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Everything posted by FanFromtheWasteland

  1. From what I have seen so far, we won't eim a game this year
  2. Can't afford to go to a game😭
  3. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that we don't need Flacco
  4. I remember some people thinking we overpaid for him. That was quickly put to rest watching him play. So sorry to hear you are no longer with us. Rest in peace. You will be missed but never forgotten
  5. I haven't been around for a while. I didn't know the mustache was gone
  6. This optimism depends on if AR can prove he can stay healthy. I'm not convinced he can. JMO
  7. I for one think the pro bowl is a faint shadow of its former self and has become nothing more than an NFL sideshow complete with the overweight, greasy T shirt wearing, scraggly bearded person outside the tent collecting money
  8. I have seen a couple of games from mid field, back wall of the second level. Seemed pretty darn loud there also. I did attend a game from one if the suites once and it didn't seem very loud then but it was a Painter game so that may have had something to do with it
  9. My question is what makes anyone think we would have actually scored a TD if we made that 4th and 1 play, because that is what was needed, along with Gay making the extra point
  10. I have no reason to believe that they won't.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss and feel your pain. I lost my older sister that I was very close to, to cancer 4 years ago. I still miss her.
  12. I want us to win so much To end the gush fest of the pundits rookie darling To give most of the pundits a poop burger to eat To continue mustache mania Now That would be a Cinderella story
  13. Is this the guy you are talking about. I remember seeing him a lot
  14. I only eat one meal a day usually about 5pm and I don't snack in between. That really worked for me
  15. I didn't have anything to drink and I was out before 9pm
  16. He was a great player at one time then he wasn't anymore. He doesn't play for us anymore so I really don't care what he has to complain about. It's just dust in the wind
  17. Well he knows he screwed up and is trying to do damage control. First responses are usually the truthful ones
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