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The MAIN Reason I hate Sanchez


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Lol... for those of you who have seen my posts displaying the hate for "The Sanchize" this is the main reason I have no sympathy for the guy... I've commented how when the game was well in hand they scored a TD and he walked by me and said "You'll never be as good as me" lol...He got me, but even worse, about a year ago I wake up to a text from my buddy at like 6AM clownin me (and he's a vikings fan, so he can't say too much) because they put this picture on SI lol... So YEAH... I hope someone puts it on him on Sunday, and I say it with no shame

I also posted this pic to my instagram months back, around training camp I think.. I tagged Bethea and asked if he could take care of him for me, and he actually responded that he would so I'm hoping he can do that, one right on the kisser! Worth the fine in my eyes ;-D

... Also any word on Mangold? remember seeing him get hurt on MNF...

Lol just thought you guys would get a few laughs from this, enjoy

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Lol... for those of you who have seen my posts displaying the hate for "The Sanchize" this is the main reason I have no sympathy for the guy... I've commented how when the game was well in hand they scored a TD and he walked by me and said "You'll never be as good as me" lol...He got me, but even worse, about a year ago I wake up to a text from my buddy at like 6AM clownin me (and he's a vikings fan, so he can't say too much) because they put this picture on SI lol... So YEAH... I hope someone puts it on him on Sunday, and I say it with no shame

I also posted this pic to my instagram months back, around training camp I think.. I tagged Bethea and asked if he could take care of him for me, and he actually responded that he would so I'm hoping he can do that, one right on the kisser! Worth the fine in my eyes ;-D

... Also any word on Mangold? remember seeing him get hurt on MNF...

Lol just thought you guys would get a few laughs from this, enjoy

Bro.... Indy fan is about to get spoiled for ANOTHER 15 year run of QB excellence.

That has NEVER been matched in NFL history..................................................

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Lol... for those of you who have seen my posts displaying the hate for "The Sanchize" this is the main reason I have no sympathy for the guy... I've commented how when the game was well in hand they scored a TD and he walked by me and said "You'll never be as good as me" lol...He got me, but even worse, about a year ago I wake up to a text from my buddy at like 6AM clownin me (and he's a vikings fan, so he can't say too much) because they put this picture on SI lol... So YEAH... I hope someone puts it on him on Sunday, and I say it with no shame

I also posted this pic to my instagram months back, around training camp I think.. I tagged Bethea and asked if he could take care of him for me, and he actually responded that he would so I'm hoping he can do that, one right on the kisser! Worth the fine in my eyes ;-D

... Also any word on Mangold? remember seeing him get hurt on MNF...

Lol just thought you guys would get a few laughs from this, enjoy

Colts vs Jets....

I do NOT WANT Sanchise in the game. Tebow would make things so easy for Indy

's D.

Stack the line and make "either beat them"....

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Lol... for those of you who have seen my posts displaying the hate for "The Sanchize" this is the main reason I have no sympathy for the guy... I've commented how when the game was well in hand they scored a TD and he walked by me and said "You'll never be as good as me" lol...He got me, but even worse, about a year ago I wake up to a text from my buddy at like 6AM clownin me (and he's a vikings fan, so he can't say too much) because they put this picture on SI lol... So YEAH... I hope someone puts it on him on Sunday, and I say it with no shame

I also posted this pic to my instagram months back, around training camp I think.. I tagged Bethea and asked if he could take care of him for me, and he actually responded that he would so I'm hoping he can do that, one right on the kisser! Worth the fine in my eyes ;-D

... Also any word on Mangold? remember seeing him get hurt on MNF...

Lol just thought you guys would get a few laughs from this, enjoy

Look where that thinking and attitude got Sanchez, now he's widely considered the most mentally fragile QB in the game. You should tweet him, let him know who you are, then tell him " you were right I'm not NFL material, while you are barely capable of playing at the NFL level, at least you got the chance to be a bust. How's that working out for you? And stop dating HS girls pedobear"

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I have no idea what you're talking about. I assume you're in this picture somewhere? Congrats?

oh thank you so much for congratulating me...... :thinking: ....I'm sorry you can't put 2 and 2 together... yeah, i didn't really explain it as best as I should have, but it was really late, and with internet grammar being as poor as it is today you gotta step your game up and follow along...

YES, that is me in the picture, being stiff armed by that punk... I had commented before how he was just one of those guys who runs his mouth because at the time he was "the man" and real arrogant about it...

Just more of a reason for wanting the W this weekend... Just trying to have a little fun... you got that now?

