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Posts posted by bluebambi

  1. I doubt it, but they should have fired Ried last year. He'll forever be the reason they lost that Super Bowl to NE with his poor clock management.

    Vick was a big no no, and they went for it anyway. Regardless of the o-line, this is nothing new. He's waiting to get hurt, and you have to admit, he does some of it to himself with the stupid running around instead of just throwing the ball.

    The play calling is another thing, they will run over a hundred yards against teams and Vick is still throwing it, that is on Ried, with the play calling. Vick had no business what so ever throwing 50 passes against Cleveland when they rushed over 130.

    Not to mention, that defense is a joke and they got rid of the scapegoat thinking their all star defense would pick up.

    It's pretty darn easy for the Giants year in and year out when the division is ran by Synder, Jones, and Ried.

    Reid wasn't in te Super Bowl..
  2. You guys won't get the home cooking on the road like you did today they called holding on the punt when the replay shows there was none and even the announcers point it out they call false start on us when you guys are clearly offsides. The refs clearly decided they were not going to let Miami win this game. The final holding call was a holding but that happened to Wake on almost every snap and they only called it once. Ya'll won't go too far maybe 7-9 8-8 tops. You have most of the rest of your games on the road so i don't like your chances. Would love to see these two teams play in Miami it would be a 30 point win for us.

    go back to Miami and cry
  3. Darn Luck. Already messing things up. He needs to go back to college for another year or something, work on that deep ball placement, and then come back and try again. He needs to win more games as well, myself and many others around the league were expecting him to be blowing people out of the water at this point, even with a bad line and below average running game. Luck doesn't deserve time, you guys might as well try to grab Barkley and trade Luck while he is still thought to be valuable.

    Sarcasm !! Love it !!
  4. Living in Virginia only one and since it was my first ever time seeing my favorite team in person it also qualifies as my best experience. It was a 2010 home game against the Jaguars. We needed a win to keep our playoff hopes alive and in typical Colts fashion we delivered. Little did I know at the time, this was to be one of Manning's last home games and I am glad that I was able to make the trip to see him play when I did.

    One thing though is that the crowd in Indy is very wine and cheese. Too quiet for my tastes. I understand when we are on offense but on defense they need to get LOUDER particularly on 3rd down. Stand on your feet and make some NOISE! Said with love. :blueshoe:

    You obviously we're not at the packers game this year
  5. He looked lost on that play, to me. Not slow, not out of position, but lost. Like he didn't recognize that Perry was coming, at all. He wasn't even close enough to reach out and hold him. That screams "blown assignment," to me.

    I don't remember which play it was, but Castonzo blocked down on the inside man, and let the outside man come untouched. I think he doubled Matthews with Linkenbach, and I think Matthews rushed inside and the other rusher stunted around him. This is from memory; I'll check.

    On another note, how about Linkenbach??? Can't play right guard to save his or anyone else's life, but not a total waste of flesh at left guard. What gives?

    I remember that play .. It was an over load blitz .. Which is a typical designed to do that ..
  6. I've like Grigson's first draft for the most part, but with Fugger being a failure and Chapman and Anderson being a mystery I may hesitate to give him my full approval, but then there's the whole getting 4 starters with our first 4 picks and then Ballard and Brazill.

    I'm sure pags and Grigs are just dying for your approval ..
  7. You say this:

    And follow it up with this:

    Sorry, but there is this thing called tackling in football. If a video game can't get that right, they did something wrong. While the animations may be stale in 12, they're not buggy as they are in 13.

    In one run play (10-15 minutes into to starting to play the game for the first time), my running back ran into the back of a blocker, and fell down. On the next play, he did about the same thing.

    This is the first time in 5-8 years that I have been disappointed. This new product is buggy, and many of the new additions they've made over the years have been completely stripped out. They should have given development on this new version another year, IMO.

    Sounds like you need to quit running into your own players
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