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Posts posted by Synthetic

  1. You know the sad thing is, this Colts team that over achieved all year long held Baltimore to less points than both the overrated super awesome defenses in NE and Denver.


    I think they got this right. It's going to be a close game. Flacco has not played an out standing defense yet. He's just waiting to throw a pick. I think if the Niners win, it will be from Kaepernick, and a very close game. If the Ravens win, it will be from turnovers. I'm taking Frisco by 5 in this game.

  2. Gee, I'm sorry. I must have missed where Manning didnt take SF seriously. He worked out for them, took them as an option, but ultimately chose Denver. Where in that did he not take them seriously?

    I would have thought NOT working out for SF would have been seen as not taking them seriously.



    Gee I'm sorry, I must have missed it where Denver was one and done and the 49ers are in the Super Bowl without him. I'm sure he loves playing for Elway, instead of Harbaugh who is playing for the Super Bowl and not stats.

  3. This game is over. Joe Flacco does not know how to look around before taking a sack. I have never in my life seen a QB with worse pocket awareness than him.



    Ray's retirement party will be starting soon. This game is over. Watch New England smoke them now, and make it a blow out in the second half.

  4. They fired Singletary, and then Harbaugh shows up, back to back NFC Championship games, now in the Super Bowl, and not to mention the QB controversy that worked out perfectly.



    Atlanta blew a 17 point lead today, just when you thought they were going to win that game, Matt Ryan shows exactly why he's criticized so much as being a choke artist. He had a strong first half, second half he turned the ball over twice, and did nothing. Atlanta scored 0 points in the second half. Just wow....and all I heard about ALL YEAR LONG was how this team was supposedly the best in the league. :clap:





    One Harbaugh has the next Steve Young


    The other Harbaugh has Mr. I don't know what pocket awareness called Joe Flacco



    I hope Jim Harbaugh finally gets a ring and I do hate the 49ers, but I don't get how you can root against this guy. I wish he was my coach sometimes. Frank Gore deserves this Super Bowl. All the focus on Kaep, but seriously, Gore has carried that team for years. He deserves this Super Bowl appearance.



    I wonder if Manning regrets not taking S.F. seriously now lol

  5. It doesn't matter who the Chiefs pick. The Football Gods conspire against the Chiefs. Even when the Chiefs got good, the injury bug did them in. As for Matt Cassel?... The Football Gods made him temporarily powerful in New England so the Chiefs would snap at the trade bait. It worked.


    Chiefs are in major restructure mode, so I say trade the pick and stock up on mid tier talent. They'll need a lot more than one overpriced o-lineman to save them.



    UGH. I used to pick the Chiefs every year for the AFC in the early to mid 90's. They would go 12-4, 13-3, 11-15, win the division under Schottenhiemer and lose in the first round to a 9-7 team or worse. I'm pretty sure one of them was the '95 Colts. Chiefs always let me down ALWAYS. That's what they are meant to do!

  6. This debate is ridiculous.


    Joe Cool played in the last era of real defensive football. By real I mean defenses could get away with everything. He didn't benefit from roughing the passer or the insane amount of pass interference calls we have today. Go watch some games he played in. He got hit late, and everything, no flags. No tuck rule either, which brought Brady to the Super Bowl in 2001.



    If you want to know what I mean, go watch the 1990 NFC Championship game where he got knocked out by the Giants. Look at how bad they were hitting him. You never see that type of beating anymore without flags flying everywhere.



    I don't think we can compare ANY QB today to any of them from the 80's. I hear this crap all the time from Saints fans how Brees is better than Marino or Warren Moon. Put Dan Marino and Moon in today's league, they would have a ring. Put Jim Kelly or Dan Fouts in today's league, they would be unstoppable. Does anyone remember Steve DeBerg? The guy who played with a broken finger? Put him in today's age, and he would be sending the Buc's to the playoffs.


    In the 80's and even the 90's, Wide receivers got mauled by corners and safeties. Offensive pass interference was called A LOT when I was growing up. And yes I am referring to Roddy White and Steve Smith who push off every single play and never get it called on them. Back in the day the rules kept the game fair and even. Today it's so biased to the offense, it's not even funny.

  7. Luck has the best career ahead of him.



    RGIII already suffering bad injuries, the Skins are going to ruin him. I actually feel bad, cause I predicted him to be a bust and he wasn't. Now you have to remember just how terrible of an owner Synder is and how worn out and overrated Shanahan is as a coach and just think about the future. It don't look good.