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Look where that thinking and attitude got Sanchez, now he's widely considered the most mentally fragile QB in the game. You should tweet him, let him know who you are, then tell him " you were right I'm not NFL material, while you are barely capable of playing at the NFL level, at least you got the chance to be a bust. How's that working out for you? And stop dating HS girls pedobear"

lol, love it...

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oh thank you so much for congratulating me...... :thinking: ....I'm sorry you can't put 2 and 2 together... yeah, i didn't really explain it as best as I should have, but it was really late, and with internet grammar being as poor as it is today you gotta step your game up and follow along...

YES, that is me in the picture, being stiff armed by that punk... I had commented before how he was just one of those guys who runs his mouth because at the time he was "the man" and real arrogant about it...

Just more of a reason for wanting the W this weekend... Just trying to have a little fun... you got that now?

No. l2inernets is no argument in this case.

You need to learn how to form a sentence. Even on the internet. I've seen 12 year old Call of Duty kids from better sentences than that on the IW boards. If you are in the pic than that makes you old enough to know better.

I like your hatred for Sanchez, so I'm not gonna ride you for grammar on a forum...this time. 0.o

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No. l2inernets is no argument in this case.

You need to learn how to form a sentence. Even on the internet. I've seen 12 year old Call of Duty kids from better sentences than that on the IW boards. If you are in the pic than that makes you old enough to know better.

I like your hatred for Sanchez, so I'm not gonna ride you for grammar on a forum...this time. 0.o



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Lol... for those of you who have seen my posts displaying the hate for "The Sanchize" this is the main reason I have no sympathy for the guy... I've commented how when the game was well in hand they scored a TD and he walked by me and said "You'll never be as good as me" lol...He got me, but even worse, about a year ago I wake up to a text from my buddy at like 6AM clownin me (and he's a vikings fan, so he can't say too much) because they put this picture on SI lol... So YEAH... I hope someone puts it on him on Sunday, and I say it with no shame

I also posted this pic to my instagram months back, around training camp I think.. I tagged Bethea and asked if he could take care of him for me, and he actually responded that he would so I'm hoping he can do that, one right on the kisser! Worth the fine in my eyes ;-D

... Also any word on Mangold? remember seeing him get hurt on MNF...

Lol just thought you guys would get a few laughs from this, enjoy

This isn't grammatically perfect but its easy to understand.

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Bro.... Indy fan is about to get spoiled for ANOTHER 15 year run of QB excellence.

That has NEVER been matched in NFL history..................................................

Packers Favre to Rodgers. Miami Griese almost straight to Marino. 49ers Montana to Young. It doesn't happen often but it has happened.
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No. l2inernets is no argument in this case.

You need to learn how to form a sentence. Even on the internet. I've seen 12 year old Call of Duty kids from better sentences than that on the IW boards. If you are in the pic than that makes you old enough to know better.

I like your hatred for Sanchez, so I'm not gonna ride you for grammar on a forum...this time. 0.o

Lol classic! I know better, just don't care... I have my degree and i've had my fair share of 'forming proper sentences' so I'll continue to be a rebel on the grammatically correct Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum!!! if that's ok with you of course?

and who chats on COD? lol from my experiences, the ONLY people who chat on COD are the cry babies who message people and complain they are cheaters or what not.... just play the game and stop messaging 12 year old kids who keep beating you!

;-D Go Colts! it's all love

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No. l2inernets is no argument in this case.

You need to learn how to form a sentence. Even on the internet. I've seen 12 year old Call of Duty kids from better sentences than that on the IW boards. If you are in the pic than that makes you old enough to know better.

I like your hatred for Sanchez, so I'm not gonna ride you for grammar on a forum...this time. 0.o

come on you're slipping... you've "seen 12 year old Call of Duty kids from better sentences"...???? hmmmmm

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Lol... for those of you who have seen my posts displaying the hate for "The Sanchize" this is the main reason I have no sympathy for the guy... I've commented how when the game was well in hand they scored a TD and he walked by me and said "You'll never be as good as me" lol...He got me, but even worse, about a year ago I wake up to a text from my buddy at like 6AM clownin me (and he's a vikings fan, so he can't say too much) because they put this picture on SI lol... So YEAH... I hope someone puts it on him on Sunday, and I say it with no shame

I also posted this pic to my instagram months back, around training camp I think.. I tagged Bethea and asked if he could take care of him for me, and he actually responded that he would so I'm hoping he can do that, one right on the kisser! Worth the fine in my eyes ;-D

... Also any word on Mangold? remember seeing him get hurt on MNF...

