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As I Sit Here in Total Shock: My Fear is Pagano is Out for the Year. Tom Moore on speed dial please.


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me thinks that is an overreaction. if a new coach has to be brought in i think the colts would make sure it's someone who is content with the current offensive staff....much like they did when they went from mora to dungy.

If Arians doesn't cut it as interim head coach, I don't see why any of the offensive staff would be retained.

Off topic: What's with everyone saying, "me thinks" before every opinion? Is this some kind of medieval internet meme that I missed or something?

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I do not want this thread misrepresented. We will need a coach. This is Bruce Arian's system. Even as head coach he has the reigns to 'oversee the offense.' (See Sean Payton when in New Orleans.)

I mention Tom Moore due to his knowledge of the game.....(Someone actually thinks Moore does not know the Arians offense?) Moore probably knows more than Arians....about that offense....it is not complicated

Bring on the opinions.....and remember this is not a 6 week deal with our coach. This will continue to be a life threatening condition.

Naturally, I echo everyone's deepest sympathies and prayers for a full and speedy recovery from Pagano's diagnosis of Leukemia recently. I never wanna see anyone perish or die. I wish Pagano's family quiet confidence, comfort, and peace as they face uncharted waters and a roller coaster ride of emotions.

However Brent's point is a valid one: What is the best management of this team in Pagano's unfortunate absence? Typically, dual functions in a head coach/offensive coordinator under the umbrella of one man seldom works well or effectively. Like the marriage of head coach/general manager, this arrangement rarely bears beneficial fruit for a football franchise on average. Personally, I would have zero problems with bringing in Tom Moore to alleviate some of the load and pressure off of Bruce Arians right now. Continuity under 1 central voice is essential IMO. There has to be a distinct structure and change of command among coaching positions with 1 role per coach only, not juggling multiple hats or roles in the air at the same time by a lone individual. Look at the situation in New Orleans right now. Dancing hats/positions clearly isn't working smoothly for the Saints at the moment.

I don't mean to sound cold and insensitive here, but given the massive turnover and youthful inexperience on our roster a central head coaching voice must be heard without interruption and without a blurred message by a variety of voices confusing the goals of this organization. Jim Irsay and Ryan Grigson will steer the Colts ship through these choppy and unpredictable waters. Of that, I have no doubts, no worries, or reservations. God's speed Chuck Pagano. In the meantime, the Colts still have other matters to attend to and a job to do.

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Truth be told, Tom Moore would make the most sense if we did bring somebody else in. Arians basically adopted Moore's ideologies on offense (single back, exclusively. Dual TE and 3+ receiver sets w/ zone blocking concepts), Moore has relationship with Irsay, Arians and Luck (worked with him in the off-season.) And who better to tutor our new QB than the guy who helped make our previous QB a legend in his own right?

I wouldn't be opposed to it. Moore does fit

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Truth be told, Tom Moore would make the most sense if we did bring somebody else in. Arians basically adopted Moore's ideologies on offense (single back, exclusively. Dual TE and 3+ receiver sets w/ zone blocking concepts), Moore has relationship with Irsay, Arians and Luck (worked with him in the off-season.) And who better to tutor our new QB than the guy who helped make our previous QB a legend in his own right?

I wouldn't be opposed to it. Moore does fit

Beautifully stated ahf321. Bravo!!!

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It has finally happened. The Colts suffered a defeat on a bye week. :(I know someone with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, and they take med twice a day every day. Forever. I wish both could be cured and also never have meds or side effects because of it.

Sorry to hear about your friend ColtsBlueFL. Yes, side effects to medication can be awful, even worse than the original condition/disease in some cases. Cures never due seem to arrive fast enough unfortunately. I agree.

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I for one am sick and sad to learn that our feisty coach is battling leukemia As we know. Bruce Arians now named as the Interim head coach.

My thoughts.....Tom Moore on speed dial (for either OC or QB Coach)......we will need another coach. Clyde Christianson seems to be doing a nice job with the receivers. Colt fans chime in....and prayers once again for the Pagano Family, Colts Family and all that suffer from disease and all problems that life present. Go Coach Pagano! We are rolling up our sleeves for you!

