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What are the most memorable Colt game(s) you have attended?

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I was reminiscing last night, and I actually have 4 memorable games that I was fortunate enough to attend. Unfortunately, 3 of the 4 were Colt losses to the Steelers, but they are games I will never forget.

1) I was living in PA at the time, and a friend of mine who was a Steeler season ticket holder asked me if I wanted to go to Pittsburgh to see the AFC Championship game. He asked me because he knew I was a die-hard Colts fan. That was the year of Captain Comeback, Jim Harbaugh. The crowd got so quiet when Harbaugh threw the Hail Mary into the end zone, and it appeared that Aaron Bailey caught the ball..I was jumping up and down celebrating the win, until I saw the incomplete call. My heart sank, but the Steeler fans showed great class, and congratulated the Colts. Many said it was the greatest game they ever saw, and for excitement, it was, even with a Colts loss.

2) The second game, I can't remember the year offhand, was another like the first. It was back and forth all game long...Bradshaw leading the Steelers , and Bert Jones leading the Colts. With one minute left, Jones had led the Colts to a first and goal on the 1 with 1 minute left. He threw a quick out to Carr for the TD...until the dreaded flag...HOLDING..OFFENSE...The next play from the 11, Jones, back to pass, threw to Carr again, but Donnie Shell intercepted, and ran it back to mid-field. Why is this so memorable? I found out later that I was on national TV, spelling out C-O-L-T-S, decked out in all Colts gear...along side another guy, who was dressed out in a Colts cowboy uniform with sequins. I think he was a kind of mascot for the Colts at that time, but knowing that him and I together spelling out COLTS on National TV, made it memorable. (even though I never actually got to see it)

3) Another loss to the Steelers in the playoffs..40-14 December 19th, 1976..it wasn't about the game, its about what happened right afterwards...That was the day, right after the game ended, that a small Cesna plane crashed into the upper deck of Memorial Stadium. Luckily, no fan was injured or killed, but it was very close to the Section where I was sitting not 15 min. earlier. I was walking out of the stadium when there was a loud crash, and the stadium shook. When we found out on the radio on the way home, we were all in shock, thanking God that we and everyone else was ok. Having just turned 14, this was very scary.

4) Last one. My wife is from near Vincennes, so we were in Indiana for Thanksgiving in 2005. My wife gave me an early Christmas gift. She got me 40 yard line tickets to see the Steeler/Colts Monday Night game a few years back. Chills were running down my spine as I got to see my beloved Colts for the first time in many years. When Peyton came out, chills went up and down my spine, as I felt the energy and anticipation from the crowd. Fist play of the game, Peyton dropped back to pass, I saw Marvin open and yelled..HE'S OPEN...OMG..HIT HIM PEYTON!!!...and then..the most beautiful pass..right into Marvin's hands in stride, directly in front of me, and he basically walked into the end zone for a TD on the first play. All game long the Colts dominated, and destroyed the Steelers 26-7. My only experience in the Dome, but what an experience. The best Christmas gift I ever got.

Since I'm kind of a newbie on this forum, I was curious to see what your favorite Colts experience(s) are? I hope this topic brings back fond memories to everyone.

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1. I went to the chargers game in 2004 where Peyton broke the (at the time) touchdown record.

2. Peyton Manning's first regular season win over Ryan Leaf and the Chargers

3. The Jets game in '09 where we pulled the starters

I actually had tickets for the Patriots game where we made the epic comeback in 2009, but I sold them because I had an early exam the next day :(

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1. Hands down the most memorable game for me was the 2006 AFC championship game against the Pats in the Dome. The atmosphere was insanely electric. No game I've attended since even comes close to matching it.

2. When Manning threw the 49th TD pass with a shovel pass to James Mungro in the dome and broke the record.

3. When former Jags QB Byron Leftwich decided flipping off the colts sideline was a good idea, lol.

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1. Hands down the most memorable game for me was the 2006 AFC championship game against the Pats in the Dome. The atmosphere was insanely electric. No game I've attended since even comes close to matching it.

2. When Manning threw the 49th TD pass with a shovel pass to James Mungro in the dome and broke the record.

3. When former Jags QB Byron Leftwich decided flipping off the colts sideline was a good idea, lol.

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The worst memory, Monday night football game at Tenn when Colts lost and they had a towels for sale after the game saying something

about killing Colts fans, SICK!!!!! And I didn't prepare to well and me and my wife like to frozze to death!!! And I love the cold!!!!

The best memorys are, I attended 3 games in Indy And Colts WON THEM ALL!!!!! So if anyone would like to pay my way to Indy and all

the games at home, we will go undefeated at home!!!! LOL!!!!


