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Posts posted by TheEdgeis1

  1. Hughes did not play a 3-4 D in college, he played a 4-3 and the Colts didn't want to take the time for him to learn a 3-4.  It's sad because he goes to buffalo and plays OLB in a 3-4 and in two years puts up 100 tackles, 20 sacks, 5 FF, 8 stuffs and even a couple of PD.  The Colts could have used that type of play this year..


    My bad I thought he played in a 3-4 defense.  But I still have to question the colts, if they didn't want to spend time to coach Jerry into a 3-4 olb.  Then why did they draft a 4-3 DE to coach him to be a 3-4 olb.

  2. Is it me or were we playing with 10 defensive players on Sunday because I didn't see landry out there.  For a big guy like him I have never seen a safety so scared of going into the box and making an aggressive tackle.  It's like he was in off season mode already, waiting to do some mirror poses and tweet them out to his 1 fan.  GET RID OF HIM!!!!

  3. It will be interesting to see if we do decide to bring in a new DC, what he can do with Werner.  I hope with the right coaching this kid can turn it around.  I'm not sold on the "bust" thing just yet.  To me if you can contribute to your team even though he was drafted in the 1st doesn't make him a "bust".  A bust will always be someone like Russell, Leaf, etc.

  4. If I had to pick one to keep, it would have been Bethea.  To me people saying that Bethea is on the decline is because who he has played with the last 2 seasons.  Zibby and Landry did not compliment him.  I think we overpaid for Landry, but I hope he does better this year.

  5. Big fan of Sheets and a big fan of Dressler, but i think KC is trying out Dressler.  To me Sheets was the CFL version of AP.  Now with that being said Sheets did have a stellar O-line in front of him.

  6. I was never a fan of the coaching staff hire to begin with. The only one I was looking forward to was Pep since Luck knows the offense and it was successful at Stanford. And now I can't wait for the Colts to send him packing.

    Agree a 1000%. The play calling was so vanilla, it was like watching a pre-season game. Here's a clue Pep- your QB has legs so get him to use them and get Brown in space, this run up the middle all game was weak.

  7. And i'll add a third


    Booger McFarland plus the trade for him.


    He was one of the reasons why we even won the Super Bowl as he helped improve the team in the post season.

    My point was more about his longevity with us.  We gave up a 2nd rounder for him and he only played 11 games for the colts.

  8. I just don't see the Colts offering him a deal..


    Chuck and Pep really don't like his style of running.....


    They've brought in 2 guys to replace him.....Trent and Bradshaw..


    With Vic Ballard comes back.......they'll ride with Trent...He's our s at a low price for 3 more years, I believe..


    I hope he goes to the NFC...don't want to see him with Houston or Denver from a Colts standpioint

    That statement is pure speculation.  Unless you heard it right from there mouth, but I don't like that statement nor do I think it is true.  I would think they like the RB that gives them the best chance to win.  That RB right now is Brown.

  9. I really hope he stays a colts.  I love this guy.  I think he's an awesome complement to our offence.  The way he reaches top speed so quick on a pass play is just so fun to watch.  Please stay a colt

  10. I am just not a fan of his.  I just don't see 1st round talent in him.  I believe if this was just a 5th round draft pick we would have cut him by now.  I really hope next year showcases what talent he does have.  GO COLTS.  AWESOME GAME TONIGHT!!!!!!

  11. Donald Brown never did play bad in his career, I have no idea why he became this whipping boy on this forum.  I have always liked him and saw the talent in him.  The guy has all the tools, he just lacks a bit in pass protection.  He has speed, shiftiness, great hands, great vision, and the most important thing is ball security.  He has one fumble in a five year career.  Now don't get me started on Richardson.

  12. Big props to the defense today as well as coaching.  The "Next Man Up" mantra really showed up today, with Mathews, Gordy, McNary, and Nixon (I know offense).  I was really proud how everyone is stepping up and playing some quality football.  The coaching was really good today as well, but special teams coverage has to get better as well as TRich.  The team just seams to click better with Brown in.

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