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Posts posted by mightisright

  1. Donald Brown shows up to prove we're all wrong about him?

    Curtis Painter has a breakout game?

    The oline gets a little better?

    Dallas Clarke gets past whatever's been plaguing him?

    The defense gets mad and steps up?

    Pierre Garcon and Anthony Gonzolas both have a good day on the SAME day?

    It's probably just foolish hope, but you gotta think at some point professionals like these players think "We're better than this." and step up.

  2. One bad year? If we end up at 0-9 which is entirely possible based on the schedule and how poorly this team has played, there isn't a coach in this league that would keep his job unless he coached the Lions, especially in this market. Last year Manning covered up again for all the injuries and this year when he hasn't been around, its been exposed how bad this team is without him. Caldwell is also under questioning for if he actually decides who plays. I realize our franchise is heavily dependent on the QB but geez we should be able to put together a couple of wins against teams we clearly are more talented than. How can you say that? As of 2008 he lead them to the top record in the AFC with Kerry Collins at QB.

    I agree. Any other team would fire him. But Irsay/Polian won't. He gets a pass this year. If we continue to struggle next year, then maybe we get a new coach. Maybe.

  3. Going from Manning to Luck would hopefully be like Green Bay going from Favre to Rodgers. The team never has to "rebuild" and they just keep on rolling when it comes time to part w/ the legend.

    The difference is that they had been drafting high for at least a few years and already had the team built around him. We don't. We MUST fix our team no matter what QB we have or Luck/Manning/Jesus Christ can't help us much!

  4. yeah, I'd take Jeff Fisher if only because of that one game where he decided to do onside kicks every time they had to punt. From the first quarter on. He basically said, we can't stop them, we know we cant stop them, so lets do whatever it takes to give ourselves a shot to win. I really admired that. I know very little about him, but I LOVE that he's willing to take risks. That's what bugs me most about Caldwell - the risk aversion. Who tries to run out the clock in the first half of a Super Bowl? Play to win. Don't play not to lose.

  5. Thanks for starting this topic, because it's the perfect opportunity to point out to all the Caldwell haters out there that a large percentage of the fans in many (if not most) cities hate their head coach as confidently as you do.

    I've listened to Philly sports radio several times per week while commuting for more than 10 years. You can't go 10 minutes during football season (perhaps 30 minutes other times of the year) without somebody expressing their utter disgust and displeasure with Reid. Often times it's the HOSTS who say it. In general, THEY HATE HIM and beg for him to be ridden out of town on a rail. And this is a guy who has taken the team to how many NFC title games? It's obviously left some people here with a positive perception of him.

    Some portion of every fan base always over-reacts, and the grass always seems greener. Unfortunately it rarely is.

    Personally I wouldn't want Reid because he - much like Belichick - is responsible for all personnel decisions as well as being a coach. And arguably that's his strength, because most of the complaints levied about him are about his game management, and about what he says during press conferences. I'm sure that many don't like the way he looks or what he says on the sidelines either. Sound familiar? The problem is that we already have a great front office, so I wouldn't be in favor of bringing in ANY coach who wants to run the entire show. And nothing I've ever seen from Reid or heard about Reid suggests that he would be an improvement in any way shape or form.

    I don't hate Coach Caldwell. I just don't think he's a great coach. I thought Dungy was a great coach. I'm not so sure about Caldwell. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but now it seems he makes questionable game time decisions.

  6. I think you are correct. I will go a little further. The use of the word "scared" is nonsense. Moreover, an overall #1 is not going to ride the pines for long. Drafting Luck signals a quick end to the Colts career of Peyton Manning. If Peyton can go, I say accept the "King's ransom for the Luck pick and maybe pick up the missing pieces to more championships while the greatest QB of all-time is still a Colt.

    Amen to that! As I've already said, if Manning is healthy for the next few years, we won't be able to afford to keep Luck long enough to use him anyway.

  7. So I just heard Clayton talking on JMZ about how Andy Reid may have overstayed his welcome in Philly. Would we want him as a replacement for Caldwell? I don't really know much about him. My sister who lives outside of Philly LOVES him. But I don't really follow the Eagles. Is he a good decision maker? And would he be willing to come here?

  8. This, definitely.

    It's sad to think about, but they're likely to draft higher than we're accustomed to in at least a couple of upcoming years. We'll either suffer the last years of a potentially gimpy, aging Manning, or it'll be Luck's growing pains, or what have you. I don't believe, though, that they will be likely to be in a top overall pick sort of position with even a twilight Manning or a young Luck.

    The fact is, QB is the most important position on the field and the position for which truly elite talent is at the greatest premium. I don't see how you can pass on filling that need for the future in exchange for a bit better draft than they'll probably have in the coming years. And it's not as though the top pick would be the only one this year. Our second rounder will be close in position to where we usually draft in the first round. We're almost certain to have a better draft than usual whether we take Luck or not.

    I don't think we'll ever have a twilight Manning. He has too much respect for the game. When he's not able to play at a top level he'll bow out. He's already said as much. He's too much of a perfectionist to pull a farve.

  9. I think whats causing the concern is, do we really want to fortify the next few years at the expense of the next 15 years? Personally, I don't think either side is wrong.

    I believe we could form a good defense without trading away a freak of a franchise QB pick. So far, everyone is arguing that it is an 'either/or' decision. I believe we could do both, that is, build a defense and acquire the future QB for our franchise.

    What I don't understand is why people think that leveraging Luck to get some great picks at defense only fortifies us for the next few years. Great defensive players play 10-15 years, same as great QBs. I don't understand why people think we're passing on the QB of the future. If Manning is here and good for the next 4 years we won't be able to afford to keep a player like Luck around that long. It's not like green bay. We can't make him sit for three years when he'lll be a free agent after 2 years, won't he?

  10. I don't think anyone is scared of drafting him. Some people just believe his value is high enough that the team could upgrade across the board with what they could get for the top pick, so that opportunity can't be overlooked.

    I'm personally on the Luck side of the argument. I just don't see a few extra draft picks being anywhere near enough to transform this team into one that can win without transcendent QB play. This team NEEDS a generational type talent at QB to win, that's the way it has been built for the past decade, and I can't imagine that changing so easily. With Polian's recent first round history, I dunno...I just can't get too excited about the prospect of stockpiling 2011's versions of Gonzalez, Brown, and Hughes all at once rather than spreading them over 3 years. I CAN get excited about the feeling that we may have miraculously stumbled onto a once-in-a-lifetime chance to seamlessly transition from Manning to the best QB prospect SINCE Manning.

    Put it this way: I think the case to trade down would be more compelling if I could name any 3 first round picks from the past 8 years I would trade Manning for.

    But I think that what those of us not in the Luck camp take issue with is the ASSUMPTION that we can "seamlessly transition from Manning to the best QB prospect since Manning." That is not a given Plus, having a GOAT qb does us NO GOOD if the rest of the team sucks. We gotta address those issues - esp defense to be a decent team. Then when Manning retires we take our lumps like the best of them til we get another good qb. Very few teams transition from great qb to great qb successfully. The Farve/Rodgers is the exception. Plus he wasn't a first round pick.

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