Lol just thought you guys would get a few laughs from this, enjoy

I wouldnt tell anyone this......I'd be bothered if I got did like this buy a kid who's a GQ coverboy and is an admitted Beiber fan....

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I don't hate Sanchez, although I am not surprised to here he has an ego, he went to USC. I just don't get why he gets so much attention for not being good. If he played for the Browns we would almost never have to hear his name, but thanks to ESPN and being in New York he is constantly talked about on ESPN radio and tv.

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I wouldnt tell anyone this......I'd be bothered if I got did like this buy a kid who's a GQ coverboy and is an admitted Beiber fan....

and ehhh it's whatever to me now, I was fighting off a block when he got me, and fighting for my life all night against a line that sent all 5 linemen to D1 schools, and easily out-weighed me by 100 pounds each... If he just flat out ran over me, I would never bring this up... I think it's funny they captured the image like they did..

But i meant for the post to be fun, give us another reason (not that he hasn't given us a few already) to just say "Come on colts fans, we got this... lets get that pretty boy this Sunday" not a topic for everyone to show who has the bigger cojones, or make it a grammar topic... never fails with you guys lol...

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oh thank you so much for congratulating me...... :thinking: ....I'm sorry you can't put 2 and 2 together... yeah, i didn't really explain it as best as I should have, but it was really late, and with internet grammar being as poor as it is today you gotta step your game up and follow along...

YES, that is me in the picture, being stiff armed by that punk... I had commented before how he was just one of those guys who runs his mouth because at the time he was "the man" and real arrogant about it...

Just more of a reason for wanting the W this weekend... Just trying to have a little fun... you got that now?

Jeeez....no need for the attitude. I think your OP was quite ambiguous as well. A simple "Yes that's me getting punked by Sanchez" would've been suffice.

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Mark Sanchez is not a franchise QB; neither is Tim Tebow. However, Tebow is the only way Rex Ryan can salvage his season and probably his job IMO. Put "kneel boy" in and see if he can pull off another miracle and a win for the NY Jets. This is gonna be fun to watch. haha Bring on the train wreck; Just how bad can bad really get? Or will Tebow rally the troops and assemble a consecutive string of victories for Rex Ryan?

Either way, pull the trigger and fire the shell in the chamber. There's nothing to lose now. A QB change must be made immediately or Rex is done in the BIG Apple.

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I'm kinda jealous. I've never been punked by an NFL QB.

It's all in fun, i'm not trying to disrespect anyone on here or have an attitude... just thought it would fire us all up and start a nice topic ripping the guy... bad idea, lol...

and that's a good way to look at it, i can tell you are a glass half full kind of guy! GO COLTS

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Lol classic! I know better, just don't care... I have my degree and i've had my fair share of 'forming proper sentences' so I'll continue to be a rebel on the grammatically correct Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum!!! if that's ok with you of course?

and who chats on COD? lol from my experiences, the ONLY people who chat on COD are the cry babies who message people and complain they are cheaters or what not.... just play the game and stop messaging 12 year old kids who keep beating you!

;-D Go Colts! it's all love

:funny: Love it

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Mark Sanchez is not a franchise QB; neither is Tim Tebow. However, Tebow is the only way Rex Ryan can salvage his season and probably his job IMO. Put "kneel boy" in and see if he can pull off another miracle and a win for the NY Jets. This is gonna be fun to watch. haha Bring on the train wreck; Just how bad can bad really get? Or will Tebow rally the troops and assemble a consecutive string of victories for Rex Ryan?

Either way, pull the trigger and fire the shell in the chamber. There's nothing to lose now. A QB change must be made immediately or Rex is done in the BIG Apple.

I love the "kneel boy" quote SW...but let me add a little to it, if I may.

1st off, if "Kneel boy" gets in he'll be kneeling in the huddle, praying..Dear Lord, please don't let that Freeney guy hit me anymore. I know that you had the weight of the cross, and all of us sinners to carry, but I just can't take one more hit from this man.

Then he tries a draw up the middle, and runs head on into Redding...He lays there dazed, and then prays..Dear Lord, I thought the walls of Jericho fell. I think you might have missed a very large piece, because I just ran into it. Still seems pretty solid to me.

And, lastly, after the game, in the locker room, as his sore, tired, and bruised muscles are being attended to by the trainers..Lord, I think I went down the wrong path...Is it time for me to take a different path away from football...this doesn't seem to be working out too well.

NOTE: I have nothing against Tebow as a person of faith..I just don't think he's cut out for football.

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