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Posts posted by GwinnettColt

  1. Just now, JCPatriot said:


    If you're not mad, then you realize that....


    (1)  It's just a game.


    (2)  The people that suffer most from the Colts poor play are not you and me.  It's the people that are actually on the team or associated with it.


    (3)  There is absolutely nothing to be gained from getting mad over things that you can't control.


    If you get mad over football, then what's the point?  It's entertainment.  Why spend your free time on something that makes you upset?



    Wife and I were talking about this before the game started.   The fans get madder at mistakes and losses more so than the players on the team and FO does.  It's a paycheck to them, coaches, GM, and the owner.  They get in their Ferraris and drive home after games. 

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  2. 54 minutes ago, kcccolts said:

    The hotel we are staying at has a shuttle bus that takes you to a sports restaurant, then you get a bus from there to the stadium (or so I hope). My son will be wearing is No12 Jersey and I will probably have a Colts hat on. I have been to Scotland v England games in London before so I am aware of "friendly banter" between fans.


    It won't get that tense but there'll be some banter.  I always have fun with it.  You'll see some other Colts fans there that you can exchange high-fives with.  It'll be a fun day. 


    Welcome to the United States.   I hope you have a great time. 

  3. 57 minutes ago, kcccolts said:

    I cannot believe that I will be watching the Colts live in America on Sunday. I know I have been going on about on here for a while now but I am so excited I can hardly sleep with anticipation.

    You have all been so helpful with answers to my questions, so here goes again.

    I know you cannot bring backpacks etc to the game, is there anything else I should be aware of game day wise so I and my family can get the best possible experience either in New York or Indy.

    C'mon the Colts!!!!!


    Your wife will need a clear purse.


    There is a New Jersey transit train that goes to the Meadowlands from Penn Station NYC. 


    Jets fans are probably going to say some things to you if you're in Colts attire.  Just smile and waive and laugh and you'll be fine.  This isn't the Raiders we're playing. 

  4. Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    We actually hung tough tonight and Luck put up huge numbers. 38-24 final. At least it wasn't 45-7 :thmup:


    They looked good in the second half...(well, except for the interception and two easy TD's that NE scored).  It makes me wonder what would have happened if we'd have had even just Leonard, Mack, and AC. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Bubba said:

    Could we be any worse?  Wow what an embarrassment.  We really showed those Patriots.  All we want to talk about is how they may or may not have deflated footballs (forever ago) or how their assistant coach stiffed us.  It doesn’t matter, Pats are still winning and we are still losing and living in the past.  At this point, time to bring in Jacoby and not get Luck killed.  Colts are wasting Lucks best years.  Wouldn’t surprise me if Luck wants out. 


    We dodged a bullet by not getting Manboy McDaniels, who probably won't take over the Patriots anyway.  The Pats aren't exactly winning....they're 3-2 and may not even be a Wild Card team.  The beat a hobbled Colts team who showed much more potential for the future than the Patriots did.  I'd root for the Montreal Aloutes before I'd root for NE, with no offense intended for Pats fans on here. 

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