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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. Although "official" FA does not begin until Wednesday, I believe 4 pm, FA Agents can talk to clubs and begin negotiating deals on Monday, although the FA cannot visit the club. Officially this began last year, and although intended to let agents gage interest, you basically had FA agreeements between team and agent announced all day long, but they just waited until Wednesday to sign the official papers. So, Monday really is the start of FA. Agents are making contact right now is my guess, even if it is supposed to be tomorrow at noon. I would imagine the top FA agreements will be in place by Monday evening or Tuesday at the latest. Then the second tier will begin.


    Although not supposed to technically occur, the NFL just turned their back last year on it, and with all this cap space, and how quickly agreements were announced last year, I expect Monday to be a wild day. FA starts and the combine winds down!


    I hope Ballard is talking to agents asap. Get me a NT and a RG, with a ILB thrown in for good measure

  2. You put this with multiple people saying he did not do well in interviews, which I am guessing is an extension of the attitude he showed in the hospital, his shoulder problems which are real, and as many have said an ILB's positional factor, and it is going to be tough for him not to fall. I am one who does not care about the positional factor, because he can do so much, but the rest will have many teams reevaluate where they see him. No team wants someone for the locker room who is going to be a problem. Ballard's number one edict is talent, but the talent has to mesh with the locker room. Even if he falls, we could pass. I just hope Ballard will do the diligence which I am sure he will, and talk to him about what really happened much like he did with Peters. Was one of the first times I heard of someone doing that kind of in depth work, and it was a great choice. Maybe Foster could be our Peters? Time will tell.

  3. Detroit has already come out and stated they wished he was at the combine. They have said they have him on their board, and are interested. I am going to say since he is still a kid, most will keep him on their board, and if he is BPA in 2nd round with 1st round grade, he will be gone. You think if Jerry Jones, before he had Zeke, would not have taken him. Look at the guys he has taken in the 2nd with baggage. Mixon's baggage is the worst, but I think it will be sold as how young he was, and the strides he has made. The PR machine will be humming along for whatever team takes him.

    Two years ago, people did not think Peters would go as early as he did for fighting with coaches and getting thrown off the team. Ultimately talent, plus a very good investigation by Ballard led to a huge talent not getting away. I would be shocked if he does not get taken in 2nd round.

  4. I think when someone says shooting up the board, it is more of in the public eye. I doubt few had ever heard Dontari Poe's name before the draft. Byron Jones was the same from UConn a couple years ago. Scouts knew these guys and were on boards, but the public did not, thus shooting up the boards. It is more about the public awareness. Look at what has happened with Temple's Hassan Reddick after the Senior Bowl, and how his stock has seemed to rise.

    He was at the Senior Bowl for a reason. Scouts and teams knew him and had him on their boards. It was the public who did not really know about a guy from Temple. The names that fly up the boards are generally the ones who are not household names, but still are very highly ranked. The combine matters, but tape does not lie! JMHO!

  5. I am like most where it would not be my first choice, but it would affirm my belief that Ballard was serious when he said the trenches will be fixed first. For as long as I have been watching the Colts, that is what I have wished for, a physicality on both sides of the line. If Ballard can bring this to us on both sides, great. I think the OL is in much better shape, and a RG during FA would make the pick to me a bit of a luxury, but as many have said here, it may be they are worried about Clark. Ramsyck is one of the few I would take in the first round, and I know Denver would be bummed if we took him. Regardless, it say more about philosophy than anything else, so I am going to stay away from who the player is this year and focus more on where that player is going to play. If Ballard is sticking to his philosophy during his first meet and greet, I will be happy!

  6. 30 minutes ago, Gigc said:

    Not a guard, but Alex Mack did pretty well for the Falcons this year after jumping from Cleveland.


    I think a couple of these guards jumping into our line makes the most sense to spend our cap on. Add a NT and I will be very happy in FA.