    Russell Wilson, it will end soon, when Seattle goes 8-8 or worse next year. I hate the Seaducks and Pete Carroll. Couldn't happen to a more humble coach or fanbase NOT. These guys are the new Dallas Cowboys. Yeah I am going to say Seahag fans get on my nerves worse than Cowboy fans, that's pretty bad really cause Cowboy fans really know how to drive the nails in your skin. For about 3 weeks all you heard about was how they were going to the Super Bowl. Look at their schedule next year...brutal. They will regress, and it will be a good thing. I can't take anymore of this crap about how great they are when that one bad call in the GB game is what put them in the playoffs. Take that away, and Chicago makes it as a wild card.



    Andrew Luck just needs a better o-line, and a solid run game and this kid is built to go. Run the ball please. Don't ask him to throw it 50 times. I know some of you loved drooling at this with Manning but trust me, the run game helps your QB. I think i should know since my QB is a stat hog. Also you play in the easiest division of the 3 young guns. You have 4 easy wins a year as long as you don't give Jacksonville and Tennessee a close game.

  8. Wait.. a Saints fan went to the Georgia dome? How many times did you get stabbed? haha


    None! I went years ago, and I will say I had a great experience. I sat around all Falcons fans too, and we were really cool. No trash talking, no cussing or any of that. We all got along great. They were very mature. I've been to 3 Saints/Falcons games, and never had issues with Atlanta fans. They are a classy bunch, or at least the ones I met in person.

  9. I think Vilma's lying and Brees is lying..

    Of course there were bounties....and of course Vilma paid $10,000 for a hit....

    Goddell didnt make those numbers up...

    Like Lance Armstrong and Pete Rose..you just keep lying and badmouthing those who accuse you.

    The Saints created this problem... and they should have quit it when they were asked to 2 1/2 years ago..




    There is bounties on all teams. Of course, I will not deny that, but to say the Saints created this problem is ridiculous. Bounties have went on forever. Look at Jerry Glanville and Buddy Ryan. Ryan actually admitted to this, many teams have admitted to it. Just a few years ago the Ravens were busted running bounties, no big witch hunt to destroy their organization. Do you really think they stopped it? Everything else I think is a load of crap. Bounties have went on forever. if you are going to crucify one team for it, you might as well just admit that it's been part of the league's culture for a long long time. Where is the proof of it 2 and a half years ago? I think Goodell is full of it. The NFL indeed created this problem. This was no break through from crusading journalism, just like the Michael Vick case. No one, absolutely NO ONE reported Vick's stuff until AFTER he was arrested. NFL Security knew about it all along and did nothing until the FBI got involved. I 100% believe Goodell made an example out of the Saints just to battle the lawsuits from former players.



    Like Brett Favre said "there is a bounty on you every single play, it's football you are going to get hit."

  10. As a fan I feel all SBs should be located at least NEAR a city. I don't understand these stadiums that are 40miles away from the town they represent. The Dallas/Miami stadiums come to mind, and I'm not 100% but I'm pretty sure Foxburogh is out in the boonies.

    I like how Indy did there's. right smack dab in the middle of town.



    I agree with you. I haven't been to the Superdome since the 2000 season, but I know how close that was in the city. Talk about a nightmare drive....I've been to the Georgia Dome too, I can't imagine driving out to a stadium that is so many miles outside the city like the Cowboys stadium.

  11. Yeah use the run game as little as possible and throw it 40-50 times a game to rack up stats and lose. That's what my team does, and does it work out very well for them? No....even when you have Pierre Thomas averaging 9 yards a carry, or Mark ingram averaging 6-7 yards a carry, Brees made sure he got his stats. You can learn a thing or two watching the Saints try their absolute best to re-enact the 1984-1997 Dolphins by trying to eliminate the run 100%.

  12. I'm rather excited it's going to be in New York the up coming season. Despite how bad this is with the weather, I don't think we have to worry about either joke teams being in the big dance.

  13. Well, it looks like Jimmy Haslem is, at the very least, hiring his front office/coaching staff with organizational chemistry in mind.


    That is hardly all the Browns need to do but its the right first step anyway. Norv is definitely better at OC and maybe he can juice up their offensive production. The Browns have a solid corps of young players to build around on both OL/DL/CB and Trent Richardson at RB....plus a pile of salary cap space, so that  SHOULD help them make a jump in the win column at some point. I'm pretty sure they'll be a tougher out going forward.


    I worked for Jimmy and his family for 4 years in the 90s and they were really good to us....and very good and decent people. So I'm kind of hoping it works out for the Browns and their fans.


    And who isn't tired of Pittsburgh and Baltimore trading that division back and forth anyway?



    I was quite impressed with their defense the last 2 years. Not the best in the world but playing much better than they were before. Hopefully they do rise up and beat Pittsburgh and the old Browns (Ravens). I myself am so sick of seeing those two back and forth winning the division. Cincinnati is a joke since their owner is very cheap. Who says he don't keep Marvin Lewis as coach for another 10 years? I swear, that guy can't get fired for nothing...

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