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Posts posted by mightisright

  1. Combination of several things:

    Letting go Hayden and Tryon with no back up plan in place was not too smart. First and second year players - they do not want to look like fools taking chances but vets, they will take chances and it will pay off more times than not, they will also understand down and distance to know when not to backpedal and break right away etc.

    Lack of leadership is a big factor too. Brackett's presence did help with that a lot though his play may have fallen off from his glory days. Up front, losing Eric Foster and Drake Nevis is a double whammy, it would have been wise to not cut Tommie Harris.

    So, a combination of miscalculated personnel decisions plus not enough vet talent plus not enough vet leadership on defense has led to our watershed moment, which was the Saints game.

    Agreed on all points!

  2. Hey Colts Fans -- let's remain classy. We should never plan an attack on one of ours at one of our home games. If anything, it could very well have the reverse result in Irsay/Polian being more determined then ever to retain him as coach. Noone needs our chanting to know how everyone feels. Just as a parent DESPISES hearing others complain about their child, upper management does not need our public criticism of their coach. Most of all, let's remain classy in spite of our losses, I have had a particularly bad year since I am also an IU fan so I don't urge this without feeling the pain.

    I hate to agree with you but I think you're right. It would just make BP so mad at the fans he belittles and demeans, so that he'd be determined to keep Caldwell.

  3. Our defense wasn't bad this game, but wasn't good enough to get us the win.

    I guess that'd fall on the offense too.

    No picks, no turnovers, only one sack.. I'd say that our D was bad this game! I just hope we can get some good defensive picks in the draft and poach a good FA safety or CB this off-season.

  4. I was about to say the same thing. Were you even watching this game OP? The game last week by chance? His accuracy is non-existent. He makes no read progressions, just stares down his receiver and tries to force it in anyway, or throws it way ahead or behind them. There's a reason he does nothing but hold a clipboard all season when Peyton is healthy, and it's showing.

    I agree that he has a problem staring down his receiver. But I think the inaccuracy is due mainly to being hurried by his o-line. Plus I think he's improving. He showed better presence today than I've seen.

  5. I never thought I'd say this but I'm beginning to like Painter as Manning's backup as long as Manning is back next year. He's starting to show me some real talent and swagger. He showed pocket presence, he ran well. He made good judgements about their defense. He did everything he could to put that game on his back. I'm not saying he should be our franchise QB when Peyton is gone but he's going to develop by the end of this year into a solid backup. We just need the oline to keep him upright long enough to throw the ball.

  6. Why do you think he was willing to take less money so that we could keep some of our pieces? My guess is they renegotiate next year again to gain more cap room to get him some help. He'll want to do that to keep Saturday. (not sure why everybody is thinking he'll retire! He's playing well this season, doing a good job) And Matthis. The one silver lining is that none of our free agents will be worth as much to other teams at the end of this year. Wayne would have been able to go get big bucks on another young team. I don't see that happening as easily.

  7. I know some fans have said he's old and feeble, but those are just the really dumb fans......you guys know who I'm talking about. He may be old but he is sure as heck not feeble. He will play out the next four years. Book it. We will be improved next year. Hopefully Irsay wakes up and gets us a new coach, DC, and gets rid of Old Man Polian. I'm willing to give Chris a good shot at showing his GM chops. We will have a good team next year.

    Thank You! I'm hoping we'll be improved next year too!

  8. Thank you Coltssouth! I was beginning to think I was the only one that is seeing the "he's too old" comments from people that 3 months ago were dreaming we were going to win the SB on his back this year!

    Dn4192 "Really? How many great QB's in teh NFL have their been at age 36, 37, 38, 39 or 40 years old? Really over the entire NFL history how many? And then add to that a very serious injury at his later stages of his career and the inability to be a mobile QB. You are asking alot out of even Peyton."

    But you're right in one thing. Looking back on the threads, I think it's just a few very vocal members making the same points over and over, so it probably just feels like everybody's on that wagon!

    He's got a lot of this stuff.

  9. I don't get it! Just a few months ago we were all (even with his 2nd neck surgery) all talking Peyton Manning's the GOAT and he'll lead us to another SB. And now he's old, feeble, and past his time. His window has closed. He's done. PEOPLE, we don't know what's going to happen! But considering he lost, what, one play with a broken jaw, I'm putting my faith in him. I'm not saying he's definitely going to be back this year. But I don't understand why so many people jumped ship so quickly!

  10. What do you mean?

    I believe it can be done and it will be, the colts know they havnet perfoemed well... chris polian isnt his farther and i believe this team is gonna be much better becasue of him... i dont like bill polian but it is nice to see as soon as chris is the gm he brings in tommie harris, brayton, anderson and sims...

    I wouldnt be surprised if the colts push for a reconstruction with peytons contract...and if that happens that could easily bring the colts back under the salary cap

    What do you mean? Renegotiate his contract so we have more room under the cap?

  11. I think signing talent will make a difference, but it will not solve our problems. Talent will not make up for the 7-10 yds we play off the WR's. Times have changed, no matter how good of a pass rush we have, any QB (as you can see) in the nfl will chew our defense up with short passes. Now if we come up and play these WR's then I can see something happening. We don't even have to bump and run but at least look like we're sticking the guy.

    I agree! We need a new scheme, which probably means new leadership!

  12. I think Jeff is gonna retire before we resign him. We need to resign Mathis, we can't give him a HUGE payday though. If we can find some good talent, then Reggie has to walk. But if not, resign Reggie. Again, we can't give out huge paydays. We need to spend money on building this team instead of keeping players.

    Why does everyone think Jeff is gonna retire? Has he actually said that he wants to retire? It seems to me like he's been playing great this season and is still in great shape.

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