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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. Yes, I need to remind myself of this over & over again especially when we face the Patriots in week 6 on October 18th because I wanna see that our club can hang with NE. We don't have to necessarily win the game just prove to me that the Colts can actually run the ball and stop the run. I just wanna know that we have learned from the AFC Championship Game & we won't get steamrolled again. 


    I knew Buffalo was gonna be a buzzsaw defensively so losing to Rex didn't come as a big surprise to me. Plenty of time to clean up our mistakes. 

    A lot of cleaning to do on both sides but look for it to happen , and a key on the D IMO is getting Toler back some like to trash him but what we do when he and Davis are on opposite sides speaks for its self.

  2. Yes, I need to remind myself of this over & over again especially when we face the Patriots in week 6 on October 18th because I wanna see that our club can hang with NE. We don't have to necessarily win the game just prove to me that the Colts can actually run the ball and stop the run. I just wanna know that we have learned from the AFC Championship Game & we won't get steamrolled again. 


    I knew Buffalo was gonna be a buzzsaw defensively so losing to Rex didn't come as a big surprise to me. Plenty of time to clean up our mistakes. 

    Good point Brother . :thmup:

  3. Bill had some head coaching problems at previous locations...most notably Cleveland.  Cleveland ran him out of town on a rail.  His style was not working.  


    When he got to New England, he worked his way into 'mastermind' status."  He always finds the true weakness in every team he faces.  The man is a winner despite all of the all the accusations and truths...no argument here.   :)


    To be scared is not the right word.  The word needs to be..RESPECT.  If you do not respect the hoodie....he will bite the head off of your rattlesnake.  He is like an assassin.  He will never let up in tearing up teams.


    I will never be scared of the legendary coach.....but I sure do RESPECT him.

    Yes Brother he preys on your weakness and you must be prepared.

  4. I'm not afraid of the Pats...its football after all..so its just another game...but given the opportunity I wouldn't expect any mercy from the Patriots if they are blowing us out. I expect a high scoring fun game similar to the AFC game Brady and Peyton played....but if for some reason they do get the better of us...I expect them to run up the score as much as possible.....well basically what they normally do.

    Id love to turn the table and expect it. :thmup:

  5. As I have always said, one game at a time.  If we look ahead to week 6, we just may be 2-3 going into that game.


    Then when this game comes, we can rely on our 12th man to help us beat them.  I call a win at home for our Colts...but then again who's looking ahead !!   :)   :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :colts:  :colts:  :lombardi:  :lombardi: !!!!!!

    With you Brother 1 at a time . If healthy no one in the league scares me.

  6. As long as we have a good run stopping D , we crush them and run up the score. That's where they killed us last few times they ran the ball easily, there fore spreading the secondary and making Bradys life easy. IMO if healthy our D will have a party in N.E. backfield. They don't scare me. Plus we couldn't run against them , we will now = no Vince W. lol plus a Frank Gore. People look at this as a great obstiicle .  I don't see it. Some one mentioned shredding N.E.S secondary that I see. rotflmao

  7. Not ALL condescending:)  


    The only thing that I do not agree with is Mike Adams being far ahead of the others.  Lowery has shown himself to be one of the hardest workers out there this spring.  I love Adams, but he is not as fast as he once was.  It's that age thing.  He has superb instincts!!


    And Andrew Johnson was our 17th president.  Andre Johnson is a Colt   cookie.gif

    :funny:  What kind of routes did Andrew Johnson run and could he catch the ball ?

  8. Trust me Jay, if you played with Cutler, you'd lose your passion for winning & lunging for that extra yard too as the season progressed. Cutler's not exactly inspirational or awe inspiring demeanor wise. 


    He's got a rocket for an arm yes, but so did Jeff George, & he never won any shiny hardware either. Jay doesn't listen to any coach: Shanahan, Smith, Trestman, all fired...Are you detecting a pattern here? I sure am. 

    Oh I agree Tammy and I despise Cutler , What a waste. Forte is not great between the Tackles and often doesn't give the effort. Lol I want them all gone. D is not great either.

  9. I know right. He's still an extremely productive back. Matt shouldn't get any flack for Cutler's incompetence on the football field. I can't imagine John Fox letting him go or phasing out his touches. John's not stupid. 


    Who's Jay's backup? Jimmy Clausen. He's servicable nothing spectacular though. 


    To go from Peyton Manning to crybaby Cutler. LOL! That's not a drop off that's falling off a freaking mountain man. Ouch! Hang in there Fox. It's gonna be brutal. 


    I can't wait to see those Jay I don't give a bleep press conferences whenever the Bears lose. They're morbidly fascinating to watch. Jay's boredom & complete indifference I mean. The Chicago fan base deserves much better than him. He acts like he won a SB & there's no way he's getting past Aaron Rogers this year. 

    They will be lucky to finish third in division in my opinion. Theres no Dents or Singletary Fencics or of course Sweetness in Chicago right now. IMO they are a franchise in disarray.

  10. Did not know you were a Bears fan. I have always liked Forte. He gets hurt a lot but when he plays, he seems to be one of the better RBs.

    As long as theres gaping holes , what I mean by open field , but hes not great between the tackles. Im Colts first , however the Bears are my second team. :thmup: IMO  not worth the money , think we have a better RB in Gore.

  11. I think this is a "should be" list, not "will be". Pure speculation. Saying guys like TRich and Nicks will be cut, and it already decided is hard to believe. These guys have barely even had time to practice with their new teams yet.

    I wouldnt trade Hasselbeck for Manuel. If Manuel is cut, I wouldnt mind putting in a claim or even offering a 7th for him. But for now, Matt is our best option for emergency QB and Manuel would only be useful once Matt retires.

    Hasselbeck is probably the best backup in the league, at least the most accomplished.

    Not to mention a very good mentor and teammate , a true pro. 

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