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Posts posted by hockey878

  1. collie should be an 85.

    Derrick mason is an 86. His 2010 stats

    61 catches 802 yards 7 TD's in 16 games

    Austin Collie's stats

    59 catches 649 yards 8 TD's... in 9 games played... and thats even with him playing in only half of 3 of those 9 games.

    collie should for sure be better than a 79.

    Josh Cribbs is rated a 79. his CAREER stats

    59 for 580 and 3 td's

    Jerricho Cotchery is a 79.

    41 catches for 433 and 2tds in 14 games.

    Braylon Edwards is an 85

    53 904 and 8tds in 16 games

    collie is WAY underrated in this game

  2. Hopefully they will improve with a few roster updates.

    They are usually pretty questionable when the game first drops.

    I know a few years back they must have been Jets fans because the Jets were ALWAYS terribly overrated when the reality was they sucked.

    I'll take a game with totally batcrap ratings if it means the game itself is actually good, though.


  3. yea NBA 2k11 was really buggy. still liked the game though. mine didnt really freeze at all so maybe i got a lucky copy or something. I just dont understand why they can just put the NCAA game engine in madden. the gameplay in NCAA is so much better, but im much more interested in NFL than college.

  4. If it's anything like last year's game none of it matters. If they don't put defense back in the game the only thing that will determine who wins and loses (Head to head, not against the CPU) is who scores last and doesn't leave enough time on the clock for the other guy to score again.

    I hated last years game. played it for like 2 weeks then brought it back and moved on to NBA 2k11 which was a lot better imo. Still, annoying to see some of the absurd ratings. i can live with some of them. but collie a 79 is terrible. especially when garcon is an 82 and TAMME is and 83. Talk about giving credit to the wrong guys, did they even watch a colts game last year?

  5. I have huge problems with

    - Collie is a 79? are you kidding? how about 85 at least? before his fist concussion he was in top 5 in yards and top 3 in tds.

    - Gonzo is a 70. i think he should be like a 75 or 76. but i guess i cant really complain about that too much.

    - Ijalana is not in the game......

    - Freeney is rated too low. should be a 97 at least.

    - Brackett is an 86. I love gary, but he should be more like an 82.

    - Powers is an 81. should probably be an 84 or 85. (kelvin is an 85...)

    - Maybe the worst of all.... MELVIN BULLITT is a 79, while aaron francisco is a 76. that has to be a joke. Bullitt should be 82-83.

    i think thats it..

    My link

  6. With all the positive talk about this kid just from these past few days in camp I am really, really excited to see him in action.

    Haven't been this excited about a rookie in years.

    Thats what i mean. I know he has been projected as a steal. Maybe its just overly high expectations, but i dont know if ive ever been more excited about what a rookie could bring to the table... especially a third round pick.

    He doesnt even have to get sacks. Just getting a nice push up the middle will do the job for us to get freeney and mathis (and even maybe hughes) some nice sacks!

  7. They released a top 5 DE's in the game thing.

    BTW I'm pretty sure the guy who does the ratings for Madden is a crack smoker.

    oh ok, gotcha. and hes gotta be. no way after all those injuries and peyton basically willing us to the playoffs without feeling in his right arm that he isnt a 99. i mean he is throwing to tamme, blair white and javarris james half the time. dude is a phenom even at age 35. and as for freeney.. yea his sack total is down, but that is because of lack of pressure from DT's. when brady and many others say he is scariest defensive player in the NFL that just proves how darn good he still is...

  8. dang,they kept yours and deleted mine UNFAIR. (stomps feet and pouts)

    this new stat includes

    Consequence of situation (i.e. pick before halftime on hailmary doesnt count. 50 yard pass setting up 1st and goal at 1 is HUGE. TD's late in close games is HUGE, in blowouts doesnt matter)

    Fumbles and sacks are negative, not just picks

    Ball traveled in the air matters a lot, Run after catch doesnt help QB as much (poor tom cant let welker do work for him anymore)

    rushing totals and tds add to it...

    a bunch of other things as well that i cant remember.

    What i LOVE, it proves that manning, despite his INT filled 2010, is still the number 1 QB.


  9. Wow 85, isn't that a little low... even the Ravens are in front of us.

    people seem to forget how many injuries we had last year. same reason we are 18-1 odds to win the SB. If i wasnt in grad school i would put 1000 on us to win and get rich!

  10. Everything i have heard is that this guy has been amazing in camp so far. Seems like every day someone is posting about him getting in the backfield and being disruptive. This guy could potentially become a huge steal, and the DT we have needed for so long. If costanzo and nevis pan out and we dont get hit with injuries too bad we have a very serious shot of winning a superbowl this year or in the near future.

    Hearing all the great things with nevis combined with the signings of anderson, harris and sims (for depth if nothing else, we can now sustain a few injuries and not be totally screwed at those positions). Also, word from camp is that jerry hughes has been looking really good, which is also very encouraging. I dont have any links, but this is just what i have repetitively seen on websites.

    Lastly, (this post got way off topic and got much larger than i thought) if our WR's can stay healthy and peyton recovers fine this team is scary. Even if we can just keep 3 of the main 4 (gonzo, collie, garcon and wayne) on the field we have tons of weapons on offense, and potential for the best pass rush we have seen in years from the D.

    Im Excited :FBtongue:

  11. i would say he hit huge on garcon and collie considering they were 6th and 5th round picks respectively. In a redraft, collie would probably be 1st or 2nd round and garcon would probably be 2nd.

    Gonzo showed tons of promise until the two injuries, so no one really knows what we have there.

  12. id say reggie's status has more to do with gonzo and garcon. like the above poster mentioned, collie is purely a slot guy. gonzo can play outside. if, and thats a big if, gonzo can get back to form wayne may be expendable, or at the very least lose a lot of leverage.

    Personally, depending on how the season goes, I say keep gonzo, collie, garcon and look to draft a WR in round 2 or 3... or even round 1 if the right guy is available.

    Its hard to believe gonzo has dropped so far. 2 years ago at this time we were stoked for him to have a breakout year, now he probably wont get on the field much. too bad injuries can derail a career like that. Anyway, the above paragraph is mainly me hoping gonzo has a great year, stays healthy and becomes what he was supposed to become.

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