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Posts posted by hockey878

  1. Kerry Collins basically gave them 14 points! THATS HIS FAULT. Our oline hasnt been good for a long, long time. Peyton doesnt get hit, cuz unlike collins he actually has pocket presence, gets rid of the ball quickly, and is more aware than any QB in the NFL. there is a reason he is always the least sacked QB in the NFL and it has little to nothing to do with the line.

  2. this is a forum for fans to discuss team related matters. People are gonna talk about our franchise QB, and one of the greatest QB's of all time. If you dont like it ignore it or go elsewhere. Obviously people are gonna wonder about how things could be different with peyton.

  3. So you're saying that this is typical Colts defense and special teams so they get a pass? This totally unacceptable! Every year they say that they're gonna address the same issues and every year they do the same thing and expect Peyton to bail us out. It finally caught up with them this year. The defense isn't gonna get much better and the offense isn't going to put up 21+ points per game.

    no, what im saying is the way we played today is no different than normal. and normally we win these games. So yes, I think with a healthy Peyton we would have won. thats what im saying.

  4. no it wouldnt help dallas block mario. but peyton probably would have recognized the mismatch and gotten rid of the ball quicker. or stepped up in the pocket (there was room), or maybe even audibled out of the play like he does so much. The line played no worse than they ever do and actuallly run blocked better than normal.

  5. That's more like 250 dollars, instead of 2 cents.

    Even though you could be right, I really think we would have won if Manning were there. The line is bad, but Manning would have thrown the ball quicker; he has a faster release than Collins. I like the way we played in the 2nd half, hopefully it carries over agains the gritty Browns.

    Nice post!

    I agree, if you ask me the team played pretty much exactly like they always do. 14 points the D allowed was because of Kerry Collins fumbles. The terrible inefficiency led to the D getting fatigued from spending 20 of 30 minutes on the field.

    Subtract the 14 points that are pretty much on Kerry Collins and the D/ST allowed 20 points. Is that really any different than normal? And do you really think a healthy peyton couldnt put up 24-35 points?

    If you wanna take this even further, I would be willing to bet that with Manning the punt return TD doesnt happen either, in fact that was during a 2 minute drill and chances are we get a field goal out of that at least. In any case, I highly doubt manning wouldve went three and out leading to the punt and then the return.

    The D forced 3 turnovers, including one on the first drive. Im more than willing to bet we come away with at least 14 points out of that instead of 7.

    I really dont think the D played that bad. Neither did the Oline, it was pretty standard colts performance. Except usually peyton manning orchestrates every little bit of the game and keeps our offense on the field long enough to give the D a rest and help them out. When your O goes 3 and out everytime and gives the other team great field position its almost impossible to play D, no matter how good your defense actually is (see steelers game).

    I cant believe how badly people are underrating peyton right now. its unbelievable.

  6. we kicked off to them and almost immediately got a turnover the D was put in horrible situations. Did they play good? no. They played the same way they have played for most of the past 8 years. They just didnt have peyton sustaining drives and capitilizing off turnovers to give them a breather and some hope.

    I mean say instead of 2 fumbles the colts lead two 5 minute drives that get field goals, which is a low place to set the bar. Texans dont score those 2 quick TD's and we are talking about 20-6 instead. Maybe get just 2 first downs on the drive before the punt return and that doesnt happen. 13-6.

    I know these are all "what ifs" but all of those are very likely done by peyton with his eyes closed. People saying a healthy peyton and we still would have lost are terribly wrong. Like i said earlier, they wouldve won with a healthy peyton. easily.

  7. If Peyton played we still would have lost because he would have been rusty and playing with a dead arm. Let Peyton sit and heal up...this team will take their lumps but will get have good draft picks next year for when Peyton does return.

    im saying healthy peyton, not the one who couldnt practice because there was too much pain....

    you comparing what healthy peyton vs healthy kerry gives us? which is the comparison you need to make when you compare how good they are...

  8. people really dont get it. didnt expect them too. oh well, not everyone can think about a problem intelligently. Most people just resort to telling me that I am not a colts fan because im looking for positive, and i dont believe this team will be that good without manning.