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Let's just say I've never had a "bad" experience at a Colts Game. Although I've only been to one game at LOS, and it was really awesome to see the new stadium, I was fortunate enough to attend several games at the RCA Dome, and loved the atmosphere in there. One game that sticks out in my memory is Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001...the first game after 9/11, All of the NFL games the weekend before were cancelled due to the crisis our country had faced, I remember on the way to the game thinking, Our country is in turmoil and we're headed to a Football Game. :???: something didn't sit right with me.... However, It turned out to be a great day, and I was very glad we went. The pre-game ceremony was very emotional. Bon Jovi sang America the Beautiful, and a local officer sang the National Anthem, and I might add, did an excellent job. Colts beat the Bills 42 - 26 that game.

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I've been to two in my life. The game versus the Chiefs back in 2010, where Peyton didn't throw a td but we won 19-9. Both my wife and I caught the Flu on our Flight from Richmond to Chicago, we were so sick and I could hear anything because my head was so stuffed up. But I got to see 18 in Colts blue in person. : ) The other game was the preseason game against the Redskins game this year, I got high fives from most of the defense so that was awesome.

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Biggest 2nd half comeback in colts history at the time, stadium was stunned

At Miami Dolphins 1995 Colts 27 Dolphins 24 (OT)

A Captain Comeback classic, the Colts trailed the undefeated Dolphins 24-3 at the half. Harbaugh rallied the team with three second half touchdown passes (two in the fourth quarter). He hit Aaron Bailey with 1:17 to play to tie the game and force the OT. The Colts roared back to steal the win in OT on a chip shot by Blanchard thanks to five straight completions by Harbaugh.

Hero: Harbaugh. He won the starting job with a similar miracle comeback a couple of weeks before against the Jets, and quickly established himself as the leader of the team with this clutch win.

Factoid: Blanchard hit his second GW FG of the season. He would hit another the next week, and total four different game winners on the season

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Without a doubt the 2006 AFC Championship game. Sat right above where the Colts come out of the tunnel which was also the same end Addai scored the final TD to win the game. I still have my towel and ticket stub from that night. What was amazing even more amazing was leaving the Dome and the amounts of people lined up on the street and just celebrating. It was definitely a day I will never forget.

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For me it would be the AFC championship game in the Hoosier dome. Against the Pats. I have never heard the fans that loud in my life. I have been to many colts games I try to do at least 2 or 3 a year. And just about every play off game. Including the year we beat the broncos in the play offs right after they stomped us in the regular season. The dome was always loud for play off games, but the AFC championship game against new england was the loudest I have ever heard it. When they put Cato June on the Jumbo tron and he said "ARE YOU READY!?!"

Late in the game Brady was driving the ball and we had an uncovered receiver on the left side of the field. The whole stadium started to scream at our defense.

My ears rang for days after that win. That was a great game and a great win. What a roller coaster.

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For me it would be the AFC championship game in the Hoosier dome. Against the Pats. I have never heard the fans that loud in my life. I have been to many colts games I try to do at least 2 or 3 a year. And just about every play off game. Including the year we beat the broncos in the play offs right after they stomped us in the regular season. The dome was always loud for play off games, but the AFC championship game against new england was the loudest I have ever heard it. When they put Cato June on the Jumbo tron and he said "ARE YOU READY!?!"

Late in the game Brady was driving the ball and we had an uncovered receiver on the left side of the field. The whole stadium started to scream at our defense.

My ears rang for days after that win. That was a great game and a great win. What a roller coaster.

I was not at that game, watched it start to finish at home, and have to say, that remains my favorite game to date. That was more exciting than the SB win. :)
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AFC championship game 2006 over the Patriots. Just before half my wife saying " I can't believe we paid so much money for these tickets". But then the second half came and it was well worth it.

By the way, I think the person who started this blog should not attend any more Colts -Steelers games - especially not in the playoffs. (Just kidding).

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AFC championship game 2006 over the Patriots. Just before half my wife saying " I can't believe we paid so much money for these tickets". But then the second half came and it was well worth it.

By the way, I think the person who started this blog should not attend any more Colts -Steelers games - especially not in the playoffs. (Just kidding).

haha... My girlfriend at the time said the SAME EXACT THING. She told me she wanted to go home and I was like you are out of your mind. I told her she could catch a cab, but I paid $1200 for our tickets and I'm staying to the end. I said look its 21-6 and the Colts are finally moving the ball plus we get the ball back after halftime. They come out and score and we are back in it. She looked at me like I was nuts and just sat there. The Colts came out and scored and I was like I told you. Again, definitely a memorable day.

