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    <p>Sports Fan....'nuff said</p>

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  1. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning! Red to the east with the sunrise, dark and stormy rolling in off the lake to the west...just beautiful

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    2. southwest1


      "Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning!" I love that Navy expression. My dad uses it all the time when he knows stormy weather is a brewing. Don't forget, "Red sky at night sailors delight" too. The irony is that my dad served in the U.S. Army yet he always quoted popular Naval expressions. Figure that 1 out. Before you ask, he swam just fine & had no fear of water at all, but he is claustrophobic so no tight surroundings for him or sub duty either.

    3. MIColtsFan


      haha, SW I found both the morning and the night expressions to be true for the Big Lake, not sure about the ocean, it's unsalted here! Kudos to your Dad for serving! My Dad and brother are Navy Veterans. God Bless those who serve!
    4. Nadine
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