:colts: :colts: :colts:

wish him a recovery and a happy ending, but if we have to get another coach ray horton down here in az is doing a heck of a job with the cardinals defense
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wish him a recovery and a happy ending, but if we have to get another coach ray horton down here in az is doing a heck of a job with the cardinals defense

Yup, Ray has the men under his supervision firing on all cylinders. Absolutely right ace_6900...That defense is remarkable! Tough and fundamentally sound. They are on fire and relentless just like an intimidating defense should be IMO. :flaming::bomb:

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Yes let's bring in Tom Moore. Let's bring in an OC who runs a totally different philosophy and scheme and gameplan and everything else. Let's bring in a guy who has not been here since the new era started and start over four weeks into the season. That makes tons of sense!

We don't need another coach. It's terrible that Pagano is sick. But I think he'll be fine from the sound of it. It sounds like he's done for the year. Arians is a veteren coach and will hold the fort down. Hopefully, Chuck makes a full recovery and is back for a great run next year.

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One unknown factor to consider here. I was diagnosed with bowel and prostate cancer within 30 days of each other. 4 years later so far so good. But in the aftermath of treatments, you do a lot of reading about what you can do to minimize your chances of relapse. And EVERYTHING I read that I respected listed adequate rest and minimizing stress as two of the most important things you can do, along with nutrition and exercise. Not predicting or preaching, but just pointing out how much at odds his career is with those recommendations.

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One unknown factor to consider here. I was diagnosed with bowel and prostate cancer within 30 days of each other. 4 years later so far so good. But in the aftermath of treatments, you do a lot of reading about what you can do to minimize your chances of relapse. And EVERYTHING I read that I respected listed adequate rest and minimizing stress as two of the most important things you can do, along with nutrition and exercise. Not predicting or preaching, but just pointing out how much at odds his career is with those recommendations.

Such a scary scary illness. The word terrifies me. So happy you are doing well. As for Pagano what ever he needs to do to beat this thing is priority #1. If it means not coaching again to make sure it never comes back then so be it. He is a human being first, his priority is life and family. To any other cancer survivors, or friends and family of those affected by it God bless, the Colts family is always here for you. Rise Above Cancer.

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:flaming: I for one find this all somewhat disturbing.... there's more to life than football!! I guess you wouldn't fully understand what this all means unless you've been there yourself... already talking about bringing in a new coach because Chuck will be out for so long... What is wrong with you people!!! First of all... he has the right, just as anyone who becomes sick to keep his job... It all depends on how he responds to the treatments as to how long he could be out. The most important thing right now and his health and if it turns everything upside down then so be it. I've seen so many people who are more interested in exactly what the disease is, how you cure it and what they can do to help... then I come on here and it's unbelievable!!! No one is questioning the Pink everywhere because it's Breast Cancer Awareness month... well this is a wake up call to people everywhere that there are other cancers out there that need awareness and help to find a cure. It makes me sick to think that the Colts have to go through the month honoring BCA when their Coach is Battling something just as dangerous... They should be able to back him full force... wear orange... play their hearts out for him and do what they can to work through the changes. The last thing I want to see walking into the stadium Sunday is people passing out pink ribbons or wearing pink anything.... our support should not waiver.... we shouldn't be discussing how bad this is going to be for the team, for Luck having so many changes, needing to just bring in a new coach.... we should be continuing to support them regardless as to who is on the sideline and most of all we need to back our current coach who needs us now more than ever!! Think about priorities here people!!!
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:flaming: I for one find this all somewhat disturbing.... there's more to life than football!! I guess you wouldn't fully understand what this all means unless you've been there yourself... already talking about bringing in a new coach because Chuck will be out for so long... What is wrong with you people!!! First of all... he has the right, just as anyone who becomes sick to keep his job... It all depends on how he responds to the treatments as to how long he could be out. The most important thing right now and his health and if it turns everything upside down then so be it. I've seen so many people who are more interested in exactly what the disease is, how you cure it and what they can do to help... then I come on here and it's unbelievable!!! No one is questioning the Pink everywhere because it's Breast Cancer Awareness month... well this is a wake up call to people everywhere that there are other cancers out there that need awareness and help to find a cure. It makes me sick to think that the Colts have to go through the month honoring BCA when their Coach is Battling something just as dangerous... They should be able to back him full force... wear orange... play their hearts out for him and do what they can to work through the changes. The last thing I want to see walking into the stadium Sunday is people passing out pink ribbons or wearing pink anything.... our support should not waiver.... we shouldn't be discussing how bad this is going to be for the team, for Luck having so many changes, needing to just bring in a new coach.... we should be continuing to support them regardless as to who is on the sideline and most of all we need to back our current coach who needs us now more than ever!! Think about priorities here people!!!

