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Everything posted by Smonroe

  1. I chalk it up to Shane demanding accountability from players and coaches. It could be something else, money, etc., but I’m hoping it’s Shane insisting we do everything possible to succeed. I’d love to know how much influence he has on the draft.
  2. I’m a little late to the game, but I just saw that MPJ and his wife bough a farm in Indiana. Sounds like he’s going to sign eventually.
  3. Exactly. Thats why I said a case could be made for drafting a QB again this year. I know they won’t. But it would be justified for the future state of the franchise. If he can take a page from Mahomes, it would be better than taking one from Allen. Both do a great job of running, but Allen hardly makes attempts to avoid contact. He’s one tough dude. But that will catch up to him eventually.
  4. Agreed on that last sentence. What’s still a question mark is his ability to stay on the field. While watching the Bills and Allen I kept thinking “AR can do that”. Just slide more, lol!
  5. If Verse last to 15 we better take him. We should get Flowers back, so the CB group isn't too bad. But I'd rather give AR another playmaker. Either Bowers or a WR like Thomas from LSU. However, I fully expect Ballard to trade the pick.
  6. My prediction - when it comes to the 15th pick in the draft we'll hear: "The Indianapolis Colts have traded their pick..." We need a playmaker, on either side of the ball. Yes, we have many needs and they would be better filled if we had more draft picks. Everyone wants a WR, and I have no problem with that. But I think Pierce will excel with AR and Downs is already good. MPJ is a stud, and a chain mover. At one point I thought we had too many TE's on the roster, but that dwindled fast. Woods is a question mark, as is Ogletree. MAC is adequate at best. I like both Mallory and Granson, but they basically bring the same thing. Bowers would look good in Blue and White.
  7. That may be true. Now. But don’t you think that after 2025 those owners will be partnering with their city to submit proposals for the combine? I suspect Jerry Jones is already working on theirs.
  8. Should I have added "in our lifetime"? Indy also has the same shot at the draft and the SB again. The city did a great job with the SB too. They aren't on the list for the next four years, while other cities have had it multiple times. As Cindi Lauper sang - Money changes everything.
  9. Yeah, I suspect 2025 will be the last year it's in Indy. It doesn't matter what the players or even the coaches want. The owners make the final call and greed trumps logic.
  10. Crosby would be a nice add. But I think Fields would not be happy being a backup. There's a rumor they may trade him to Atlanta, where he'd most likely be a starter.
  11. Oh, I agree the season was fun. It was rewarding to know that we have a HC who's smart and demanding. But, to me, it was weird. I wanted to win every game and to make the playoffs. But in the back of my mind it was still a lost season in a way. I'm pretty sure a lot of others felt that same way. And you saw all the posts from people wanting us to tank for a higher draft pick. I'm definitely not in that crowd.
  12. Again, I'm not suggesting we draft another QB, I'm just saying there's a case to be made. In your scenario (worst case) AR gets hurt and we have a veteran take us through another year like the last one. Even though we may win, maybe even make the playoffs, no one is very excited because we know it's not the team of the future. In the scenario where we draft a QB (I'm using Daniels as an example) one would win the starting job. If he gets hurt, it's sort of like the Cousins/RG3 year. (I know Cousins was a 3rd round pick, it's just an example.) The argument is moot, whether you're convinced or not.
  13. To be clear, I'm not saying we should pick a QB in the first round. I'm just saying you could make that case. For all of the reasons you and I stated. The position is so important that you want to minimize your risk there. I think AR has it all, but that's a guess at this point. I bet that Jayden Daniels has a higher rating this year than AR did last year on the Colts board. It's possible he could be there at 15. But I think Ballard will live or die with AR.
  14. No problem. Here it is: The QB is the most important position. Your franchise success is dependent on him. (For the sake of brevity I won’t go into reasons. We all know it starts with the QB). The Colts have a rookie QB that finished two games. He is still an unknown, both health wise and performance. If the Colts can get a QB at 15 that they rate higher this season than AR was last year, the chances of franchise success doubles. They compete for the starting job. Loser is a cheap(er) backup. Again, I’m not advocating it, I’m saying a case can be made for it. You can disagree, but then you’re saying we should put all the eggs in one basket.
  15. The more you drink, the smarter I sound.
  16. You’re mixing up your argument. Yes, I said the odds are that Ballard won’t select a QB. Obvious. Then I gave the legitimate case if he did select one. capisci?
  17. Probably a million to one. But that wasn't what I said. I said you could make a case for any position being one of need, including the QB. Who could argue that we really don't know what we have in AR, both health wise and talent. To be clear, I think he's the real thing. I love his attitude and the little we saw of him on the field. But he's yet to prove himself in both of the areas I just mentioned.
  18. You could make a case for a player at any position fitting a need. Including QB.
  19. He didn’t have a choice last year. The Ballard thing to do (and probably the right thing) would be to trade back and get a couple good players to improve the team. The “fan”thing to do would be to stay put or even trade up for a stud WR. I’m a fan.
  20. I know, logically, we need a stud CB or edge rusher. But I’m in the camp that says - give AR more weapons. So if a top WR is available, I’d love to take him. But we all know Ballard…
  21. Stays and picks the BPA. But what if the BPA is Jayden Daniels?
  22. IDK, last year was just a bad dream.
  23. I hope it works out. He and Woods showed so much promise. But, as they say, availability…
  24. I’ll say it again, losing AR was the worst thing that happened. Worse than any loss. On a different note, I was watching this video and it reminded me of how good Ogletree was looking. What’s the latest on him? Is he still a Colt?
  25. Good way to put it. Both of their jobs are on the line. AR looks like the real thing to me, I love his personality and (in a very limited amount) his play. But until he shows he can last a season, he's not a sure thing by far. IMO, no matter how AR plays next season, or how much, Shane is safe. The job he did with Minshew and a very mediocre defense speaks for itself. As a Buckeye I'd love to have MHJ but it's not meant to be. There are a few WRs that will be available at our pick who can make a difference. I think we should do everything we can to build around Richardson, even to the detriment of adding better D players. Just MHO.
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