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Posts posted by mightisright

  1. Why would the colts release video footage of Manning throwing????

    So they don't get all the rampant speculation when they pay his bonus in March........

    But I don't think the colts will release it, it's not their style. I think Manning might make sure that a video gets "accidently" released. Because whether he stays or is released, he's gonna want people to know he's back.

  2. JMV has stated on multiple occasions that Polian wants nothing to do with him, so I don't know where you're getting that. I've also heard him say on multiple occasions that they've asked him to come on his show and he never even gets a response. When he broke the story on Manning missing the season, he called the colts to tell them about it, and it took them 5 days to return his call. As to our media taking shots at him? Please. Polian lives a charmed life here in Indy. If the Colts were in Philly or another east coast market how many sports writers would have been crucifying the team for all those one and dones? heck, they Jets are getting raked over hot coals and they went the the AFCCG twice in Rex's first two years. The bottom line is that he doesn't talk to guys like Kravitz or Wilson because they're beneath him. That's why he gives all his info to national guys like Glazer or Clayton. It's ego. Pure and simple. It's the same attitude he takes with the fans when he talks down to us on his radio show or when someone dares question him. Yes, that is an issue. This team, as an organization talks about doing things the right way. Which means that when you interact with other people you treat them with the same kind of dignity and respect you want them to treat you with. That means you don't go around choking employees of other teams, or berating a reporter for asking a legitimate question. If we can't hold our president to the most basic standard of decency, we're just a big bunch of hypocrites, and there is nothing worse than a hypocrite. He doesn't have to be a choir boy. But it's not to much to ask to pretend to be a decent human being when you publiclly address people. Everytime he doesn't that reflects badly on the organization, and that is a legitimate issue.

    Accidently hit the negative button but I think you're spot on! And that's why I posted that Jim needs to take him out of the spotlight. Get him out of relating to the media and the fans!

  3. So should the media just play polly anna, and get fired for not reporting the facts and just kissing BP BUTT?You admit BP is a jerk, so if you owned this business is he your spokeman?

    Exactly! I think it's foolish to let BP be the team's spokesperson! Let him run the team and do his job, just get him out of the media relations components dealing with the media and the fans. Because he tickes them and us off on a regular basis and that's not doing his team any favors.

  4. I was listening yesterday, and there was no article, it was simply Dan Dokich thinking that he would want to play to solidify his position on that 28 million dollar bump coming his way. Last night on the MNF pre-game, they reported that Peyton had already left the stadium when Polian made that statement about shutting him down...and Peyton knew nothing about it...someone called him and told him about it, and he was already home. Something's not seeming right in the Manning/Polian world...

    I posted a link to the interview with Jay Glazer that he was referring to. Glazer said that Manning wanted to play and was practicing in pads.

  5. This thread does not seem very timely. The news of Manning wanting to play was trumped later in the day by Polian's post game news conference. Not sure how anyone who saw the first might have missed the 2nd.

    We just REALLY miss seeing him play and are speculating on how Peyton will get the proof "out there" that he can still play. Because I'm sure he wants to make sure everybody knows he's fine before the cut date/draft time.

  6. Thanks! I was beginning to think I'm not speaking E nglish! :hide: I didn't mean to upset people, I just wanted to know who said what, etc!

    Of course Manning wants to play! He wants everybody to see that he still can so they don't cut him! My guess is that he'll make sure a video of him "accidently" gets released to the press sometime before that cut date.......

  7. Good thread! Finally, some content instead of the incessant Luck/No luck arguments!

    That said, I think that one silver lining in this dreadful year is that the front office will have more leverage to restructure and will probably be resigning FA players for less than they would normally because production is down on offense.

  8. Oldunclemark to thread! Oldunclemark to thread! LOL

    You guys can dream together ahahahah

    Wow, assume much? Never said I wanted him to. Never said that Polian would let him. Just that Manning wants to.

    That said, it would be nice for the fans to see that he's his old self before the draft, if they could release video of him throwing.......

  9. So as I was driving my girls home from preschool, I heard on Dan Dokich that there was an article out there about how Manning wants to play the last game! Anybody seen that article that can post a link? What do you all think? Any doctors on the site that can lay out the risks? If the fusion has fully "taken" and IF he's at full strength, he wouldn't be taking any more risks than normal, right?

  10. Don't care about LUCK, care about the #1 pick and the significant trade value it has. I also wouldn't mind to have the top QB prospect of the decade too. You are foolish if you think this team will return to glory on the shoulders of Manning again. We need help and the #1 pick is out best chance to get it.

    Why is it "foolish" or "emotional" to think Manning could take this team back to glory? Especially if we trade the pick for a king's ransom in talent to shore up our team? I think it's more foolish to think an unproven rookie could take a bad team to glory. We'll spend at least two unnecessary years struggling if we take cut Manning and take the #1 pick. That's foolish!

  11. Wow, 7 negatives so far for this post with a firm grip on reality? The truth can be unpopular. I agree, though, it's the only good news we've heard so far, but being allowed to begin low-impact throwing again in December was entirely predictable (search my posts for why).


    NOBODY is saying it wasn't "predictable" just that we're relieved and thrilled that he's making his comeback. It's been a crap year, let us get excited about something!

  12. You are referring to the Ride with JMV...JMV has been spot on w/ his sources. He was the first to break the news Manning was going to be out most/all of the season, at the same time John Clayton was saying 18 would miss maybe a month. He has some good guys inside West 56th that get him info. If you listened to the show past that part you quoted, it was also confirmed that Manning was throwing on the team's off day to Collie and Clark. It's a start. Also, I heard on the show that Mark Patrick (former host of 1260s afternoon sports show) had tweeted that Manning's gear was in his locker today...

    Again this is all conjecture, but positive news nonetheless. Progress is good.

    So it was Clark and Collie not him and Wayne. Hmmm. Wonder why Wayne didn't get in on the action.

  13. Did we also not hear that the Colts are off today, via the same 1070 broadcast, uttered seconds after the initial tweet? I'll believe it when Peyton himself reports it.

    I believe the host of the show made some comment about Peyton tossing to Mr. Miyagi....he didn't really sound like he believed it completely, but then he didn't completely rule it out...so where does that leave us? Nowhere, until we hear from a reputable source. I'd thought that Polian would be sqwauking about it by now if it were true, wouldn't you guys?

    He didn't believe it initially. Then he said about 45 min later that he had heard from other sources that Manning was throwing the tree with Dallas and Reggie. It wasn't an official practice. He was "just throwing the ball around" on their day off. The fact that it wasn't an official practice is important, I think because they can avoid all the hype and questions about how he's doing in practice.

  14. Bob is the new Edge. The guy that is gone and well past his prime that Colts fans just can't let go of. Sorry Sanders is done. Even if he could some how stay healthy I really doubt a guy who has played in 11 games in four years is going to be what he once was. All those injuries take a toll on your body.

    Speaking of gone and well past his prime, remember us resigning Dom Rhodes for almost nothing and how well that worked out for us? He energized the whole offense and gave %150 to the team that showed him loyalty. I'm not saying we should sign Bob Sanders, just that to say that we're just being emotional because we're throwing ideas on how to rejuvinate our team is insulting people's intelligence. .

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