Wow, chill the heck out. Nearly every post has included well wishes for coach pagano and family. All of colts nation loves our coach and want to see him back on the side line.

However, there is the very real and unfortunate chance that it could be 2 years or more before he can come back as head coach full time. Not discussing that possibility will not make it any less real.

There are already a number of threads for people to send him well wishes. Everyone knows that his health comes first. However time unfortunately will not stand still waiting to see how his treatment goes. The nfl isnt going to pause the season until he gets better.

If people were saying "oh great the coach got sick, hes done, dump him and move on" then i could see a reason to take offense. That has not been the case however. We all love coach pagano and want to see him back to full health and back on the sidelines, with the former obviously taking preference over the latter. However there is a chance the latter may not happen, or may not be possible for 2 years or more. As sad as it is, time stands still for no one.

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No offense but if It was that easy coaches wouldn't get paid nearly what they get paid and they wouldn't get fired as much as they do.

I can see your point about Moore he was the OC when Arians was the QB coach the first time around and probanly knows the game well enough to pick up any offense. With that said I am not sure hiting the team with a new coach and even more change is a good thing right now. If this going to be a prolonged thing beyond this season maybe they will look at adding a guy like Moore who would probably just retire for good once pagano came back but I am not sure if they do it in the middle of the season.

No offense taken. All points valid and well said. Moore has worked with Luck too.....and he is not a stranger to the Colts....yet a stranger to some of the new faces. These are difficult times for sure. Edited by Nadine
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It has finally happened. The Colts suffered a defeat on a bye week. :( I know someone with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, and they take med twice a day every day. Forever. I wish both could be cured and also never have meds or side effects because of it.

Very sorry to hear about your friend, and yes to be so sad for our coach on the bye week.

One thing I would like to share is that while not leukemia, my nephew had liver cancer at the age of 10 months. Our family was doom and gloom....expecting the worst. Riley hospital doctors cured what was a 30-70 chance to live. He just finished his Masters and is living in Colts Blue Florida."

Continued good luck to your friend and to our feisty head coach....if anyone fight it...it is Coach Pagano.

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Yes let's bring in Tom Moore. Let's bring in an OC who runs a totally different philosophy and scheme and gameplan and everything else. Let's bring in a guy who has not been here since the new era started and start over four weeks into the season. That makes tons of sense!

We don't need another coach. It's terrible that Pagano is sick. But I think he'll be fine from the sound of it. It sounds like he's done for the year. Arians is a veteren coach and will hold the fort down. Hopefully, Chuck makes a full recovery and is back for a great run next year.

Familiarity is there.....how is it working for the Saints without a true head coach....0-4. Arians system was Moore's system.....yes with changes.

Not arguing your point really. I just remember some saying that the Saints would still be the Saints without Payton because they had Brees to run the offense...and Spags a DC. Tom Moore knows Luck...and we will be seeing the no huddle...and Moore/Luck combo there could be dangerous!

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Familiarity is there.....how is it working for the Saints without a true head coach....0-4. Arians system was Moore's system.....yes with changes.

Not arguing your point really. I just remember some saying that the Saints would still be the Saints without Payton because they had Brees to run the offense...and Spags a DC. Tom Moore knows Luck...and we will be seeing the no huddle...and Moore/Luck combo there could be dangerous!

