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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. I have not seen anyone smother the big lunkhead when he is healthy.  If we do not shadow him, he will tear us up.


    Edelman is a pain in the buttox!!  Press coverage...knock him around.


    Wasn't there a guy named Vontae that held Sammy Watkins to 'nuttin?'  


    IMO you jam Edle and Tweedle , oops :funny: I mean Amo lol at the line ​. Shadow Gronk. Pass rush you get to Brady make it count, not dirty just rattle his eye teeth clear to his toes ! DL hands up when hes releasing ball. 12th man make it impossible for him to hear. Don't stop if we make a mistake and fall behind . Please no boobirds !

  2. I yelled at the TV as loud as I have in years when Pagano called Time out.   :)  I did not tire of Bob Lamey saying...."HE MISSED IT HE MISSED IT HE MISSED IT!!!!!"  football-punt-smiley-emoticon.gif

    With you on that one Brother , I blurted out a resounding wth ! :funny: LOL thats not exactly what I said.

  3. What's wrong with seeing how Hassleback can do with the 1's?  He is going to surprise some people with great playmakers in front of him.  JMO.

    Hass is a good QB with a wealth of wisdom, can he throw 50 yds down field ? No , but hes not going to hurt us either , he can move the ball. I have faith this staff is smart enough to change game plan to fit Hass.

  4. They really did, and all I read is Thornton needs to go.  Even old Bob Lamey said "These new young officials obviously do not know what holding is."  Thornton played mean and then got meaner with the calls.

    That's what I seen as well . Thorton showed some of the meaness ive been expecting all along. Is he finally healthy ? Lamey hit it on the head , some TV announcers made reference to some being petty as well.

  5. I will add that Pep did not commit the holding penalties that kept the Colts out of the endzone 3 weeks in a row.  He does not false start.....What I said is absolutely true.  How many more TDs did we leave on the field with the turnovers and penalties?


    Pep calls horrible plays on blitzes?  Luck sees the blitz and he checks off if he knows where it is coming from.  Luck needs to not just look to TY...a swing to Gore...quit slants.  Yes this is what I expect out of whom some call an elite QB.


    There is a whole lot of You said you said here for someone who does not even seem to be a Colts fan...but that is JMO.  I am ready for Sunday.  2-2 

    Agreed . IMO everyone should chill on the OL, give them the chance to gel again. Other than the penalties looked much better. Josh Robinson has no business on the field on 3rd down against a blitz and right now I personally like Varga better over all. Gore should be in on 3rd down JMO .

  6. One thing is...Luck HAS has done a lot of 'kills' at the line of scrimmage.  It is not all about Pep.  Luck needs to watch other receivers...not just TY.

    Agreed Lucks performance left a lot to be desired . The wiffs against the blitz don't help much either . There is some tweeking in personell on the line ,and a lot of execution to clean up.

  7. Some totally over reaction in this thread.  Two games,,,,the season is over...Whatever,  Chill out and watch this offense come alive.


    • AJ, Dorsett, and Moncrief still new to the system.  It takes time. (Moncrief listed do to not playing much last year)
    • Luck needs to quit looking at only TY.
    • Where is Coby Fleener?
    • Screens/bubble passes to Gore and Josh...Varga too.
    • penalties/mistakes.

    Bottom line is we need to open up the playbook.  We look like we are stuck i the preseason.  Luck has not regressed.  He has not been able to work at game speed with all of the newbies.  Not in sync.  When it comes...and it will, we will be winning as the defense gets healthy.


    OL:  Reitz at LG as I have said for about 5 years....or more?   :)  Just so everyone knows, I am not giving up,  If anyone is, they do not care about their Colts.  Calling guys 'bums' and such do not help.  Lets watch as the team comes together as a well oiled team again.  (See Seattle 0-2)  :colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!

    Im with you the play book must be opened and on Reitz as well. Pep is tying the offense hands. Why were our TEs not targeted ? Let Luck run this at the line , hes smart enough . Now nothing to do with this thread, hats off to the D especially the secondary for not totally collapsing with inexperience.

  8. And I think it's a damn fair question....


    I have been as big a supporter of Grigson as there is here....  and the same for Pagano.    I like both of them very much.


    But I don't think you can blame Pagano for whatever his shortcomings are without a fair amount of the blame also falling on Grigson.   It's his job to get the talent,  and I'm sorry,  but we are now four years in and there are still areas where we are not at a playoff caliber level.


    We are still struggling at the line of scrimmage -- both sides.


    Our defensive line can NOT be taken seriously.   There is ONE veteran out of the first six.   Wynn makes two veterans out of 7.    The other 5 guys are either rookies or 2nd year guys who didn't play much in their first year.     That's simply NOT acceptable.


    Our OL may or may not have enough talent,  but it certainly doesn't perform as if it does.   So whether it's talent or coaching,  that's all on Grigson.     He gets the talent, and reportedly is heavily involved in the selection of the coaches.   


    Sorry,  I may like them both,  but if the marriage has gone south, I'm in the camp that says it takes two to make this go bad.  


    Ultimately,  this is on Irsay.   I don't see him letting go of both and starting over.    But I don't think it's fair that Pagano is the guy with his head in a noose and Grigson is the guy who has made Pagano's job much more difficult than it had to be.


    Here is the Sports Illustrated article:



    Got to agree on the assessment on Pagano , lets not tie his hands.

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