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Posts posted by Nostrils

  1. see that is what i always questioned. how much of it was just the play calling?? nothing against manning, loved the guy and what he did for us and will be a first ballot hall of famer BUT that pass was bad and it could very well cost collie his career. but if he passes all the concussion tests, and has no side effects, and with brazill suspended i dont see anything wrong with bringing him in aslong as he signs the waivers clearing the league and team of any law suit if he were to suffer another concussion and it be career ending and god for bid worst!


    ridiculous as well... on so many levels...

  2. Nah, it was not a bang bang play, I have seen worse. Collie had at least 2 steps to take before the impact. He just does not get down quickly with his head. I have noticed that several times. In that play, he is hit from behind while lowering his head and the second player, the safety Coleman lowers his head to hit him too and they have a helmet-to-helmet contact in the wrong spot.


    The Jaguars game, I felt Peyton led him on to the LB but then Dallas Clark has had his bell rung that way with Peyton too but never missed games the same way due to concussions. Collie's head is just different, IMO, and it is something he has to live with and accept. Wes Welker has had his bell rung a few times but he is made differently as well.


    Another case where Collie did that was a playoff game a year ago in the 2009 playoffs vs the Ravens that we won 20-3. He lowered his head after catching the ball but Ray Lewis lowered his too and it ended up with a helmet-to-helmet hit but thankfully closer to the front of his head (where you have more padding from our maker :)) than the side of his head. So, we got the unnecessary roughness penalty in our favor, the Ravens whined about it, and Reggie caught a TD a few seconds just before half time to finish that series. Collie played well into the Saints SB, one of two guys who caught everything thrown in his way other than DC in the Saints SB.


    Collie is awkward while trying to get down, no two ways about it. He is not as quick as a Reggie to get down and probably his head is softer for the kind of hits and position he plays in the slot. It was a Larry Foote elbow to Collie in pre-season that gave him his 3rd concussion, this guy just has a damaged head and given his history of not getting down quickly, is likely to get a concussion if he attempts to play again.


    ridiculous.... all of this... 

  3. Haven't heard much either... I know that they have the new gen systems coming out and I'm definitely going to get one when they do, as well as madden, but Iast years madden was AWEFUL... so I'm not really that excited, but still being able to battle my friends online is what keeps me coming back...


    "Improving" the running is something I had seen in NCAA, and looks like will be more in depth in madden, and I'm not excited about it... the running was awful as well, just too easy in the open field, which is fun don't get me wrong but, just way too cheesy...


    bringing back sprint with r2/rt? and something with l2/lt so you can decelerate and cut... don't even know.. just hoping it's more in depth and the runner doesnt easily trip over people...


    literally praying they bring back mini games... I'm excited but mehhhh madden is garbage.. sorry for whining

  4. Freeney can still rush the passer with the best of them. You have to run the ball right at him though



    it's the 1 or 2 times he gets to the QB we have to worry about, those dang strip-sacks can change a whole game :-(.. noooooooooo dwight

  5. You are kidding me right? Irsay treated Peyton with the utmost respect. It took the most EXTREME circumstances for Peyton to be released. I would of bet the house that had the Colts gotten the third pick or higher, Peyton would still be a Colt. Irsay really had no choice. If you want to blame someone, blame Bill Polian for not having the right insurance policy for Peyton in place.

    You make no valid points to show how Irsay hasn't done the best he can do for this fan base and city. He is vastly different from the tyrant ways of his father. Would you rather have Jerry Jones running this team? Ill let that one set in.


    Don't mind Mr. Blue, people always have something to say... and think they're perfect... sheeeeeeeeesh


    good post, tell him!

  6. It will have little effect on the game. People who haven't read/ heard the explanation for the rule are overeacting.



    you really think so?..  just from my point of view, Low man wins, and I think it's just a habit that these guys aren't going to be able to change, or even be conscious about... I'm gonna have to look at the explanation again..


    Either way I'm ready for Football, can't be any worse than watching all these ticky-tac calls going on in the NBA... they've lost it..


    NFL has it's issues, and I freak out about something like a defenseless receiver being hit when a DB is just trying to make a play.. or a Roughing call when they barely touch the QB. and I know i'm rambling, but they still let them play and long story short, gosh I can't wait to watch our boys again!