This is my biggest fear. We have to fill in the gap for the period of Pagano's absence. We need an interim OC, Arians is the interim HC. Our FO is in a tough situation IMO.

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:flaming: I for one find this all somewhat disturbing.... there's more to life than football!! I guess you wouldn't fully understand what this all means unless you've been there yourself... already talking about bringing in a new coach because Chuck will be out for so long... What is wrong with you people!!! First of all... he has the right, just as anyone who becomes sick to keep his job... It all depends on how he responds to the treatments as to how long he could be out. The most important thing right now and his health and if it turns everything upside down then so be it. I've seen so many people who are more interested in exactly what the disease is, how you cure it and what they can do to help... then I come on here and it's unbelievable!!! No one is questioning the Pink everywhere because it's Breast Cancer Awareness month... well this is a wake up call to people everywhere that there are other cancers out there that need awareness and help to find a cure. It makes me sick to think that the Colts have to go through the month honoring BCA when their Coach is Battling something just as dangerous... They should be able to back him full force... wear orange... play their hearts out for him and do what they can to work through the changes. The last thing I want to see walking into the stadium Sunday is people passing out pink ribbons or wearing pink anything.... our support should not waiver.... we shouldn't be discussing how bad this is going to be for the team, for Luck having so many changes, needing to just bring in a new coach.... we should be continuing to support them regardless as to who is on the sideline and most of all we need to back our current coach who needs us now more than ever!! Think about priorities here people!!!

I understand that you are angry and upset but, I see you are a new member and ask you to consider that your rage is inappropriately targeted at our members here.

This is a difficult time for our Coach as well as for our team. Everyone here is human, everyone understands and sympathizes. How can you not?

However, logging in to shame and blame and target everyone is not appropriate and not helpful.

Please take some time to get to know our members, you will find they are just as nice as you are.

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I think this is another good time to take a break to remind everyone that all of our thoughts and prayers are with Coach Pagano and all of those dealing with all health issues including our military personnel who return home to try to live new live....and those who never return.

Also a reminder that this was posted AS a football topic focusing on how the Colts need to move forward. I agree with all comments that mention football means nothing when compared to battling disease......I will write a book or two some day on the miracles I have lived through my family, the elderly, and mans best friend.

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For the year? I think that's probably best case scenario. I'm reading that the treatments can include chemotherapy for up to two years. It's hard for people working a relatively stress-free job to handle chemo, especially for two years. Pagano is a tough dude, but he'd have to be more than that to coach NFL football while on chemo. I expect Arians to be named the head coach before next season starts, and for Pagano to take a year or so off. That's probably best for him and his family.

I have to agree...I was going on the original release of 6 weeks.....without question if he has chemo for 2 years it with be exhausting. He is not a youngster either. point well taken Superman.
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:flaming: I for one find this all somewhat disturbing.... there's more to life than football!! I guess you wouldn't fully understand what this all means unless you've been there yourself... already talking about bringing in a new coach because Chuck will be out for so long... What is wrong with you people!!! First of all... he has the right, just as anyone who becomes sick to keep his job... It all depends on how he responds to the treatments as to how long he could be out. The most important thing right now and his health and if it turns everything upside down then so be it. I've seen so many people who are more interested in exactly what the disease is, how you cure it and what they can do to help... then I come on here and it's unbelievable!!! No one is questioning the Pink everywhere because it's Breast Cancer Awareness month... well this is a wake up call to people everywhere that there are other cancers out there that need awareness and help to find a cure. It makes me sick to think that the Colts have to go through the month honoring BCA when their Coach is Battling something just as dangerous... They should be able to back him full force... wear orange... play their hearts out for him and do what they can to work through the changes. The last thing I want to see walking into the stadium Sunday is people passing out pink ribbons or wearing pink anything.... our support should not waiver.... we shouldn't be discussing how bad this is going to be for the team, for Luck having so many changes, needing to just bring in a new coach.... we should be continuing to support them regardless as to who is on the sideline and most of all we need to back our current coach who needs us now more than ever!! Think about priorities here people!!!

