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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. Top talent? We are one of the weakest teams on both sides of the ball.

    He meant Manning and/or Luck. A conservative, run-heavy gameplan would not play to our strengths.

    I know people have jumped on me for wanting Martz as an OC, but I think with Peyton only having a few years left, Martz could get the most out of the weapons we still have under contract. We seem to have the good-at-receiving running backs he likes (he could make Donald Brown into a monster), and good receiving tight ends. He does an excellent job of mixing up routes to create open receivers, and I would trust Peyton or Luck to be able to make good decisions and get rid of the ball before pressure gets to them. Luck would be the best possible quarterback for a Mike Martz offense due to his athleticism mixed with his pocket awareness.

    I would want:

    Mike Zimmer as head coach/ Defensive Coordinator

    Mike Martz as Offensive Coordinator.

    Steve Spags as assistant Defensive Coordinator / Defensive Line

    Jim Tressel stays in his current clock consultant position.

  2. How many men did Custer lose at the Little Big Horn?

    I wore a Colts jersey to work yesterday and was fired in the parking lot before I could get to my office. According to the latest AP polls 100% of non-Colt fans believe Colt fans should be fired from their jobs, their familes put in concentration camps then banished from this planet forever.

    We should all be fired... Out of a cannon... Into the sun...

  3. For those who want to know the coaches that remain are:

    Clyde Christensen; Offensive Coordinator

    Ron Turner; QB Coach

    David Walker; Runningbacks Coach

    Ricky Thomas; Tight End Coach

    Mike Murphy; Defensive Coordinator

    John Teerlinck; D-Line Coach

    Alan Williams; Defensive Backs Coach

    These are the position coaches at least.

    I noticed Jim Tressel was not on the list. Was he a year-only deal, or does he count as a consultant?

  4. It's sad to see so many people taking "potshots" on this thread and making comments that are ridiculous and simply not true. Hey, I expected pretty much a wholesale changing of the guard, but if you are going to make comments how about backing up those comments with facts and/or sound reasoning?? It makes me take your "argument" a lot more seriously...


    It's hard for some of us to bring in facts with Wikipedia on strike!

  5. Hold them horses. Chuck Norris just killed an entire rain forest for what you just said. Tebow may be good at football, but your talking about Chuck Norris, the guy who fought Bruce Lee and only came away with a a broken neck, and several broken limbs......

    And a missing patch of chest hair. Lee had to fight dirty to win that one.

    His name in that movie was "Colt," was it not? Our team is named after Chuck Norris! Why do we have a horse for a mascott?

  6. This is a big if, but if Manning has to retire, why not make him the GM. I don't think he would be a good coach. He is too cerebral. I do think he would be a great GM. I know the timing is iffy, but he could be hired as GM in time for the draft if he cannot physically continue his career. I think that Irsay should run this by Peyton and then wait to pull the trigger on a new GM until more is clear about Peyton's future.

    I doubt he would be a good GM. He has shown no skill, whatsoever, at manipulating the cap or evaluating talent. The GM position should be more like an agent or a businessman than a player. He would be much better at a coaching position. His skill is at breaking down defenses and calling plays. GMs have nothing to do with either.

  7. Jeff Saturday has been one of the best centers in football for many years now. Maybe some of that is attributable to Howard Mudd. But no one has complained about having to play Jeff Saturday.

    I didn't claim anyone was complaining we were playing Jeff Saturday. I claimed people were complaining that many of our linemen were undrafted players. Saturday happened to fit that description. People tend to see undrafted players as "weak links" in a roster. That is just an observation of mine, not my personal opinion.

  8. Do you? Does anyone outside of the Colts' complex know the "real" reason? I'm not talking about the wild-eyed theories attributable to "unnamed sources." Does anyone really know why Howard Mudd left? Is it possible to find out without getting him drunk?

    I admitted I didn't know... That's why I asked... I was hoping that, maybe, you had managed to meet Howard Mudd at a bar and gotten a drunken confession out of him...

    What about Week 14 against the Dolphins? 32 carries, 51 yards (1.6ypc), four sacks?

    You can cherry-pick a week or two anywhere and paint whatever picture you want. But the overall numbers and metrics highlight the struggles Philly's offensive line had all year, and watching them play it was obvious that the line wasn't that good.

    Those numbers weren't cherry-picked... I was told the Eagles offensive line was ridiculed at the beginning of the season, so I listed the stats for the first three weeks... In order...

    As for the Eagles offensive line not being good, they finished FIFTH in rushing yards and ELEVENTH in sacks allowed. Those aren't bad "numbers and metrics."

  9. This is what I don't get. He didn't turn Pollack into a monster, he never turned Diem into a monster(servicable, but no monster), he sure didn't do anything at all with Ugoh.

    Diem was a guard he had to play at tackle.

    Pollack was a center he had to play at guard.

    He had players playing out of position due to needs. We never had true right tackle, so he threw in Diem.

    He never had a true guard, so he threw in Pollack.

    Ugoh was supposed to sit behind Tarik Glenn for a year to learn how a left tackle prepares.

    We finally give him some weapons he can use, and he's gone.

    He made good players out of Jeff Saturday, Adam Meadows, Jake Scott, Ryan Lilja, Tarik Glenn, etc...

  10. Those stats don't show how many times Vick had to scramble early and extend the plays. Its true that Phillys line improved later in the season, but is that because of Mudd, or because they finally just gelled. Vick was getting killed early in the season and had to run for his life most of the time. It is just my opinion that Mudd is highly overrated and certainly not worth bringing back at his age.

    True, I didn't show how much Vick scrambled.

    He had:

    Rams - 11 rushes

    Falcons - 6 rushes

    Giants - 7 rushes

    Some of those were designed runs.

    That doesn't seem like a lot considering it's Vick. He has a tendenct to scramble out of his own protection and get himself sacked. I don't fault the linemen for his "plays."

    I'll agree that Mudd is old, but I liked how he ran our line. I think he would turn Castonzo and Ijalana into monsters!

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