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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. This one just has to be forgotten, next week can't come soon enough.  It was NOT a division game.  Social & cable media make it hard to avoid the game-ending stunner low-lights, but I'm good at blocking this crap out and we can erase this with 60 minutes of what we did today minus some mental mistakes (penalties and TO's).  Sun rises in the east tomorrow.  Let's do this...as for Doyle, he will take this as a challenge and make a game-break play for us.

  2. If our offense gets very few opportunities because our defense is bad and on the field constantly (Ala several manning seasons), it's going to be critical that our o-line at least gives Luck time to work on some short and intermediate routes (tight-ends, slot)--- regardless of whether we play a gimpy Castanzo or Haeg, and that we can decently run the ball.  Lawson will line up on either side and is a beast, Cincy will keep rotating Lawson and other fresh and some young bodies in at right end to test our LT,  Billings has been playing well and is just massive (he's 320 or so and has tree-trunks and is strong (power-lifting champion type guy)) so I worry about pressure up the middle, and Atkins is Atkins and is just a bull-rush monster.  O-line will have hands full and it will be a no-brainer to get rid of the ball immediately much of the time.  And that's not even mentioning the other defensive players on the Bengals. If we perform well against that defense, it will speak volumes for our chances this year.  

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  3. I listened to Barstool Sports today on Sirius and David Portnoy was on (founder of Barstool).  He was explaining the Pat McAffee situation.  Said that it was inevitable that Pat would eventually go off and do his own thing.  He said that Pat still owns his Indy office which he called an awesome place and that the other barstool employees that were Pat hires are still in the same building working for Barstool and they have all been offered positions in NYC (or east coast office) and all have accepted those positions (as you have already read about). He said that it was a very difficult thing and that Pat is a mega-star and he will do very well (he repeated that about 5 times).  Said that to be fair to Barstool  , he said that the people that Pat was mad at, and left because of, were not trying to deceive him or rip him off.  But he knows how it could be received that way, etc.  As Pat already said, he has no issues with Portnoy and you could definitely tell that Portnoy respects Pat immensely.  But on the show today, there were other Barstool broadcasters asking David questions about what happened.  So they were definitely in "damage control mode".  Pat's pretty open about stuff but we may never know what really happened.  But with everything, it came down to money changing hands without McAffee's blessing / approval.  Portnoy said McAffee is every sales manager's nightmare, he is very demanding of the Sales staff and is very difficult to deal with in that area.  I'm a Pat M. fan, so I know he will build his own brand in Indy and be a rock-star.  He was making Barstool tons of money (they are a 100 million dollar company according to what Portnoy said today).  

  4. 24 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Banner being drafted at the bottom of the 4th was not a reach.


    He was projected by many to get drafted higher, or right around where he went.    I didn't see anyone project him to go in the 5th or later.     


    I think this talk of "reach" is a little revisionist history.



    i just remember him being more of a risk due to weight problems and both hips having been surgically repaired, calling it a reach was me just poorly articulating my thoughts.  Wouldn't be the first time ;)

    • Like 2
  5. 6 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    Zach Banner was a 4th round pick cut last year

    zach banner was a reach.  i think ballard thought that it was a disposable pick.  In other words, feeling like 4th round luck of the draw, and he didn't luck out, so he moves on.  

  6. 58 minutes ago, Jdubu said:

    Of he is the RT, when would that be due to his knee injury? Week to week has always meant 2-4 weeks with past history and more if you’re an important cog. I’d say that RT spot could be ugly to start the season and if we can’t get our LT healthy, geez, what does this team do?

    Cincinnati looked good today.  we need these two to be healthy, perfectly healthy.  

  7. 1 hour ago, ColtJ82 said:

    Can't wait for preseason to be voer

    season needs to start next sunday...preseason is WAY too long, always has been, players shouldn't be asked to play a quarter of a season to warm up to play THE season.  3 games would be plenty, if not fewer. And playing the same team twice in a row  should be disallowed.  Ok, I'll stop now.

  8. 4 hours ago, Btown_Colt said:

    Good just might get cut. He is always injured. He literally just got back and is already injured again .

    yea, and it's a knee.  don't count on good news coming out of Colts injury headquarters.  we're going to see how deep we are real quick.  its the colts, we drop like flies when it comes to injuries.  probably should have snagged a major FA o-linemen just because we knew that our existing o-linemen would have to shift to other places just to make up for injured o-linemen next to them or on the other side of the ball.  it really is a broken record at this point.  and on D, if simon is out for the year, i will have no words.

  9. 17 hours ago, Superman said:


    I don't know if that's how they're treating him. I think they're playing hard ball because they have leverage. We'll see how it plays out.


    Let's say you're the Raiders GM, your phone rings and it's me, the Colts GM, asking about Khalil Mack. What's your price?

    A first round 2019, second round 2020, & third round pick 2020  (not ballards cup of tea), but probably what it would take.

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