    I want one of the top 3-4 guards. You put Mewhort,Kelly,Zeitler together and you have a very strong inner core to run the ball. Haeg and Clark can fight over RT, and provide a lot of depth, and then we will have to see if Castanzo returns to his former play. If so, the line is set. We need a RG!

  7. I think after the combine, 14 or 15 is going to be right around where he is at. He will blow up the combine. The guy was a track star, and will be one of the best athletes out there. I like him, and from what I have heard, he can get back in coverage. I know you like Tmac a lot, but as good as I think he can be I believe unless someone falls to us, the safest bet may be a CB. Time will tell, but the underwear olympics are going to vault a lot of guys up the board, and he will be one of them, imho.

  8. Lineman coming out of college now are generally not ready to start due to the offenses in college. I thought Haeg did well last year and I think Clark made progress and will continue. He had the longest way to go since he played at Texas Tech. Are OL is close, but we need a good RG, but there are great options besides Zeitler who will be cheaper, Lang, Warford, etc. If we do go Zeitler, I am fine with it though. We need that spot sewed up. Osemile go 11M last year, and I expect Zeitler to get the same money.


    I don't want Alexander for 12M yr. at 33 even if you backend the contract. He may hit a wall at anytime. We have done the experiment with older players, and it was a train wreck. If I am going to pay, I want youth.


    As far as CB, I think Ballard can find us a good one in the draft. This draft is the deepest in CB's in a long time, and I hope he can find us someone in the first or second depending on who falls.


    I want two things in FA. A RG and a NT. Ballard wants the trenches to be better, then go get Williams and Zeitler, Lang or Warford. Poe scares me because of the back, but Ballard would know about that, so if he goes that way, i would have to assume he feels comfortable about his medical. Still back injuries scare me.


    If we came out of FA with Brown, Williams and a good RG, I would be ecstatic, and we would still have over 30M in cap space! This is not a good FA year, and we are not going to rebuild a non existent defense in one year, especially through FA!

  9. We have 54 million in cap space now and there are going to be some cuts, Jones probably among the first, so at a minimum, I see 60M in cap space.

    I know what Ballard said when talking to the press, but one of the glaring weakness of the defense if a good NT. For a 3-4 to be efficient, it is a must. If Poe were to be signed, I would make sure there is some king of injury clause, and even then his play has tailed off due to back troubles, and I don't want to sign someone who we may be able to depend on.

    We should go after Williams first, who as all saw, Harbaugh came out and said they won't tag him. Ravens like to let players go instead of large contracts and take the comp. pick. Williams would be cheaper than Poe, and is who I want. He will probably get around 10M/yr. and if you are going into FA, you are going to have to spend more than normal. He is one of those guys who is quality, and worth the money. Hankins would be a good back up plan, but please go after Williams.

    Next a RG, Lang, Warford or Zeitler. Happy with any of them. If we come out of FA with 2 of those 3 positions shored up on the defense and OL, I would be ecstatic, and we would have plenty of cap space going into next year. I would still love us to sign Brown, and I would be fine to go after Hightower. He will be overpaid, but we need a leader in the middle. Regardless, Williams and a top flight RG would make me very happy in FA.

    We only have two possible extensions I can think of Montcrief and Mewhort coming up.

  10. Jets need cap space, and word is they cannot find anyone to take Richardson off there hands since most believe they will release him if they can't find a trade partner. They need the cap space, it is the one area where NYJ are loaded, and no one is willing to give up a high pick for his baggage. He plays when he wants to, and then the off field issues. He was a non issue this year.


    You could have him probably for a late rounder, 5th to 7th, but I don't want all that baggage. Big gamble!

  11. As I had said, Bouye scares me because of a one year wonder and the system he comes from. CB's who are with teams with a great rush can be deceiving. I am not saying he won't be a great player, but I believe at 12M/yr. which is what he is going to probably get, I would rather spend it finding a LB, especially considering the CB depth in this draft. I would probably go with Gilmore over Bouye because of the longer track record, but Gilmore looked lost at the beginning of the season, and played well late.