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'06 vs Pats, my ears are still ringing. We were horse for two days after the game. The ride home was funny, everyone was trying to talk but you could hardly hear them because they were horse and our ears were still ringing, so we cranked up Johnny Cash and drove 120 miles home. What a ride

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'06 vs Pats, my ears are still ringing. We were horse for two days after the game. The ride home was funny, everyone was trying to talk but you could hardly hear them because they were horse and our ears were still ringing, so we cranked up Johnny Cash and drove 120 miles home. What a ride

We had season tickets for four years and had to give them up because of health reasons, but there were so many good games at the dome. Peytons record breaking touchdown would have to be one of my favorites along with my first game 19 yrs ago
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Acually the record way broken to Stockly.

Don't know if this will fit but here's a video of every td that year, I also have a dvd of all of them!!!


1. Hands down the most memorable game for me was the 2006 AFC championship game against the Pats in the Dome. The atmosphere was insanely electric. No game I've attended since even comes close to matching it.

2. When Manning threw the 49th TD pass with a shovel pass to James Mungro in the dome and broke the record.

3. When former Jags QB Byron Leftwich decided flipping off the colts sideline was a good idea, lol.

Whoops! I was wrong. Meant tied td pass record to mungro, broke it to stokely.

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93 against the Browns (2nd Game I saw in the dome) We throttled them and rubbed their noses in it, and Indy fans got revenge on the nasty Cleveland fans that were so nasty to us in 92 when they roughed us up.

09 comeback against the Pats (LOS was actually vibrating on that 4th and 2 play)

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Colts vs Steelers MNF game with the first pass TD to Marv Harrison, that was absolutely fun to watch from start to finish, the 26-7 beatdown of the Steelers :) (though they got us when it mattered :(). Oh well, cant ruin every moment you cherish based on what happened much later!!!

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My girlfriend at the time - who is now my wife, and I went to the Chiefs playoff game in 06 - just thought it would be cool to go to a playoff game. We won! So, we beat the Ravens and the Pats beat the Chargers the next weekend.

Well, I was off for whatever reason the following Monday (whichever Jan Mon. holiday it is) and the Colts website said they had about 1000 tix for the AFCCG that would go on sale at 8 or 9 the next morning. I went to the Kroger right by my house about 35 minutes before and was first in line - about a total of 6 people. I got two tickets for like $80 each. I left happy. Saw the guy behind me in line at the game (a Boston transplant) and he said he was able to get only 1 and after that they were sold out.

That game was amazing - every emotion during it. I stayed positive - the RR was glum at half and I remarked that this will make it an even better story...and IT DID!!!

I got season tickets in 09 and kept them 3 years. (3 little kids, wife works Sunday etc...) 4th and 2 was the next best for sure! We sure got out of some close ones in 09!

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The 2009 Colts vs Patriots game. I was stationed in California still and my best friend who I was in the military with had moved back to Indy. He bought tickets for my wife and I so we decided to take a vacation. As we all know that is the 4th down stop on kevin faulk and when we came back in the 4th quarter to win. Was a great weekend and my wife's first colts game.

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Biggest 2nd half comeback in colts history at the time, stadium was stunned

At Miami Dolphins 1995 Colts 27 Dolphins 24 (OT)

A Captain Comeback classic, the Colts trailed the undefeated Dolphins 24-3 at the half. Harbaugh rallied the team with three second half touchdown passes (two in the fourth quarter). He hit Aaron Bailey with 1:17 to play to tie the game and force the OT. The Colts roared back to steal the win in OT on a chip shot by Blanchard thanks to five straight completions by Harbaugh.

Hero: Harbaugh. He won the starting job with a similar miracle comeback a couple of weeks before against the Jets, and quickly established himself as the leader of the team with this clutch win.

Factoid: Blanchard hit his second GW FG of the season. He would hit another the next week, and total four different game winners on the season

That was an amazing season. We came back from down 21 at half twice that season. The Dolphins games that you mentioned but they also did it against the Jets earlier in the season (the only win during the short lived blue pants era). My most memorable game I've attended also came from that season. The 49ers were the defending World Champions and came rolling into Indianapolis in October. Perhaps the most memorable part of this game was what happened at the end of the first half. The 49ers were lining up to kick a field goal to end the half and the clock ran out. Well the Refs huddled and put more time on the clock because the center's gloves were on the field and 49ers decided to go for it rather than kick the field goal and I'll never forget Jason Belsor stopping a touchdown and bowling his helmet down the field to end the half. The Colts would later win the game on a missed last second field goal by the 49ers. That was the most magical season the Indianapolis Colts have ever had that year. America loves an underdog and the Colts were an underdog that year it was just fun. It was one of the first games I got to go to with my father and it was just an amazing experience all the way around.
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My best memories:(in person)

1999- Colts vs. Miami- Marino makes a late pass to win it...1 of the 3 losses the Colts had that year

2000-Colts vs. Jets- Colts pull out a low scoring win

2003: When the Colts crushed the Titans in their home opener...last game to be "blacked out"...Sellout crowd but after the deadline, Colts beat the Titans easily

2005: Steelers v Colts in REGULAR season..We owned them in the regular season..Too bad it didn't transfer....