I believe I can understand your side, where your perspective comes from. OTOH, we have lot's of good peeps here too. One designed orange ribbon wrapped around the left side of the shoe on the helmet as a logo. There's a dedicated thread just to well wishes/prayers for Pagano, no football.

Now, folks wonder how this will affect our team and growth, as the kingpin of the Colts total remake and rebuild is no under attack. Doesn't mean they aren't fully behind Chuck and his recovery.

And it is an interesting concept... that the Colts would get to sport some orange instead of just pink.

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First, like most have done here let me start by wishing the best to Pagano and his family.

Too everyone suggesting the Colts bring in Tom Moore, let me ask you a question - when was the last time a team made an in-season change and brought someone from outside to be a coordinator or Head Coach? There may be limited examples that escape me but on balance, it is not a practice that is used frequently. Why is that? Because those guys are not familiar with players, coaches, terminology - basically anything about the team. This is clearly not ideal under any circumstance, but the short-term solution of someone in-house clearly makes the most sense.

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First, like most have done here let me start by wishing the best to Pagano and his family.

Too everyone suggesting the Colts bring in Tom Moore, let me ask you a question - when was the last time a team made an in-season change and brought someone from outside to be a coordinator or Head Coach? There may be limited examples that escape me but on balance, it is not a practice that is used frequently. Why is that? Because those guys are not familiar with players, coaches, terminology - basically anything about the team. This is clearly not ideal under any circumstance, but the short-term solution of someone in-house clearly makes the most sense.

I would have to research that jskinnz. We are so young I feel we need a veteran presense. Tom Moore is a Colt Man....he has worked with Luck.....Arians learned offense schemes from Moore. The other idea is move Clyde Christensen....or have him call plays as QB coach.....just not a Clyde fan. Moore does know the system.....just wondering what our assistant to the head coach does...never hear a peep about him.... Edited by BrentMc11
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I would have to research that jskinnz. We are so young I feel we need a veteran presense. Tom Moore is a Colt Man....he has worked with Luck.....Arians learned offense schemes from Moore. The other idea is move Clyde Christensen....or have him call plays as QB coach.....just not a Clyde fan. Moore does know the system.....just wondering what our assistant to the head coach does...never hear a peep about him....

Tom Moore is simply not nearly as informed enough about this version of the Colts.

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Tom Moore is simply not nearly as informed enough about this version of the Colts.

Not going to argue.....he arguably knows more about offenses than anyone (as I said earlier the Arians offense is not complicated/and quite predictable)....definitely on our offensive staff. It was just my opinion with his knowledge of the game and Luck. I value your opinion.
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A seasoned football coach can come in and look at any playbook and be able to comprehend it like the majority of us could with something by Dr. Seuss. The verbage might different, some concepts might be different, but a seasoned coach like Moore could hit the ground running.

I do like how the Saints avoided giving their Interim to the Interim Head Coach to someone other than their OC/DC, it hasn't worked out for them as planned, but I'm not putting the blame on the guy they have in place.

On this staff there really wasn't anyone to fit the bill like that if they wanted to leave Arians/Mulunksy as only coordinators.

I don't have the answer to jskinnz inquiry or know if it has ever really happened, but I wouldn't really call turning to Moore going outside the organization. He has worked with the starting QB in the offseason. He has a relationship with Wayne and Brown. Wow, it's really sad that those are the only two guys left from that offense.

It's not the most opportune move, but what could be considering the circumstances.

I also don't see Arians giving control away either.

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A seasoned football coach can come in and look at any playbook and be able to comprehend it like the majority of us could with something by Dr. Seuss. The verbage might different, some concepts might be different, but a seasoned coach like Moore could hit the ground running.

I do like how the Saints avoided giving their Interim to the Interim Head Coach to someone other than their OC/DC, it hasn't worked out for them as planned, but I'm not putting the blame on the guy they have in place.