    Would love Zach Brown, but I don't think you get him for 4.5M/yr. Not enough good LB's to go around, and although maybe high, NFL.com tossed around 8M/yr. for him. One thing I do know is we will be surprised on how much people are going to make with all the cap money!


    The other area we have to stabalize is NT. Does not look like Poe will be tagged, although I still prefer Williams. I have heard a few other NT's I could live with, but that should be priority one!


    Next should be RG, and I would go Zeitler, Lang, Warford. There are several who would stabalize the line line at the one position we really need.


    If we could lock down a NT, RG, and LB in that order, that would be my dream FA, plus with Williams, Lang or Warford, and Brown, we get really good quality, but won't break the bank when compared to what some are going to spend on FA.


    Just a dearth of good FA's compared to cap space!

  12. Bouye will hit the market due to the dynamics of the Texans defense and how much they have already invested at CB. He would scare me though. I still think he is part the product of that defensive rush, and that is against the FA rule, don't take players that systems have possibly inflated their value.


    What about Cyprien? We take a piece away from our competitors, and he played well this year despite the fact the Jags had no pass rush. Jags are pegged by everyone to take another safety, Adams probably and pair him with Ramsey. Ramsey had a very good rookie year, and on talent alone, that pair could be really formidable for a long time. By now the Jags should be stacked considering how long they have been drafting in the top 10. I am so glad they took Bortles, otherwise their future would look really bright. Still like that defense if they play up to capability.

  13. No good place to put this, so when you look at the FA's, remember the Franchise Tag has to be done by next Wednesday, March 1st, 4 pm. We are going to see some action on Wednesday. If Berry is not tagged, go get him, and then sign Warford and Williams. One big splashy FA, one expensive but well worth the money FA, and one who I really like for the money compared to what others will get.

  14. The article LaCanfora writes has a few good pts. KC does not want to franchise Berry a second time, plus that means 120% of last years salary. Berry has said he won't play under it. He thinks they get a deal done with Berry, then franchise Poe and work out a long term deal. I can see the deal with Berry, but they will have to work around money this year to work Poe into what he wants.

    I think the chances are better that Berry hits FA than Poe, but I think as far as KC it would be foolish to let Berry go. He is incredibly good, a true leader on the field, and good teammate. You keep those guys around even if you have to pay them hybrid money like Mathieu got in Arizona, and that is what he wants. If KC does not give it to him, someone will.

    As has been said, too much money out there chasing too little product, and then the new period of spending 89% of cap space between 2017-2020 just kicked in. That will have an impact.

    As far as Ingram, going to LA and then letting him walk with how much he has improved the last two years. Great pair with Bosa. Still I don't want to pay 17M year. I want a NT and a RG. Ballard should be able to find some good LB's in the draft this year!

  15. 6 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

    There are next year. Lowell Loutelei and Vita Vea.  I think the Colts should wait. Maybe draft Elijah Qualls or Jarron Jones late.


    But let's be clear, there is no NT like Poe out there and there won't be for awhile. He's a rare specimen. He'd be worth the money. You can find another Melvin Ingram. It'll be hard to find another Poe

    Yes but he has had prior back problems. For the kind of money he is going to demand, I could not pay him 15M or more a year with an injury history. Other NT will hit the market this year, and I still prefer brandon williams for the money.

  16. With the cap space we have this year and next year, coupled with a dearth of extensions to sign, I can only think of a couple of homegrown players to resign over the next few years, if we don't spend cap space, we are going to run into the cap spending rule in the CBA. The first period was 13-16, and you had to be at 89% of your cap or that money went to the players association I believe, but if you did not spend the floor limit, you lost it. The next period is 2017-2020 for spending the minimum floor on cap space and we are not even close to the percentage right now. We are going to have over 60M and possibly closer to 70M after cuts are all done. You know Jones is gone, and that puts us over 60M.


