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Posts posted by Warhawk

  1. So the Colts just lost all respect as an organization.  Just went from a team that lots of player want to play for to a team no one with any sense would want to play for.  How does anyone like this team anymore with an owner with these issues.  How do we as fans justify giving our money to an owner with these issues?  As someone pointed out how do any players respect him after this.  I would not be surprised if Luck, Wayne, Hilton, Davis all wanted out of Indianapolis after this. There is no way we are getting anyone we wanted anymore. I can't even imagine that any rookies we draft could want to come  here.  It's a really sad day to be a Colts fan and I feel really sorry for him. I'm just thankful he didn't hurt anyone. Is there any type of precedent to this at all?


    This sucks, but you're completely overreacting.  No, the team is not going to fold because the owner got a DUI.

  2. You don't think the Raiders saw very quickly that DHB had bad habits when catching passes (read: jumping and cradling ever pass in his stomach)? I can guarantee that they were working on his receiving skills out of the gate but there is only so much you can do. The ability to catch a football is at least 95% natural talent.


    Yeah, I agree.  I feel bad for DHB, tbh.  He didn't fail here for lack of effort, otherwise he wouldn't have been as good a special teams player as he was for us.  He seems like a good bloke and worked hard last year, the problem is that he's ultimately a track & field guy who doesn't have the natural skills to be an effective WR in the NFL.

  3. I think we're a contender.


    I'd like upgrades at center and free safety, but that's only two positions really.  How many teams are really set at every position less than a week into free agency?  I think it's an unrealistically high bar to say that if your starters aren't set top-to-bottom 5 months before the season starts, you don't have a shot at the Super Bowl.  If that was the case, nobody would win the Super Bowl.


    If you look at what our projected depth chart is right now, the only guys I would be uncomfortable with starting the season would be Howell at FS, Costa or Holmes at C, and MAYBE Toler at CB because he's injury prone.  I think our starting front 7 on defense is very good, with the caveat that a solid pass rusher would be nice, but the hope is that either Werner starts producing in that respect, or Adongo develops into a good situational rusher, or both.  Davis is great.  I like Toler when he's healthy.  Butler is a good nickel corner.  Landry is fine, and would be better if we can pair him with another good safety.  On offense, our receivers, TEs, and RBs are all set with good depth, and our QB is obviously very good.  Our tackles are very good.  I'm fine with Thomas and Thornton starting at guard, though we need depth there.


    That's really not a lot of question marks in the grand scheme of things.  I mean, compare with most of the years Manning was here.  After Glenn retired, LT was always some kind of question mark, and that's an important position.  We constantly were shuffling through mediocre players at OLB.  Raheem Brock was probably our most reliable DT.  SS was always an issue because of Sanders' injury problems.  And aside from that roughly year-and-a-half where Marlin Jackson and Kelvin Hayden were healthy and a phenomenal duo, the entire CB position was always a really big question mark for us.  And, frankly, our guards were occasionally shaky as well, it's just that Manning and Saturday were good at covering up O-line deficiencies.

  4. Yeah maybe have like a family forum then an adult forum just really no way to keep kids out tho


    We just implement a system where when you click on the forum you have to answer a trivia question on Matlock to gain access.

  5. A long time ago I was invited to join the Planet by a really cool Pats fan who posted here.  Never really got into Patsfans, myself but to each their own.


    I've always interacted with lots of Pats fans.  Was a regular (and mod) at CHFF before they got acquired by Football Nation and the forums didn't get put up for like six months and everyone left.  Plus most of my friends in college and law school were Pats fans for some bewildering reason.  I actually know WAY more Pats fans than Colts fans even discounting people I know because I live in Connecticut.

  6. If Nicks and Wayne are their old selves, then, yeah, maybe, considering we have two borderline top-10 TEs, plus Richardson, for all his faults, was very effective out of the backfield.


    I'm not sure I would say right now that we have the best receiving corps, but I would say we've got the potential to be the best when all is said and done this season.

  7. PATS16N0, I think your sample size is a bit arbitrary.  And really, to be honest, any sample size is inherently arbitrary because of turnover.  I mean, Gronk is a great player, but in order to get that stat you're also including games with Tim Tebow at QB for Denver.  Not to mention all the other player turnover on both teams.  Since Manning has been on the Broncos, they're 0-2 against Gronk, and in one of those Gronk didn't really put up a lot of stats anyway.


    Anyway, the Broncos have made a lot of big moves this offseason.  It looks nice on paper, but how it translates to the field should be interesting.  Looking at the rosters I think the Broncos are marginally better than the Patriots, but not by a lot.

