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Posts posted by Warhawk

  1. The numbers dont support that..


    In 15 games..Denver has allowed 28 or less 12 times....23 or less eight times..


    Given up more than 30 only 3 times...


    Every loss hurts but the Bronocs went to more 5 and 6 defensive back sets.


    they have a lot of secondary depth now with Champ back.


    They can survive this..


    The most points any Super Bowl winning team has allowed is 400, and that was the 2011 Giants.  It's usually closer to 300.  The Broncos have currently given up 385 points.  In fact, as I discussed in another thread on the topic, only 6 teams in NFL history have allowed at least 400 points and ended the regular season with a winning record.  It is, perhaps, a testament to how good the Broncos' offense is that only one of those teams was more than 1 game over .500 (the 2000 Rams, at 10-6).  But that still means that the Broncos will likely end up with a historically bad defense in the context of playoff teams.  Normally when a defense is as bad as the Broncos are this year, you don't make the playoffs.

  2. I think I would worry about SD the most -- followed by NE, then Denver.   Fortunately, I think the only way we could face SD is by hosting them in the AFC championship game.   I would love to see an AFC Championship of  Colts @ Denver should the seeding fall just right.


    We could end up playing San Diego in the first round if this week, the Colts beat the Jaguars, the Bengals beat the Ravens, the Chargers beat the Chiefs, the Jets beat the Dolphins, and the Bills beat the Patriots.


    But that's the only scenario where it could happen.  If the Colts lose or the Pats win, Colts remain the 4 seed.  If the Ravens or Dolphins win, the Chargers are out.

  3. Just to put into context how poor Denver's defense is, and also by extension how good their offense is, AND by extension how bad defense is in general this year, there are only 6 teams in NFL history that have given up at least 400 points and ended the regular season with a winning record.  Here they are, most points first:


    2000 Rams - 471 points - 10-6 - Wild Card Loss

    1983 Cardinals - 428 points - 9-8-1 - No Playoffs

    2008 Cardinals - 426 points - 9-7 - Super Bowl Loss

    1989 Oilers - 412 points - 9-7 - Wild Card Loss

    1965 49ers - 402 points - 7-6-1 - No Playoffs

    2011 Giants - 400 points - 9-7 - Super Bowl Win


    Incredibly, there are 3 teams with a reasonable shot to do it this year alone - the Broncos, who already have 12 wins but will be in the club if they allow at least 15 points in week 17, and the Cowboys and Bears, who already have allowed 400+ points and can clinch winning records with week 17 wins.

  4. how bad is Denvers defense we didn't allow the texans but 3 points Denver has allowed the texans 13 pts so far

    Oh, Denver's defense is terrible. As in, if they win the Super Bowl they'll be the worst Super Bowl winning defense ever terrible. Only competition there would be the 2011 Giants, who gave up 400 points, but those Giants had a better pass rush (Denver this year has a better run defense though)

  5. Toler was being beat like a drum before going out with an ihnjury and I highly doubt him coming back makes a sizeable difference as too many people keep tossing out here. I would not cut him this far at the end of the season but I would definitely not re-sign him next season, I would cut that salary and move on.

    Next season is a whole other discussion, but have you looked at the stats? We had a 1:1 TD:INT ratio with him in, in 7 games including against Russell Wilson, Peyton Manning, Philip Rivers, Ryan Tannehill, and Colin Kaepernick. Since he's been out we've only been about 2:1 TD:INT ratio on defense, bolstered by one really good game against Ryan Fitzpatrick, and the best QBs we've faced were Carson Palmer and Andy Dalton.

    The pass defense has been much better with Toler than without Toler. Period. That isn't to say that Toler is a #1 shutdown corner, but the unit is better as a whole with Davis, Toler, Landry, and Bethea starting and Butler and Vaughn playing nickel and dime.

    I appreciate that people are frustrated with Toler's injury problems, but we should be focused on trying to win in the postseason. Saying Toler should sit or be cut is basically just cutting off your nose to spite your face. If he's healthy by the time the postseason starts, he can help us win, and until our offseason starts, that's all I care about.

  6. Well, the news 2 days ago was that Luck had dropped to 7th. If he stays there he's the first alternate. Not sure where everyone else is. I can say for a fact that Manning, Brady, Wilson, and Brees are ahead of him (I think that's the top 4). So that means that if things stay where the are right now, Luck would be in so long as the Broncos, Pats, Seahawks, OR Saints make the Super Bowl.

    Of the other potential playoff teams, I think we can be fairly confident that Flacco, Kaepernick, Cutler, Tannehill, and Dalton are all below Luck. Smith too, most likely. And The question marks would be Foles, Romo, Stafford, and Rivers. I did find an article saying Newton was 9th from 3 days ago. Also, I found an article from 3 days ago saying Stafford was 7th, so that probably means he took the 6th spot from Luck. My guess for the 6th guy ahead of Luck right now is Rivers.

  7. Don't get your hopes up too much. Reitz and Link are both probably out. Leaves us trying to fill the middle 3 spots on O-line with some combination of Thornton, Nixon, McGlynn, Holmes, and Satele. If Thornton, Nixon, and McGlynn start, as people apparently want them to, that means we're going into the game with 2 backup centers, 0 backup guards, and 0 backup tackles.

    EDIT: Oh, apparently we just elevated Thomas Austin. Another center.

  8. I am keeping my Xbox 360 slim 250 GB...


    and cut Toler ASAP... no need for injury hampered players. Send him packing. No confusion.. Go or get in there and (make a) play!


    Yes, let's cut a player who when he plays makes our defense much better right before the playoffs because of some arbitrary philosophy of "we don't want guys who get injured."

    I imagine that would have worked out real well for us in past seasons.

    Y'know, like, Bob Sanders, for example.

    We would have been a lot better off if we'd cut him midway through 2006.

  9. You are correct. Coaches (and I am a coach) are traditionally a stubborn group. That's why I hate to see posts that say that the coach always knows better because he's the one paid to do the job. That just is not true. If it were, Tom Brady would have been chosen higher than the 6th round and played sooner. Many other examples. And it's not always that the coach doesn't see what needs to be done, but a coach can be very stubborn sticking with his ways. So yes, I agree with you. It's apparent that we are better with Satele out at center and as bad as McGlynn is at guard (honestly one of the worst I have ever seen), McGlynn does better at center than Satele and the whole line seems at least somewhat better.

    Thornton, Reitz, and Link all didn't practice yesterday, last I checked. Satele did. If Satele ends up starting at center and McGlynn at guard this weekend, it's very doubtful that it will because the coaches are stupider than all of us. Satele at center and McGlynn at guard is still better than McGlynn at center and, like, DHB at guard or something.

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