  7. I agree 100%, Conner is lights out against the run, not the best in coverage, but much better than Angerer against the run. I don't know why he doesn't get more credit for how good he is in the run defense. I would rather have Conner on 1st and 2nd down playing the run and bring Angerer in on passing downs.


    that was the beauty of having, and actually using all 4 MLB's last year... that was something cool you probably won't ever see again... Def needs to improve his pass coverage but he is a stud.. pops the heck out of people, and if he doesn't make the play he disrupts what's going on.

  8. This is the second time this logic has been used on me, I'll repeat the same theme - you're saying I'm not a football coach so can't give my opinion on players? Well, both positive and negative opinions are opinions, so on the same track logic not allowed to give opinions either, positive or negative. Think Reggie had a great year? Tough, you're not a coach, you're not allowed opinions.



    speak your mind, do as you please.. but don't sound like an *... and you my friend.. SOUND LIKE A BIG BIG *..

  9. Hahaha and here comes another one. :facepalm:


    None of that addresses or refutes the reality that in order of importance, CBs are the lowest position in all 3/4 and 4/3 defenses. Y'all are arguing against a myriad of imaginary statements that I have not made.


    CBs are the lowest position (directly relative to priority and impact on the gameplan) in all 3/4 and 4/3 defenses.


    It just is what it is and it is that statement that has received a blizzard of hissy-fits :panic: . For no reason. Hahaha why fight reality? And in none of those responses has there been anything that can overcome that reality.


    I understand that between the clique of cornerbackites :HFire: and the everpresent coterie of those who are desperate to be offended :gloomy: , some have lashed out against it...but all of that drama doesn't change fact. It's not my opinion. It is just fact. And both Polian and Parcells said so this week on their espn free agency show.


    CBs are the lowest position (directly relative to priority and impact on the gameplan) in all 3/4 and 4/3 defenses.


    Stop arguing with...


    "Having an elite pass rush does not necessarily equate to good pass defense" 

    "QB rating"

    "A team needs both"

    "Pass completion rate"



    ...because none of that addresses my comment nor can it overcome it.


    CBs are the lowest position (directly relative to priority and impact on the gameplan) in all 3/4 and 4/3 defenses. :deadhorse:





    Because I disagree with you.  It's sad that your ego is so fragile that you can't handle someone providing an alternate opinion to your own.  I do not agree that CB's are of the least importance.  If CB's were of the lowest position, then why does the average CB salary far outweigh the average salary of an ILB or a Safety?  Why are there far more CB's drafted in early rounds than their are ILB's and Safeties?  


    I do not agree with your assertion that CB's are of the LOWEST priority in all 3-4 and 4-3 defenses, and the importance shown to the position in the draft, FA and the salaries attributed to those positions would also disprove your theory.  




  10. A whole lotta jibberjabber. The LBs are OVERWHELMINGLY more important in the 3/4 than the CBs. And the DEs are OVERWHELMINGLY more important in the 4/3 than the CBs.


    That's okay. I understand...it is hard for you to show humility.



    hahahahahahahah tell him.. so true... 

  11. I tend to to think about it in terms of production, Hughes gave us 4 sacks last year as a rotational OLB and 40 tackles, Waldens best year he started 15 of 16 games in 2011 and came away with only 60 tackles and 3 sacks, players are paid to produce of course, If you ask me Hughes got the shaft on this one, Grigs is saying, Hughes you had your best year in the first year as a stand up 3-4 DE/OLB but I dont care I am going to bring in a guy thats been doing that for the last 3 years none of which were as productive sack wise as yours was last year and start him, i really seriously have nothing against Walden, as a member of the Colts I hope he does great, history shows othersie however and seriously Hughes cant catch a break(and a backup needs that sometimes to get his shot to prove himself) he was stuck behind Freeney his entire career up till and is seemingly (at least according to what Walden thinks) will get stuck behind a player that had has a serious lack of production in now multiple years in a 3-4, Really Im not complaining, I hope both players do great for us but Walden was overpaid for what he has done so far


    you and your #'s.. and "production"... my god...

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