2006- EVERYONE said the Chiefs would run all over us....We held him to 18 yards

2006-AFCC- Need to explain??

2009- AFC Divison/Championship games- Watching the Colts dipatch of the Ravens and Jets...Manning at his best.

2010- Colts v Texans, home game- Colts exact revenge

2011- (Yes I did it)- The Pittbrugh game..We played well and took it to the end..


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I was reminiscing last night, and I actually have 4 memorable games that I was fortunate enough to attend. Unfortunately, 3 of the 4 were Colt losses to the Steelers, but they are games I will never forget.

1) I was living in PA at the time, and a friend of mine who was a Steeler season ticket holder asked me if I wanted to go to Pittsburgh to see the AFC Championship game. He asked me because he knew I was a die-hard Colts fan. That was the year of Captain Comeback, Jim Harbaugh. The crowd got so quiet when Harbaugh threw the Hail Mary into the end zone, and it appeared that Aaron Bailey caught the ball..I was jumping up and down celebrating the win, until I saw the incomplete call. My heart sank, but the Steeler fans showed great class, and congratulated the Colts. Many said it was the greatest game they ever saw, and for excitement, it was, even with a Colts loss.

2) The second game, I can't remember the year offhand, was another like the first. It was back and forth all game long...Bradshaw leading the Steelers , and Bert Jones leading the Colts. With one minute left, Jones had led the Colts to a first and goal on the 1 with 1 minute left. He threw a quick out to Carr for the TD...until the dreaded flag...HOLDING..OFFENSE...The next play from the 11, Jones, back to pass, threw to Carr again, but Donnie Shell intercepted, and ran it back to mid-field. Why is this so memorable? I found out later that I was on national TV, spelling out C-O-L-T-S, decked out in all Colts gear...along side another guy, who was dressed out in a Colts cowboy uniform with sequins. I think he was a kind of mascot for the Colts at that time, but knowing that him and I together spelling out COLTS on National TV, made it memorable. (even though I never actually got to see it)

3) Another loss to the Steelers in the playoffs..40-14 December 19th, 1976..it wasn't about the game, its about what happened right afterwards...That was the day, right after the game ended, that a small Cesna plane crashed into the upper deck of Memorial Stadium. Luckily, no fan was injured or killed, but it was very close to the Section where I was sitting not 15 min. earlier. I was walking out of the stadium when there was a loud crash, and the stadium shook. When we found out on the radio on the way home, we were all in shock, thanking God that we and everyone else was ok. Having just turned 14, this was very scary.

4) Last one. My wife is from near Vincennes, so we were in Indiana for Thanksgiving in 2005. My wife gave me an early Christmas gift. She got me 40 yard line tickets to see the Steeler/Colts Monday Night game a few years back. Chills were running down my spine as I got to see my beloved Colts for the first time in many years. When Peyton came out, chills went up and down my spine, as I felt the energy and anticipation from the crowd. Fist play of the game, Peyton dropped back to pass, I saw Marvin open and yelled..HE'S OPEN...OMG..HIT HIM PEYTON!!!...and then..the most beautiful pass..right into Marvin's hands in stride, directly in front of me, and he basically walked into the end zone for a TD on the first play. All game long the Colts dominated, and destroyed the Steelers 26-7. My only experience in the Dome, but what an experience. The best Christmas gift I ever got.

Since I'm kind of a newbie on this forum, I was curious to see what your favorite Colts experience(s) are? I hope this topic brings back fond memories to everyone.

My most memoriable game I believe was in 2009 when we came back and beat the Patriots in a Monday night game. The Belichek 4th down play very exciting.
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I've only seen one game and it was Colts @ Panthers in 2007. I was 9. It was very exciting, because I went with my dad and he is a die hard Panthers fan. It was the game that Peyton eclipsed Unitas's TD record. I remember when I was walking to my seat wearing a Peyton jersey a bunch of Panther fans were talkin trash to me and my dad had their back lol, but that's when a horde of Colts fans came to my defense. That made my day!!! We were down 7-0 at halftime and I remember my dad talking his ear off, then we won 35-7. That made him shut his mouth lol. It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to experience more!!!

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The first one I go too. Sold the house last year, and I put a few thousand bucks aside to fly over. When 18 went down, I held onto it, hoping he would be back. Still got the cash put aside, but we are going to San Fran / Orange County / New York for a 3 week break at Christmas / New Year time, so might have to wait another year! (Don't forget Jskinnz, you promised to be my guide when I finally get over!).

So if there any Colts fans in San Fran or OC, shout!

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