would pick up my bundle of papers at the drop point and peddle my bicycle around town making delivery. As I tell them each time they call wanting to know why I don't re-subscribe, I miss the TV section, headlines, puzzles, and comics but I cannot support an organization that will allow the hitman journalism of a Robert Kravitz.

I recognize that many do not see it that way, but that is the view from my saddle!

You cannot be serious,lol. You are a little sensitive to be honest . you apparently have never read any columns by writers in bigger markets like Chicago, New York then. You would probably go into shock if you think Kravitz is extreme. He's a virtual puppydog in comparison to some of the Chicago writers I have read. It seems the facts that Polian and son did a poor job the last several years of their tenure, that Caldwell was a horrendous hire and never should be hired at Wake(wait a minute...), etc. have escaped you. Polian deserved the blame he got as did that poor excuse for a coach Caldwell. As far as Jim, and his decision to let PM go, I think it was a fair question to ask at that time. Personally I think he did the right thing, let the young kid learn along with his teammates is better than another 9-7 wild card first round exit we may have got with PM. Seems you would rather have the team release a paper, complete with the team spin on things, with no criticism delivered to your door.
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Just to be clear. While I disagree that Bill (no comment on son) or Jim was as bad as many on this forum would advocate(opinions yes, but facts they are not) regardless of the length to which you denigrate them personally was not the issue that I have with Mr. Kravitz methods. I would gladly read his opinions, but it appears to me that in many instances he deliberatly baits his subjects and distorts their answers when seeking responses from other parties involved. Likewise, he has appeared(to me) to deliberately misinterpret statements made by individuals and reported as such that upon clarification prove to be in contradiction to the truth.

A 9-7 record and first round exit is a valid speculation on your behalf. My speculation differs. But, that ship has long sailed and discussion is somewhat redundant.

In response to the OP, I was simply sharing my perspective of at least one individual that can no longer tolerate the Star due to Mr. Kravitz and his writings. I in know way am trying to convince you or others to do the same and nothing I've heard or read to date gives me pause to reconsider my actions.

That's it nothing more.

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wheres the article?

Yes, I agree with my friend Gavin. It is always a wise course of action to include a link to the exact article in question so patrons, bloggers, and NFL fans so they can decide for themselves the merit of both the article and the journalist superrep1967. Perhaps, this was just a minor oversight. However, most people prefer to decide for themselves what their final conclusions are and a corresponding web link to the actual article should always accompany any personal auxiliary comments. Bayone, FJC, and Gavin themselves do a superb job on this in whatever information they decide to post IMO.

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