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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. I posted that article in this very thread! I think it said that nobody in the NFL is worth not trading for 6 first round picks, whether that player is Manning or Luck, for that kind of a bounty, you have to make the trade!

    I would trade Luck and half our defense for six first rounders...

  2. And you wonder why I make snide remarks to you. How is it even possible for a QB to have "peaked" when that QB hasn't played a single down in the NFL? You are simply repeating remarks others have made instead of coming up with a reasonable and coherant argument.

    Colt Brennan peaked before the NFL. I doubt Luck has, but it is possible. It is also possible to post in the forums without attacking others.

    6 first rounders?

    Come on, I thought 3-4 was madness. No one is going to trade 6 first round picks for one guy. Not even Peyton Manning in his prime playing for league minimum is worth that much.

    BmoreColt actually posted a link to the article in another thread! The article goes on to say it doesn't believe anyone is worth six first rounders, though...

  3. It will be a huge mess.There's no way luck signs,and if stubborn bill refuses to trade him,then what?That would crush our franchise,especially if we could've landed a boatload of picks.Everybody just assumes that luck must accept being drafted by us.He doesn't.There's alot he could do.

    I doubt he's gonna pull an Elway and threaten to go play baseball... From what he has been saying, he seems to be cool with the idea of sitting behind Peyton.

  4. It always amazes me that people on "forums" believe they speak for all of the fans of a team. There are about 11,000 members of Colts Direct and several million fans. The total number of people who post regularly on this forum is probably less than 500. How does that translate into "speaking" for the entire fan base. The only thing that owners listen to is $$$ because they are in business to make money. If the fans quit buying tickets, watching games on tv and quit buying merchandise, then they will listen, but not before and certainly not to what is posted on a forum by a tiny percentage of the total fan base.

    So the Polians plan to pick Luck for the jersey sales! It makes so much sense now!

  5. Most of the people with time to vote on the probowl, are just trying to recreate the teams they created in Madden. That's why high-profile players get voted in over harder working players, but fan voting isn't the only thing that gets players in. I'm pretty sure coaches and players get a vote for who gets in, and that their vote weighs equally with the fan votes.

    Players get voted in based by:

    1/3 fan vote

    1/3 coach vote

    1/3 player vote

    If Dwight earned enough respect to get in with coach and player votes, then he DESERVES IT. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise Dwight!

  6. Do you honestly think the Colts care at all what you'll accept?

    Ha! Do you honestly think he will care what the Colts care about at that point? He said it would be unacceptable to him...

    I do agree with the thoughts behind this thread, though. The #1 pick this year has an INCREDIBLE amount of value compared to the #2 (and even compared to other #1s).

  7. Sometimes I wonder how many of you have actually watched Robert Griffin play....

    As for his height. hes listed at 6-2. (same height as rodgers) I dont see that being too big of a problem. During the heisman presentation he was about 2 maybe 2.5 inches shorter than luck who is listed at 6-4. So that likely puts him no shorter that 6-1.5

    Height isnt a huge concern.

    He is not a "running qb" he is a pocket passer who can run. He plays like aaron rodgers on steroids, he can run. There are times he will run, but that isnt what he wants to do. It is a last resort. Not to mentino he has a Stronger arm and is a way better athlete. If he can put the rest of his game together he will be a stud.

    Which is exaclty why the colts should draft him and let him sit for 2-3 years. Let him work on taking snaps from under center, his footwork, let him watch and learn from peyton. He has unbelievable upside.

    I did not say he was a scrambler, I said he was mobile. Aaron Rodgers is a mobile quarterback. They have a playing style that keeps them moving, even though they stay behind the line of scrimmage. I did not say he looks to run as soon as he senses pressure. He moves around while keeping his focus down the field.

  8. I'm more concerned about RGIII's height. I love the arm and speed, but short QB's get their passes knocked down a lot and it changes how he throws the ball.

    As a mobile quarterback, that would be less of an issue. Balls normally get batted down when the QB is in the pocket. It happens a lot less often when the QB is moving.

  9. Knowing little about RG3, I find myself being inclined to put him (as a passer) in the Graham Harrell/Colt Brennan/spread offense mold. Is that a fair comparison?

    I agree. If we end up drafting him, I would want a June Jones type brought in to be our offensive coordinator. I think it would suit him well!

  10. I dont think that makes sense, in a way. Same could go the other way. Perfect coverage would always deny a perfect throw. And its not like if we trade the pick, we only get ONE pick back for it to use on a CB. We will get a TON of picks and they could be used on quality playmakers everywhere on the team

    It means the best quarterbacks will complete throws even to receivers who are covered. A CB can't cover every possible throw at the same time. Manning and Reggie have completed many throws that put CBs in impossible positions.

  11. This is ENTIRELY hypothetical, and highly unlikely (on the point of impossibility).

    What about a three-way trade between the colts, rams, and browns.

    Colts get:

    Rams first round draft pick

    Browns second round draft pick

    Rams get:

    Browns two first round draft picks

    Browns 2013 first round draft pick

    Browns get:

    Peyton Manning

    Rams second round draft pick

    Colts use the picks to get Andrew Luck and Ryan Kalil.

    Use our second rounders on best remaining Poe or Thompson for DT and Hosley for CB...

  12. I would have to say no he didnt. Or maybe he worked to hard. I never saw him workout so I wouldnt know, but you dont miss that many games without doing something wrong in the off season. Could be bad luck in there as well but again, bad luck is if it happens once or twice not every year but 1.

    Gary Brackett is one of the hardest-working players on our team, but he's injured every year. Injuries COULD be the results of a lack of effort, but more commonly they're just flukes or people over-exerting their bodies.

  13. Collins was 0/5 on throws deeper than 31 yds

    Painter was 1/12 on throws deeper than 31 yds

    Orlovzky is 1/1 on throws deeper than 31 yds

    2011 Colts QBs 2/18 through 13 games.


    2010 8/25

    2009 7/27

    2008 7/28

    2007 10/27

    2006 13/31

    2005 9/26

    2004 11/22

    2003 11/31

    2002 8/30

    Not exactly a deep ball offense. Considering Manning never averaged 2 31+ yard pass attempts in a season, and the attempts have dropped off with his absence, but the completions have dropped off even more, but that was kind of a given.

    Nice stats!

    This also does not include pass interference calls, since they don't get recorded in the statistics. Peyton threw a lot of balls deep hoping for a flag.

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