    FA Rule-Always look at the player's system they played in and the players who surrounded them and did it influence their performance, when looking at going to a team who does not have the same pieces.

    System fit and players who influenced play around you are why FA's bust so often!


    I would not touch Bouye, and have been saying it. Same reason said here. One year record with a team who has a great pass rush. That makes a CB look so much better.


    Poe is going to command at least Malik Jackson money, so 14-15M/yr. He has had major back problems. I do not want to take a gamble with that kind of money.


    Brandon Williams is the player I want at NT. He will command 9M/yr. but he is a beast, and is not unduly influenced by players around him making him better.


    Zeitler would be nice, but i would rather have one of the other prominent guards at a discount. Lang?


    i would love Ingram, but I read today from an agent because of the dearth of quality LB's & players who can rush, a player many like here for us to go after, Zach Brown could command up to 9M/yr.


    Trumaine Johnson will go to Cleveland. Regardless of bad year, they have his DC from last year and over 100M in cap space. He will get 13M/yr. from them. Jenkins got 12M/yr. last year.


    If somehow Gilmore got loose, I would pay him the money. Same for Berry!

  17. I will give Pagano a chance since reading the stat on Grigson how few DB's and LB's he has drafted. You can't do much with a defense if you don't add to where you have a dearth of talent, and Grigson would not do it. I never understood the reluctance to take a CB in the 1st or 2nd when it was so evident we needed one. I think Ballard will do a good job with the defense, and I also like that it was he who went and talked to Peters and then his family and cleared the draft choice, and look how he turned out. I want someone who can scout the physical and psychological factor that affects many of these picks.


    The one thing I will say on the offense, is we need another play maker. Montcrief did not make the move many anticipated, so we are going to need a RB or another receiver. TY is great, but I see him more as a 2, unless you have a great RB they need to focus on. I believe the line will be much better though regardless of who is running. I think those picks last year are going to make huge strides. Year 1 to 2 is when they start getting stronger, and how to block in the NFL. That takes awhile, but last year's draft was one I was happy with.

  18. Osemeli was a LG in Baltimore, and Oakland paid him top of the money market. He had to play some tackle because of Penn being hurt, if I remember correctly.


    As far as RG, I really do think Haeg was very good for a rookie. He will only improve. I would have no problem signing Zeitler, although I think with Lang, Leary, there are some exceptional choices for guard play, so maybe they will bring a little competition into the market and bid Zeitler down. If that happens, I would be happy to have him. What happened to Warford. I loved him coming out and as a rookie he was a stud. After that, has he regressed.

  19. Just to chime in after I read a specific article, I don't like the draft either, specifically because we don't need the tight end and defense is like an open wound which needs triage quick. Regardless, I was reading an article about who NFL personnel thought would stand out at the combine, and the TE from Miami, Njoku I believe is not going to go in the second. He is an absolute stud athlete, a bit raw but you can see what he could become. He is the kind of player NE drafts and develops and becomes another Gronk. Look at the stats on the guy. Love to have him but we have other needs much more important.

  20. I was looking at a few articles about the snubs this year, and all I can say is this is going to be one deep draft. Some of the snubs are smh. I know why certain people did not get invited, and I have no problem with the criteria. But when you look at Hunter Dimrick from Utah. I admit in advance, I did not know these names, but the numbers. Dimrick had 13 1/2 sacks this year with Utah, good for third in the nation and a solid 4 years at Utah.


    Elijah Lee, LB from Kansas State who once again I did not know the name, was the most glaring snub. Junior who came out early. The kid had 116 tackles this year, but a bit of a tweener. 


    Sometimes I wonder/know if teams get caught up too much in statistics. I always want a player who has showed in College they can play, and not pure potential. Pure potential equals bust too many times. These are the kind of kids if not drafted who would make great FA's. The ones in the article all get drafted I bet.


    I linked one of the articles, but there are plenty.



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