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I hate to be "that" guy, but...


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Did the refs try to make us lose that game? Wait, wait, wait! Stay with me. The refs let an enormous amount of home teams win last week because they were swayed by crowds. Is it possible that the refs told the officials to be less biased to home teams, and they took it the complete other way? We were held back by our playcalling and the refs. Those things, not our talent, lost us the game.

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Those refs were abysmal. I think they were afraid of Jacksonville's players. The should all be fired. It's one thing to make a bad call or two, but 4 or more in a single drive? Just awful. Such a shame that the NFL's reluctance to pay officials is causing teams games.

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I honestly believe players and fans are now blaming alot their troubles on the replacement refs. The normal refs screwed NFL Teams over all the time. Although I agree with the Avery play being a miscall, there was plenty the players did do that hurt us (AV miss kicked, Sergio brown coverage, conservative play calling, etc..).

However, the sooner the refs do come back, the better but I worry more about how the team played then some bad noncall

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There is no conspiracy here. Replacement refs have been sucking all along. It was just our week to get bit in the butt by them. It helped to cost us the game but was not the main reason we lost. Game should have never came down to that to begin with if we had coaches who knew how to coach in the 2nd half with a lead. News flash Pagano, the Colts don't have a Raven-like defense or running game yet. Turtle ball for an entire 3rd quarter is handicapping us not helping us.

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sorry not even reading the replies, but in my opinion they definitely let the crowd/teams help with calls... they will miss a call, and a team will scream at the top of their lungs and a flag will fly... no confidence in themselves it's so embarrassing, and how they slow down the game... and on Vinatieri's first attempt we ran out of time, but they took forever to spot the ball after 3rd down and our line was just standing on the field because they had no idea if we were a yard short or not, realistically they knew, but the ref took forever to spot the ball, messing with our flow.... That third to last drive where we came up empty, that was awful, PI reggie was being hugged, and then that helmet contact to avery wow.. not only was he early but he hit him in the helmet screwing his vision... then as we are rushing up to the ball at the end they let time run off because the Jags DT's decided to take their time getting back to their side of the ball... where is the delay of game... its just like grow a pair

Other than that we need to execute we don't capitalize when we should.... frustrating....

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anddddd on that Last TD pass from Gabbert, i just don't see how they miss Rob Mathis pull his spin move and get facemasked.. if i saw that in real time someone has to see that down there... but even worse no one acknowledges how bad the refs are, it will be discussed for 10 seconds and moved on from... but its all about the integrity of the game right??

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The refs have been bad all year.

But I'm hearing more and more "But that was PI" "They were holding" kinda stuff... Truth is, you're supposed to execute to the point that the blown or missed call(s), whatever they may be, don't affect your outcome. We're not getting that done first and foremost... The bad refereeing is just compounding our already bad execution.

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The Colts have plenty to blame themselves for in this loss and I don't think there was any "conspiracy."


That was without a doubt the worst officiating I've ever seen in my entire life.

It may not be their "fault" but these replacement refs are going to turn the NFL into the joke of the professional sports world.

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nope i have the answer... wait for it.............................................................................. the colts just got beat. That int by luck didnt help, that missed kick by vinateri didnt help and that last td from the jags sure didnt help.

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Did the refs try to make us lose that game? Wait, wait, wait! Stay with me. The refs let an enormous amount of home teams win last week because they were swayed by crowds. Is it possible that the refs told the officials to be less biased to home teams, and they took it the complete other way? We were held back by our playcalling and the refs. Those things, not our talent, lost us the game.

The refs had nothing to do with the 80 yard TD pass that cost us the game. That's what lost us the game because even with the refs we were able to take the lead. Either way we can focus on fixing our defense we can't do much about the refs.
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The refs had nothing to do with the 80 yard TD pass that cost us the game. That's what lost us the game because even with the refs we were able to take the lead. Either way we can focus on fixing our defense we can't do much about the refs.

Except for missing the face mask on Mathis, which would have negated that play and backed then up.

IMO if he doesn't get face masked towards the ground, Mathis gets to Gabbert. I was at the stadium so it may have been farther apart then it looked from my seat, but that's my assessment at least.

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