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    The stuff I already mentioned. Oh. Cigars and kayaking.

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    Colts. Alabama. Destiny. My wife. Not necessarily in that order.

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  1. I watched Kevin Ware break his leg live yesterday, but watching the video again this morning makes my stomach sick. I pray for a speedy recovery for him.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Susie Q

      Susie Q

      You know in my opinion it's sick to post something like this on Youtube. I saw it when it happened and it's not something I would want to see again. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    3. Indyfan4life


      Unfortunately Susie, there are people in the world who like seeing others get injured. :(

    4. MIColtsFan


      my daughter has done this twice, once to her wrist and one to her tibia.. still makes me sick to think about! poor guy, he will heal well though, I think better than a acl or other knee injury. They think he had stress fractures weakening the area. with all the tears and reaction, I thought it was a head or neck injury, so I was relieved it was this.

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