  8. And this is why EVERYONE in this forum are crazy if they think they could do a better job as GM. lol Just goes to show we don't have to agree on anything but we have no real grounds to talk trash about GMs lol. We can barely grasp a simple one year contract lol.


    Well, to be fair, most people are more critical on the talent evaluation end of the business than on the contractual end.


    Not that we know anything about talent evaluation either, mind you.

  9. If the situation is untenable then they should work a trade out for him. I'm guessing he'd be welcomed in Houston (Crennel is there now), maybe Buffalo (Pepper Johnson is there now)... the Patriots won't get much but they'll get something.


    With a base salary of 7.5 million the team trading for him would have to assume?  I doubt they'd get much of anything, really.

  10. But it's 1yr deal paying him $12M. They're just pushing the cap away until next year. Is the remaining $5.5M a dead hit for them next year?


    The 5 (from the signing bonus) is dead money for them next year.  The roster bonus and base salary for 2015 are not guaranteed, so they wouldn't be on the hook for that.


    And it's not TECHNICALLY a 1-year deal paying him 12 million, that's just what it is on a practical level.  If he plays 15+ games this year, he makes the 10 million in signing bonus, the 1.5 million in base salary, and the 500k in incentives.  But that 10 million signing bonus gets spread out between both years of the deal for cap purposes as 5 million per.


    So, yes, functionally, if we assume the Pats will get rid of him after this season, Revis is putting 12 million in his pocket for playing 1 year for New England.  But the way it actually appears on paper, and the way in which the Patriots' cap is affected, is much different.

  11. if they don't exercise the following year, and the bonus involved i don't understand how that has anything to do with this season. Meaning how can you push off a cap into a year that you know he won't be playing in?6


    Like I said, via bonuses.  Not sure specifically what the rule for base salary is, but you can kinda do whatever you want with that, since it's not guaranteed.


    Here's the breakdown, and the rules.


    He gets 10 million in signing bonus.  Signing bonus is fully guaranteed.  It is paid to the player immediately, but it counts evenly against the cap in all years of the contract.  So, 5 million each year.  Now, the thing about signing bonuses is, if you have a 3+ year contract and cut a guy with more than 1 year left, ALL the remaining signing bonus as counted against the cap accelerates, and thus if, for instance, you give a guy 10 million signing bonus for a 5 year contract and cut him after 1 year, that's 8 million against your cap the following year.  That's not an issue here, however, since it's just 2 years, so if they let him go after this year, they have a cap hit in 2015 of 5 million, just the amount of the signing bonus allocated to 2015.  So that's the only thing the Pats are, right this minute, on the hook for in 2015 as the salary cap goes.


    Then, the Pats gave him a total of 9 million in base salary, but only 1.5 million this year, and 7.5 million next year.  That's not guaranteed, so if the Pats cut him after this year, he doesn't get that 7.5, and the Pats don't have it count against their cap.  As I said, base salary is more flexible and you can mess with it to get the cap hits you want, the issue is just that it's not guaranteed.


    The roster bonus of 12 million is not guaranteed, and wouldn't become guaranteed until I believe April of next year, so it would count fully against the cap in 2015, and none in 2014.  That's where the really big discrepancy is.


    And then he gets up to $500,000 each year for playing in 15+ games, prorated, but that's a fairly small part of the contract.


    So that's a 2-year, 32 million contract, with 10 million in signing bonus, 9 million in salary, 1 million in earned bonuses, and a 12 million roster bonus, structured so that the cap hit the first year is 7 million, and the cap hit the second year is 25.

  12. i don't think his numbers are correct. How can he make 12 this season, 20 next season and have either year be a cap hit of 6.5.


    It's because he has a roster bonus of 12 million next offseason.  That's more than his signing bonus.  So his cap his this year is 5 million of signing bonus, 500k of game bonuses, and 1.5 million of base salary, for a 7 million total cap hit.  His cap his next year consists of 5 million of signing bonus, 500k of game bonuses, 7.5 million of base salary, and 12 million of roster bonus, for a cap hit of 25 million.

  13. My uncle is a huge Dallas fan, and yea Costa struggled there. Was he completely awful? No, he was better than BOTH McGlynn and Satele here, but he struggled. Not to mention we heard how bad Erik Walden was last off-season, an he actually wasn't bad. Is he a world beater? No, but he is a serviceable player.


    Thomas-Costa-Thornton has GOT to be LOADS better than Thornton-Satele-McGlynn (or Reitz or Linkenbach, though I'm fine with keeping Reitz and/or McGlynn around as backups, since what they lack in starter potential they make up for in positional versitility; Link as well, actually, but he's already gone).


    As a bargain-basement solution to our O-line problems it's not such a bad move.

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