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I Love My Quarterback But He's Such A Boring Guy!


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I don't see how they're mutually exclusive.

Yeah I agree! You can focus on your endorsements and commercials, along with focusing on your football career if you want. A player doesn't have to be focused on one, and selfish if he does the other. You just have to be balanced in your pursuit of both if you decide to do so. Some people are fine just playing football and that's okay!

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Are you KIDDING me?!

Peyton was, for a solid DECADE, the biggest commercial prostitute in NFL history.

Irony, thy name is HungarianColtsFan.

Seriously, did we draft a QB or a TV celebrity?

In my opinion the main thing how he performs on the field.

Peyton handled these thing in an other way, but Luck seems to be less interested in commercials or media-appearance...

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People also need to keep in mind that 99% of any commercial shot is done during the off-season. I guess the Hurricane Katrina ads that Favre & the Manning brothers shot had to come during the season but rarely will they be filming during the season even on their off days or bye weeks.

A player doing an ad isn't keeping him away from working on his game. A player is going to put in the same amount of work whether they have a commercial shooting scheduled or not.

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I don't care if he doesn't do commercials....some of you forget Peyton wasn't doing commercials in his rookie year.

I will make this point...Luck sounds nearly identical to actor Joel David Moore (the tall geeky guy from Avatar, Grandma's Boy, and other films). It's almost scary when I hear him talk without seeing him, like on the radio, they sound like they could be twins; until you see them.

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I don't care if he doesn't do commercials....some of you forget Peyton wasn't doing commercials in his rookie year.

I will make this point...Luck sounds nearly identical to actor Joel David Moore (the tall geeky guy from Avatar, Grandma's Boy, and other films). It's almost scary when I hear him talk without seeing him, like on the radio, they sound like they could be twins; until you see them.

I never noticed that, but yes! They don't look totally different, either. If I found out they were brothers or cousins, it wouldn't surprise me.


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Could you imagine this guy doing that same commercial that Peyton does

about the Buick Verano or whatever you call that car?

Actually I can imagine it. Maybe not the same commercials, but after some success, I could see him doing some commercials. At first, I couldn't imagine "oh shucks" peyton manning doing many national spots. But as his legacy grew, so did his opportunities. Whether or not Andrew chooses to do them is his decision, but I could definitely see it. At least he has a smile a mile wide.

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how do you guys determine who is boring anyway? have you listened to these guys being interviews by non sports personalities?

tiger...personality of a flat tire


lebron....so original wearing those fake geek glasses

you see these guys on late night talk shows and the like and they have zero personality.

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Andrew Luck is goofy he laughs at the littlest things in his interviews. but i dont care what your personality is you can act like Dennis Green all day everyday. as long as your putting up solid numbers and solid play every sunday. He is not boring to watch on Sunday I can tell you that

Andrew is in a tough spot PR-wise and he's handled it so well than nobody notices...


He's still the guy 'replacing Peyton Manning' and if that was me, I woildmt be coming in tryiong to be a big media star until I accomplished something..

RG3 isnt replacing anybody (no offense...Rex Grossman)

I think Luck will do a lot of commericals and ads.....but after he's played a season and established that suggests he's a quality successor to Manning

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He seems like a normal guy, not a celebrity-type. I'm sure he is worrying more about his production on the field rather than how many commercials he has. He knows his responsibility is football, nothing else. Peyton didn't have commercials his rookie year either if you really want to keep comparing him.

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To be honest I agree that he is kinda boring. He comes off as nervous and figgity during interviews as well. It's alright though. I don't really have to watch his interviews or commercials for that matter if I don't want to. So long as he's a cool dude while executing on the field...that's all that matters.

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I think that Lucks personality is fine, he is just what many may call nerdy. Some might even call him a L7.

But if you want somebody who has zero personalit, look at Blake Griffen, he has literally zero personality...and his commercials are still hilarious.

Peyton isn't a magnetic person...he like a character on king of the hill, nothing that luck can't match

Sorry but Blake Griffin commercials are not funny. I think Luck could probably pull funnier commercials than that.

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