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Everything posted by DynaMike

  1. Wow! Cowards? Maybe they just have a different opinion on how to handle things. You assume that your chosen action is the righteous way, so Ballard & Dodds must agree with it, but they don't act because they are "cowards." Maybe they truly believe that another way is better, and are sticking to their beliefs (IE not being cowardly) about it? It's fine to disagree with someone's beliefs, but to attack their character because they see a different way forward is a bit much. I am personally so-so on signing Simmons. He is older, not super fast, & will likely want more money & term. If we sign him (especially to a 1 or 2 year contract at reasonable $) then that's fine for this year & for a veteran presence, but I don't think he is the ultimate answer for us right now. All of this doesn't even account for if Simmons even wants to come here! I love my Indiana peeps, but for many people around the country, choosing between living in Indianapolis or New Orleans is an easy decision, and it's not Indy. Now consider that this is a young, rich African American man making the choice, and it's not even close.There are many non-cowardly reasons that Simmons might not end up here. Add me to the list of people who dislike when people use the term 'garbage' to describe below average. It seems to fit in with the whole 'you are either great or terrible' mindset which is just inaccurate, and a bad way to run a franchise. That said, IMHO that post was garbage.
  2. True, but he does get paid like a tackle. I wonder which he would prefer, Pro Bowls or tackle money?
  3. Yes he is back to practicing.
  4. People are no longer limited to the location they were born. It's so easy to relocate around the country (& even the world) & still keep involved with family back home. People are getting to choose where they live now. So if you want to live in a place where a lot of other people want to live, it's going to be expensive! It's no different than any other supply & demand situation. People are flocking out West in droves, for several reasons. In some places they can hardly build the houses fast enough! Just like a trendy car, designer handbag, or even a tickle-me-Elmo, the more people that want it, the more expensive it is. People can still find cheap land/homes, even out West, they just have to be willing to live in a place that not many others (relatively) want to live.
  5. Man I love me some Maniac, but it won't happen, and he's too slow after his surgeries.
  6. LOL I saw your screen name & thought "We don't play the Jets until mid-November!" Are you a Jets fan, a Packers fan, or both? As for the Packers game, who knows??? Unlike the Packers, my Colts are a huge question mark. They could be great! They could also be terrible, or anything in between. Unfortunately, my guess is the Packers will win that one. It will be early in the season, and the Colts always start slow. Also the Colts are still getting their QB up to speed. I hope to be wrong though!
  7. Interesting! I had guessed the opposite based on his size/measurements. Thanks for the info! As for the topic question, I say yes! That price isn't that high for a DE. I think he takes a step up this year & next.
  8. Wow that's not at all my point. A poster seemed to state that CB had drafted K. Moore, and I simply said that he was an FA, not a draft pick. There was no hidden meaning in that, just stating a fact. I actually like CB.
  9. I really like Roman Wilson, but due to his size I think he is probably a slot receiver in the NFL. Josh Downs is our primary slot receiver, and potentially a good one. Therefore I don't see Ballard drafting a slot receiver before the 5th round, and Wilson will be long gone by then. JMO, could be wrong. He is a baller though!
  10. There are several potentially good ones left, just nobody with a resume anywhere near B. Bowers. I personally like Theo Johnson a lot, but several Ballard types will be available in the later rounds, such as: Cade Stover, Ben Sinnot, Jared Wiley, Tip Reiman (all of whom I like) & more. I would be surprised if we drafted a TE before round 4 or 5 though.
  11. I guess I can kind of get that from the post, but if so, then why did he quote me? I mentioned that there are lots of good players left, and he replied "But are they better than pierce." Would that logic apply if the colts 2nd round pick was a safety, CB, OL, etc...? Maybe I misunderstood the post?
  12. Only practice squad worthy? So if a WR isn't picked in the 1st round they are only good for the practice squad? Or maybe I am misreading your post?
  13. What does that have to do with anything? There are other positions than WR. Our offense wasn't bad last year, with a backup QB, and our defense needs help. Is it WR or bust for you? Even if so, I bet 4 years from now, looking back, some of the 2/3/4 round WR's will outperform some of the 1st round WR's; it happens a lot. I personally hope for a defense-heavy draft, with a few choice offensive players that fit our scheme.
  14. I personally like this pick, but never thought CB would draft him b/c he has short-ish arms. Maybe Ballard is evolving???
  15. I've heard & read the opposite. Ultimately nobody will know for a few years.
  16. Well, his username is Boo. That seems appropriate!
  17. True but that's a bit different as he was an FA, not a draft pick. K. Moore originally was a rookie UDFA with the Patriots.
  18. IIRC doesn't TJ Watt generally line up on the right side? If so, that would be a huge mismatch against Freeland. Maybe Braden Smith would prefer to wait until next week to return lol?
  19. Really? You think Shane Steichen is a coward?? That's a bit much IMHO. I'm sure that you are much bolder than he will ever be lol. Maybe he just sees things a bit different than you?
  20. Good times! Here's a re-post of a write-up about those 2 games: I watched the 2006 AFC title game at a small restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, while enjoying copious amounts of excellent Thai food, crappy Thai beer (ugh, Chang!) and crappy Thai weed. Ordinarily I wouldn’t have scheduled a climbing trip to rural Thailand during a post-season run. However the Colts had limped & dragged to a spot in the playoffs, looking tired and very, very beatable. This, combined with heart-breaking playoff exits in prior years when we seemed to have much better teams, led me to think it was fine to schedule a last-minute flight to nowhere. The day before the game I had found a restaurant with satellite TV. Nobody in Bangkok knew anything about the game, but despite major translation difficulties I managed to get them to promise to show the ‘American Football’ game, if I showed up with some cash. The first half of the game I was obviously not happy with the results. The Thais, typical of the culture, tried to cheer me up. However throughout the second half I was visibly very excited. The Thais, always happy to celebrate, were getting into it with me, despite not knowing anything about American Football. By the end they were cheering louder than me! The victory presented a challenge though; I was due to be boated in to a rural climbing location the next day, with limited connectivity to the outside world, and wouldn’t be back to civilization for a month. But there was no way I was going to miss my Colts in the Super Bowl, even if I was on the moon, so I went about searching for a solution. A few days before the Super Bowl I found a beach-side bar, way on the other side of the bay, that agreed to show the big game. Of course the kick-off was at 6am Thailand time! Knowing the locals were often on ‘island time’ I was nervous that the workers would party all night and oversleep, thus negating my long-awaited Super Bowl. The morning of the big game I woke up at 5 am, walked down to the beach, and hiked & waded across the bay to the Railay Peninsula. I had barely slept the night before, due to both nerves about the game & my partaking in the all-night beach parties. I stumbled groggily up to the bar a little after 6am, just before kickoff. I was not the only patron; in addition to a few few sleepy-eyed workers there were a handful of old, large Europeans (including 2 huge guys in Speedos) all of whom were rooting for the Bears! Boooooooooo! I may have started as the only Colts fan, but by the end of the game I had the Thais on my side, and we were all cheering away! It was fabulous! Those were two of my all-time favorite Colts games. It was a unique way see these games, but not how I would have planned it. If I had thought we would go to the Super Bowl I would never have booked that trip & risked not being able to see the games. And in strictly a football sense, it would’ve been more enjoyable to watch the game in familiar surroundings, amid a sea of Colts fans.
  21. Great memories! I had talked several coworkers into watching the game with me at a bar. They all left (even my girlfriend!) as the beat down was pretty bad. I stayed & ended up screaming my head off, all alone, jumping up & down, as the only person left at the bar. The next day I made sure to let everyone know what they missed. Good times! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!
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