    To the person who said my thing is like a person losing their job to pay less taxes. What im saying is actually more like a person losing their job, only to find a better job with better people that pays more a year later. And that actually happened to my dad 10 years ago and worked out great.

  9. I kind of get what you mean. I'd rather have had Manning set the consecutive starts record and put it so far out of reach noone could ever touch it. That's not going to happen now, so might as well hope for the best.

    Personally I'm a bit more optimistic. This season may well prove me wrong, but at this point I'd take Collins with two weeks of practice over Mcown and Hasselbeck, especially considering the talent Collins has around him. If it doesn't work out and we go 0-16, well, at least it proves Manning is :goat: . WE CAN'T LOSE!!! rotfl

    I would rather have manning healthy too and break every record in the world. im just trying to find positive out of negative.

  10. I know this is a big hypothetical, but im just trying to look at the silver lining here. If peyton were to miss the entire year I honestly think we would get a top 5 pick. I really dont think andrew lucks is the way to go. If peyton had 3 or 4 year contract that would be fine, but luck wouldnt take over til his 5th year in the NFL. not worth it.

    But, we could pick up a few big time players in round 1 and 2, seeing as our 2nd round player would be darn close to where we normally pick in round 1. In a weird way peyton missing a year could almost help him have a better shot to win a SB before he retires than continually overachieving into the playoffs but being just short on talent to win and then not getting high picks in the draft to replenish the roster effectively. How?

    Well, as we know our top picks have struggled as of late. And yes polian has done well later in drafts to find gems. The problem is most of those great steals become solid starters. Not bona fide superstarts, those are usually found in round 1. Having a early round 1 pick and in round 2 as well could give the colts the opportunity to draft instant impact players.

    Imagine peyton getting justin blackmon as a WR, that could totally reinvigorate the colts O. Grab a really good guard or center in round 2, give nevis costanzo and ijalana a year to develop. The team could be really good given one year with high draft picks. Blackmon could allow reggie wayne to see more single coverage effectively prolonging his career (if we resign him). Maybe if the colts feel comfortable at WR, they could get a stud DT DE or maybe a CB (Im not real knowledegeable about upcoming draft at this point).

    I guess, im just trying to find a way to make what is possibly going to be a long, painful season into a good thing.

    With some new highly talented players around him, maybe peyton could get a few late career 'ships a la john elway.

    anyone else agree with my odd, distorted view of what I could see happening?

    Please dont take anything in this post as negativity bashing or question my fanhood. I say this, because i can see people interpreting it this way, and i dont mean it like that at all.

    anyway, tell me what you think! (try to be nice haha)

  11. in all seriousness, i dont think we would want andrew luck. He wouldnt start until year 5 which would likely be his contract year... if peyton had signed a 3 or 4 year deal i could see it.

    I know this is a big hypothetical, but im just trying to look at the silver lining here. If peyton were to miss the entire year I honestly think we would get a top 5 pick. We could pick up a few big time players in round 1 and 2. In a weird way peyton missing a year could almost help him have a better shot to win a SB before he retires than continually overachieving into the playoffs, but being just short on talent to win and then not getting high picks in the draft to replenish the roster effectively.

    All this provided he comes back 100% healthy. Again a longshot, but it could happen.

    Imagine peyton getting justin blackmon as a WR, that could totally reinvigorate the colts O. Grab a really good guard or center in round 2, give nevis costanzo and ijalana a year to develop. The team could be really good given one year with high draft picks.

    Idk. just me trying to stay positive.

  12. Why don't we just wait and see how everything plays before we declare Polian a bum for cutting players we think should make the roster.

    did anyone mention polian being a bum other than you? I simply stated I think olshansky could be a valuable pick up. others agreed. there are rumors about a trade and people speculated on that a bit. other than nothing about anyone being a bum... maybe you should learn how to read. you seem to have a problem with that.

  13. I feel like its gotta be for a DT, CB, or S. maybe a G but i doubt it. Brandon Merriweather just got cut by the pats... thats something to think about for depth at S.

    Igor olshansky was also cut today by the cowboys. hes 6'5 315 and could play DT for us. So maybe thats a possibility as well. I doubt any of these will happen. just bouncing ideas around.

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