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Status Replies posted by BrentMc11

  1. slaving away in kitchen, dinner at 2, kids egg hunt around noon. doing today since grandkids at their dads tomorrow. planting garden tomorrow in peace

  2. Happy Easter weekend Forum friends! I hope you get to spend it with family and/or friends!

  3. Happy Easter weekend Forum friends! I hope you get to spend it with family and/or friends!

  4. Just for giggles what would be the best & or worse voices to add to your GPS for directional assistance while traveling in a car, truck, van, or other vehicle?

  5. Well Tammy and i went shopping with our grandson last night,came away with a Colts Manning jersey wich may never be worn,may take its place on the wall,she came away with a Wayne jersey,lol waiting to see whos jersey the little man wears

  6. slaving away in kitchen, dinner at 2, kids egg hunt around noon. doing today since grandkids at their dads tomorrow. planting garden tomorrow in peace

  7. Busy day running the roads today with my wife and daughter. Going to enjoy the company!

  8. Just for giggles what would be the best & or worse voices to add to your GPS for directional assistance while traveling in a car, truck, van, or other vehicle?

  9. Stan Van Gundy pretty much set up Dwight Howard for an ambush....What was he thinking?

  10. slaving away in kitchen, dinner at 2, kids egg hunt around noon. doing today since grandkids at their dads tomorrow. planting garden tomorrow in peace

  11. checking through recipes deciding how creative I want to be for Easter dinner.

  12. Well Tammy and i went shopping with our grandson last night,came away with a Colts Manning jersey wich may never be worn,may take its place on the wall,she came away with a Wayne jersey,lol waiting to see whos jersey the little man wears

  13. checking through recipes deciding how creative I want to be for Easter dinner.

  14. im gonna be 21 on tuesday. i can have my first LEGAL drink :D

  15. Pacers win! What a great game for the Pacers. OKC made that really close near the end there, but they pulled it off.

  16. Just for giggles what would be the best & or worse voices to add to your GPS for directional assistance while traveling in a car, truck, van, or other vehicle?

  17. Need directions... Know of any two-way streets around here?

  18. Need directions... Know of any two-way streets around here?

  19. Be prepared for Easter!

  20. Just for giggles what would be the best & or worse voices to add to your GPS for directional assistance while traveling in a car, truck, van, or other vehicle?

  21. Stan Van Gundy pretty much set up Dwight Howard for an ambush....What was he thinking?

  22. Well Tammy and i went shopping with our grandson last night,came away with a Colts Manning jersey wich may never be worn,may take its place on the wall,she came away with a Wayne jersey,lol waiting to see whos jersey the little man wears

  23. Happy Easter, Coltsworld!!!!

  24. Just for giggles what would be the best & or worse voices to add to your GPS for directional assistance while traveling in a car, truck, van, or other vehicle?

  25. Just for giggles what would be the best & or worse voices to add to your GPS for directional assistance while traveling in a car, truck, van, or other vehicle?

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