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Everything posted by Moosejawcolt

  1. Honestly if they lose today I would fire Frank. I am his biggest supporter but losing 9 season openers is a big sign that the team is just not prepared. How many times can they start out at the back end and then go on these winning streaks. Irsay will be so *. And some one else pointed it out. They lost to the worst team last year with the season on the line. They were embarrassed. We were lead to believe that their would be a reckoning from these high character guys. Scratch that. If they lose today I would also fire Ballard. There is something seriously wrong with this team if they can lose like they did last year. Sit and stew about it all off season and put up this pile of crap.
  2. Thr problem is that we don't have a the talent in the world. The media and this forum think Ballard is the 2nd coming.
  3. Thank God we signed Nelson to 20 million a year. He's a transcendent talent and u can really see the effect he is having on the offensive out put. Man he is irreplaceable.
  4. I told people we would get gashed by the run. Also do u ever think it is not the scheme why we can't get pressure after 5 years? Maybe.....just maybe it is just bad player evaluation during the drafting process?
  5. But....but....remember.......Ballard drafts for character and we don't want any divas on this team. I could use a diva or two to maybe inspire these supposed lunch box high character guys. Oh and Ballard's drafting of the trenches is really paying dividends!!!
  6. 1) Dallas doesn't lose because it has divas players. They don't excel because every player is over rated by the media. They are over hyped. Perfect example is Parsons. Yes , he gets sacks but I called against the niners. He got run over and was pulled. Go down the list and every player is mostly a name. 2) I never said the full of divas Great teams had their share of divas and hard to coach players. Great coaches make it work.
  7. 1) Agree partially. Not a bad thing to have a couple of divas as long as they have all pro talent. U talk about character and the Colts always talk about it. Where was that so called character in the last 2 games? 2) Cannot develop talent if your scouts and GM don't get u the right players. Ballard has drafted Dlinen and most of them look like wasted picks. We shall see this year whether is was talent or scheme as to why these D linemen have under whelmed. 3) Yes, they are competitive. The big issue is these slow starts to the season they are having. It makes them play catch up the rest of the season.
  8. What's the Colt's record under Ballard? How many play off appearances. In the end that is how you are judged.
  9. K...Maybe he has tried but the point is that he hasn't been successful in getting a young qb to even try and be that franchise guy. Other teams have done it since Luck's retirement. You can not tell me since Luck's retirement he couldnt have put forth a deal to move up and get that guy? Oh right, they weren't worth it based on Ballard's scouting. Please list the qbs taken in the 1st round since Luck's retirement?
  10. Of course it is not easy but he hasn't tried. Irsay called Ballard the best GM. Well there u go. I live Jim but he says a lot of silly things
  11. Done what extra ordinary work under what circumstances? Please. Luck retired what 4 years ago. He has more than enough time to get his franchise qb. Oh , I assume u were talking about his get year after year Luck pass,?
  12. Depth does not always equate talent. Buckner is proven. Yannick is a proven pass rusher and severely lacking in run mm defense. The rest r just high picks.
  13. I like Frank but I am starting to wonder if his lack of urgency and calm demeanor is starting to become the identity of this team,? Trust me I am one of his biggest supporters but 1st game of the year losses and poor starts to the season and then today lol!!!!
  14. Pryor is not the answer. Knew that going into camp even tough they tried to sell him.
  15. I know it looks impressive. However as one coach stated that big punters tend to out punt the coverage.
  16. Not sure but he seems like the only one who can catch and get separation out there.
  17. Kind of like the young De's showed up last year? I am on record as saying this team could go far based on all the additions. However, I have said on this forum and before this game that the biggest thing to watch is the receiver/TE core. This team will go as far as that group because I think they r kind of solid every where else. After watching the 2 quarters of this game, I am like kind of taken aback. I know it is pre season but man Ryan was looking long. U could tell with his eyes and him pumping the ball. He had to settle for the check down. Screams of receivers not getting open. Got news for u. Ty wont solve that problem. They have to go with it. The Oline does not look overly impressive.
  18. That's on Ballard, but I guess u can all blame Reich for having 5 different qbs and no recievers to speak of the last 5 years.
  19. The Bills run and undersized D front. Thr vaunted Cokts Oline should own them. They play a vanilla cover D. It's not complicated. The O so far looks like trash. Absolutely no explosion
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