On this staff there really wasn't anyone to fit the bill like that if they wanted to leave Arians/Mulunksy as only coordinators.

I don't have the answer to jskinnz inquiry or know if it has ever really happened, but I wouldn't really call turning to Moore going outside the organization. He has worked with the starting QB in the offseason. He has a relationship with Wayne and Brown. Wow, it's really sad that those are the only two guys left from that offense.

It's not the most opportune move, but what could be considering the circumstances.

I also don't see Arians giving control away either.

This is as well put as any comment on this post Fire Jim! Well stated my friend. Maybe the best point is the last one....

"I also don't see Arians giving control away either."

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This is as well put as any comment on this post Fire Jim! Well stated my friend. Maybe the best point is the last one....

"I also don't see Arians giving control away either."

I studied the Steelers playbook after you posted.....so simplistic....a caveman could do it :)
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I studied the Steelers playbook after you posted.....so simplistic....a caveman could do it :)

I'm sorry but this is funny... where did you find a copy of the steelers playbook? and if it were that easy I don't think they would pay their coaches as much as they do

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I'm sorry but this is funny... where did you find a copy of the steelers playbook? and if it were that easy I don't think they would pay their coaches as much as they do

Fire Jim posted awhile back....not sure where he got it. I know it was vanilla, but still straight from and old Steelers playbook under Arians...Kind of being a smartelic as usual jvan1973....no NFL offense is truly "simplistic." Although the caveman would be hilarious in headphones :)
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Fire Jim posted awhile back....not sure where he got it. I know it was vanilla, but still straight from and old Steelers playbook under Arians...Kind of being a smartelic as usual jvan1973....no NFL offense is truly "simplistic." Although the caveman would be hilarious in headphones :)

I'm surprised that commercial hasn't happened yet... I think the geico ad team dropped the ball with not doing the caveman in a refs uniform

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:flaming: I for one find this all somewhat disturbing.... there's more to life than football!! I guess you wouldn't fully understand what this all means unless you've been there yourself... already talking about bringing in a new coach because Chuck will be out for so long... What is wrong with you people!!! First of all... he has the right, just as anyone who becomes sick to keep his job... It all depends on how he responds to the treatments as to how long he could be out. The most important thing right now and his health and if it turns everything upside down then so be it. I've seen so many people who are more interested in exactly what the disease is, how you cure it and what they can do to help... then I come on here and it's unbelievable!!! No one is questioning the Pink everywhere because it's Breast Cancer Awareness month... well this is a wake up call to people everywhere that there are other cancers out there that need awareness and help to find a cure. It makes me sick to think that the Colts have to go through the month honoring BCA when their Coach is Battling something just as dangerous... They should be able to back him full force... wear orange... play their hearts out for him and do what they can to work through the changes. The last thing I want to see walking into the stadium Sunday is people passing out pink ribbons or wearing pink anything.... our support should not waiver.... we shouldn't be discussing how bad this is going to be for the team, for Luck having so many changes, needing to just bring in a new coach.... we should be continuing to support them regardless as to who is on the sideline and most of all we need to back our current coach who needs us now more than ever!! Think about priorities here people!!!

This is a person who is totally over-reacting and as a result went out of her way to create an account just to chastise a bunch of football fans on a message board talking about football. *SHOCK* LOL!

Get well soon Coach and come back strong! #Chuckstrong! Until then, people will post about about bringing in Tom Moore and most everyone else will post about whether it's a dumb idea or not on a football message forum. You people are so disrespectful!

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I'm sorry but this is funny... where did you find a copy of the steelers playbook? and if it were that easy I don't think they would pay their coaches as much as they do

Fire Jim posted awhile back....not sure where he got it. I know it was vanilla, but still straight from and old Steelers playbook under Arians...Kind of being a smartelic as usual jvan1973....no NFL offense is truly "simplistic." Although the caveman would be hilarious in headphones :)

There are resources out there for stuff like that. I believe this one was from 2004, when he was the WR coach with Pitt, but still a lot of the same concepts carried over into what Arians did there and is doing here.

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