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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. I side with P-Man 100% on this one. Denver as been sold out for decades but has a large segment of fans that don't know jack about football and are there to be seen and tell people they were there. That's the world we live in and it's not unique to Denver.  

  2. Heard the Pats are working on trading Browner back to Seattle to help there struggling DB group any word on that from your neck of the woods ?

    Belichick hasn't anything to press just yet but I'm sure if anything is on the table he'll make us aware soon. He's like that :-)

  3. Andrew Luck flopped his way to a game-winning first down


     October 21, 2013 12:23 am ET


    The Indianapolis Colts kept trying to give away Sunday night’s game against the Denver Broncos, but the Denver Broncos kept declining the invitation.

    After a Ronnie Hillman fumble deep in Indy territory, the Colts were about to face a crucial 3rd and 8 with 2:51 left in the game and the Broncos holding onto two timeouts and facing a nine-point deficit. But a personal foul on Kevin Vickerson gave the Colts a first down and essentially put the game out of reach for Peyton Manning and company.

    Or was it a personal foul? Cris Collinsworth and most of my Twitter feed didn’t think so.


    There are two schools of thought here:

    1. Luck flopped like a Duke point guard, a Real Madrid midfielder or a movie about Julian Assange. Andrew Luck is one of the finest athletes in the NFL. He can tiptoe through defenders trying to knock his head off and thread a pass in between three guys, right into the arms of his receiver. But give him a little nudge and he topples over like a Jenga board. Watch Luck’s head as he’s falling to the turf. He turns to look for the flag. It’s pathetic, which is say it’s brilliant.

    2. Kevin Vickerson brought it all on himself. What’s the purpose of his bump? The play was over! What possible good could come from throwing a minor chest bump to a quarterback in the end zone? Luck wouldn’t have had a chance to play Manu Ginobli if Vickerson hadn’t given him the opportunity to do so.

  4. I never said he wouldn't get in did I? If you would have bothered to read my comment I just stated it was hard for a kicker to get in, that's all. There are only 2 kickers in the HOF at this point besides Blanda. Blanda was a long time QB before becoming a full time kicker. Why do you feel the need to debate the undebatable? What part of 1st ballet is hard to comprehend?



    You didn't tell me anything a hadn't know for decades so stop pumping yourself up.

  5. I am not too sure about your comment about AV being a 1st ballot HOFer. There are already more deserving players still waiting to get in. It is hard for a kicker at all to get into the hall. I may be wrong but I think there are only two true kickers in the HOF. Jan Stenerud and Lou Groza. George Blanda was a kicker but only after being a QB.


    AV is a huge part of 4 SB rings. AV is as good as any kicker ever to play. I would be really surprised if he doesn't get in.

  6. The clts D couldn't stop the wildcat that night. They ran it down our throat. But Manning, much like Brady last night, made big plays when they had the ball. The phins were down late and weren't built to run a two minute offense. Sparano looked like his dog had just died on the post game presser. He couldn't believe they ran the ball for 200+ and held the ball for 45 minutes and lost



    I'm going to miss Rex when he's gone. The guy was great in his post game presser. He's a good coach IMO but his unorthodox coaching style leaves you shaking your head at times. I think he'll do well if he gets a job where he controls the personnel.  

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