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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Let me just skip all your questions as they have nothing to do with my statement.

    The point is this...... Based on his EXPERIENCE alone he is not the BEST option. how can you even argue that? It blows my mind that you can think anyone from the front office of a failing team that has little to no experience and no name recognition is better than someone that meets all those qualifications. I know you always want to be right but this time your digging a hole and you've fallen in.

    If we wanted experience and name recognition, why would we have fired Bill Polian?

    The Eagles front office built a team with a LOAD of talent. That is why they got the "dream team" moniker. It's the coaches job to make use of the talent around them. Their DC was inexperienced, and did not properly use all their talent to his advantage.

  2. Wow and Decosta is the only person that left that any good ISRAY hurry up and get this guy before we end up with the guy from the eagles you know the same guy who help build the so called dream team of crap.

    I wouldn't mind the guy from the Eagles. He seemed to be a wizard with cap issues. He brought in a LOT of talent, it's the coaches job to get them to fulfill their potential.

  3. Here is a summary from another thread... It has some context from the previous thread, but it beats typing it all out again.

    If Manning is paid the option bonus:

    • He is likely a Colt for the bare minimum of two years
      • Because trading him after 2012, would create a 28 million cap hit paired with Luck's approximately 5 million cap hit, and the 500k that a young Back up making the minimum would likely earn. which would tie up approximately 28% of the salary cap in the QB position
      • Trading him after 2013 would create a 19 million cap hit, paired with Luck's approximate 6 million hit and a young QB would tie up approxmately 21% of the salary cap in the QB position. There is a chance that the salary cap would see a fairly big increase in the 2014 season which could lower the % tied to the QB position based on the new TV deals.
      • After 2014, trading Manning, his dead cap space would be 9.6 million, Luck would have around a 7 million cap hit, and a low dollar young QB would have them at around 14% of the cap

    With that said, if he receives the option bonus, he's a Colt for the very least 2 more years, and more than likely 3 years.

    Now that turns to the 28 million gamble:

    • We cut ties to Manning, move on with a combination of Luck, Orlovsky, QB3, or Luck, a true vet Back up, and QB3.
    • Unless he's 95%+ healthy I do not see the option bonus being paid, because if he's forced to retire, the figures in the previous section are coming back into play and that will cause salary cap issues. BIG ISSUES.

    Actual dollars

    • Look at the players we currently have needing deals. Wayne, Mathis, Garcon, Saturday, Diem, Gonzalez, etc.
      • Wayne will likely want more $ than he's truly worth
      • Mathis & Garcon will likely demand a pretty hefty bonus
      • Saturday & Diem & Wayne would likely be signing their final contracts.

    All of this takes real money.

    Considering that in 2011 we paid out 31+ million to Manning & the quarterbacks alone.

    Consider that in 2012, if we pay Manning his option bonus, draft & sign Luck, + their base salaries that will be an additional 51 million to just the quarterback position

    So in 2 years we would have paid out 82 million to quarterbacks, and 26 million of that didn't see the field in 2011, and 15 million of that likely won't play much in 2012.

    That's an awful lot of money and with the needs of this team, it's hard to say that is an efficient use of actual dollars.

    If we do not pay the bonus, he's a free agent and we have 10.6 against the salary cap(savings of 6.4 from his cap hit of 17 million if he was playing.)

    I read this when you posted it earlier. What I don't understand is if we trade for players, who takes the cap hit for the players we are RECEIVING?

    I understand that WE will take the cap hit for Manning, but I don't understand why we would, somehow, be obligated the cap hit for all players in the trade, while the other team doesn't have anything counting against their cap.

    It seems to me that the money we owe Manning may be a sunk cost. We're paying it no matter what.

    If we take the 28 million cap hit but get players for no cap hit, it could still be worth it. Please explain to me how it works.


  4. We would take the cap hit on Manning and have to pick up the contracts of the players we picked up but they would have to pay the cap hit for those players not us. If BAV is floating around here he would be best to explain exactly how that would all work out he unerstands salary cap stuff better than anyone else here.

    If that were the case, trading is not out of the picture! Trade Manning to a team for a number of players close to his cap space. We could get young talent for Manning even if they aren't rookies!

  5. It's almost comical at this point. People keep saying trade Manning and you keep telling them that the team can't trade him without taking a cap hit. I don't understand why this is such a hard concept. It is just not economical to trade him. End of story.

    What happens if we trade Manning for players instead of draft picks? Do we take a cap hit from Manning AND the players we traded for?

  6. I agree with your sentiments. I believe it will depend on what the QB position looks like.

    • If it is Manning, Luck , and QB 3, I'm no so sure DO6 would want to even be here behind those 2.

    • If we decided to trade the # 1 pick then I feel that he could be a sufficient short term back up if the need arises.

    • If Manning isn't here and we draft Luck, I'm not sure if he, DO6, would exactly fit the bill of the veteran type presence that we would likely want to help tutor Luck since he doesn't have an abundance of experience on his own. QB 3 would then likely be a un-drafted Rookie.

    A job is a job, and even though he played well for us, I doubt other teams will be lining up for his services.

    If we have Manning and Luck, we will likely go back to having only two QBs on the roster.

    If we draft Luck and let Manning go, we would likely keep Collins in the mentor role.

  7. I personally believe that Dan Orlovsky did a phenomenal job, considering the state of the team and his personal situation (living in someone elses home, preparing for triplets, not being with the team all season, etc.). In my opinion, he at least deserves a shot to compete for a job here next season. The players certainly seemed to rally around him...

    He was given a chance to "compete" for a job here last offseason.

    It was Reggie Wayne's opinion that we needed to go with Painter, and it was the front offices opinion that we needed to go with Kerry Collins. He flat out OUT-PLAYED both of them! He should be the only quarterback we should keep from our current roster (depending on the status Peyton Manning).

  8. Why is it considered stupid for Luck (#1 pick) to sit behind Peyton but not RGIII (#2 pick)??? Everyone, who wants to trade the pick, says trade the #1 pick and draft RGIII. If RGIII is as good as some say, he will need to start his 1st day, too...just like Luck. If you trade the number 1 pick, then you will have to grab one of these guys: Foles, Cousins, or Tannehill. They are considered projects who could be franchise QBs. Keenum and others are scouted as backups only.

    RGIII is expected to be a talented project. He isn't seen as being as "NFL ready" as Luck. RGIII could polish his skills for a year, while Luck would be better served gaining game-time experience. (these are not necessarily MY opinions, just what I have gathered from the pro-RGIII crowd)

  9. R1-DQ.A smart player that manages a game well.A safe pick.(p.manning)

    R2-BMC.A flashy player with alot of upside.Tends to let emotions get the best of him.(r.wayne)

    R3.Jason.He does his homework and always comes prepared.A team player.(r.mathis)

    R4.ThatGuy.A peace keeper with a solid work ethic.(reminds me of d.clark)

    R5.Buccolts.A very level player with composure.(reminds me of g.brackett)

    R6.Joker.When he plays,he plays well.(reminds me of j.saturday)

    R7.Smitto.A talker,but can ball.(reminds me of a.bethea)

    UDFA:BALZAR,MPNATION,BLOODONTHETRACKS AND TRAV.Because every team needs waterboys and warm bodies for practice.

    Ha! Of the references you made, I have seen people post that they want to get rid of all of these players except Bethea.

    Peyton - Might draft his succesor

    Wayne - Free Agent

    Mathis - Free Agent

    Clark - Oft injured and possibly overpayed

    Brackett - Oft injured and possibly overpayed

    Saturday - Might retire

    Bethea - KEEPER

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