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Everything posted by Moosejawcolt

  1. Good for him. I wouldn't cave to a player who held me hostage. I guess I just view things differently than u. He quit on this team for the 1st 4 games when he was under contract. He lied about an injury. If Shane likes players like that, than so be it.
  2. I was wrong on that but I never said Shane didn't want him. I felt that Shane wouldn't want him at this price as I don't view Taylor as elite on all areas. What I do see is Shane and Ballard thinking they would probably be 3 and 1 with Taylor. Taylor held the team hostage and I am not sure that bodes well for future negotiaons. Taylor 1 Colts 0.
  3. That's the rumour. Where in this scenario did he cave? He is coming off an injury. He is coming off a down year. He played on a team that had the 4th pick in the draft. He said he didn't want to play for this team. He lied and ended up on the PUP and got paid. He is the third highest paid rb in a marker where rbs r not getting 2nd contracts. He was put out there for a trade and no one offered anything substantial to the Colts or Taylor. U r right he caved and based on all of this, he got an extension.
  4. Wow just wow. Desperate move from a GM with all the leverage. I just dont get it.
  5. Absolutely. Colts look like clowns. First we go from Ballard saying u pay great players and eluding to the fact they will pay Taylor before the season. They changed their tune, saying they had crappy season and they were assessing everyone. Now they make him the 3rd highest paid rb after he lied and they had to put hi on thr PuP. Ballard always talks about charcter. People wonder why I am critical of Ballard. He seems all over the place and unable to make decisions. This appears to be the reason he drafts poorly.
  6. Chappell, who is keyed into the Colts, said the Colts medical staff said he was cleared to play. Taylor said he was injured so that he could paid while on the PUP. Essentially holding out and still getting paid. Smart move by Taylor, but yes he lied and for that, I would have been done with him. That's just me and Ballard chirps on about character all the time
  7. U can owe a lot of that success to 2 generational qbs. I am talking bout here and now. U can argue all u want and we can agree to disagree. Icjuat this it is q move they didn't need to make till the end of the season. They had this season plus the franchise tag. It wasn't needed.
  8. Barkley is hurt, Jacobs not playing ip to last year and frustrated. Pollard doing well. To me it comes down to the fact that they didn't have to do this and shouldn't have. That's my option, but u r right. This is an organization below 500 under Ballard and an owner who hired a guy off ESPN. So u r right. They know way more than me and have the stuff to prove it. Plus u r forgetting this. It now opens the door foe other players to pull this same act. Dangerous precident.
  9. And they were the last team. All the backs tis yest did not get extensions. I just don't get it. U let him play out and earn it. He was under contract and coming off injury. It is what it s and Ballard's second contracts have not turned out well , so let's hope this different.
  10. Smart and well run!!! What do u base that on? Not necessarily disagreeing just wondering how u can back that up. I just think they didn't have to do this. Taylor needed to come back and play hard. He is going into a contract year. Let's say he did come ba k and had sensational year. Then I would have sat down with him at the end of the year s d worked something out. This contract doesn't prote t them from injury. None of the league is doing what the outs just did.
  11. Here's what I think. I don't agree at all with the extension. It smells like Leonard and Nelson all over again. Signing players to an extension when u didn't have to. Taylor won this battle. He sat out and took a chance that the Colts would miss him, which I think they did. Who knows, with him in the line up, they could be 5 and 0. I think this move is more to protect Richardson. Getting hurt in back to back games,, I believe, scared the hell out of the Colts. If they have a solid run game, it will open up the passing game. I do think Ballard was feeling some heat. They are 2 and 2 and Titans coming to town. They haven't won a home game in 7 tries and thr Titans own them. I am not sure Ballard survives if this team is picking high in the draft again. So when everyone, including me, said Taylor had no leverage, we were wrong. Taylor is brilliant and he may have mapped this all out in his head. Good for him and he got what he wanted.
  12. As soon as Luck retired, I would have gone for one. What did Ballard do? He tried to convince us that Brissett was the guy and even gave him more money when he never had to. People seem to forget. He thought Brissett was the guy but go ahead and blame Reich.
  13. Well I would have done a hell of a lot better job that Ballard and i am sincere when I say that. I mean all I have to do is just win slightly below 50% of my games and i would be considered a better GM just based on wins and losses. That wouldn't be hard would it??
  14. When u continually are asking 4 D line men to beat 5 Olinemen, you will u usually fail more than u wil succeed. That is unless u have Sapp, Booger and Rice. That talent level is hard to duplicate and even that loaded line was susceptible to the run because they were under sized and pass rushers.
  15. I wouldn't judge him to hard with regards to completion percentage. He didn't practice all week, and he was out of rythym.
  16. more body control, better hands, better jumper, keeps his eyes on the ball and a tad faster. I am not saying that Higgins has elite traits but he is very good at the things that make him a good receiver. He can jump through the roof and has excellent body control. Pittman is a tough possession receiver who has trouble separating. He is okay, but if they are on the open market, its Higgins. I will make this bet with you. If both are healthy and hit the open market, I bet Higgins gets the better contract of the two and is more sought after
  17. Higgins has proven he is a number 1 and is more athletic. If I had the money to sign both. I am going Higgins all day every day
  18. Tee Higgins maybe worth it for this team to pay out. I am always skeptical of number 2 who plays behind a true number 1 such as Chase. How much of their success is because the number one corner is always playing Chase? That being said, Higgins flourished when Chase was hurt. It may finally be time for Ballard to pull out the check book. This team has not drafted any wrs in Ballard's era worth talking about. Its time to go big game hunting. If you cannot draft and/or develop them, then you guy buy yourself one.
  19. Huh . If you look at my posts about Richardson, I am all in and he is a lot farther ahead than I thought he would be at this point. I have said numerous times on other threads that the Colts appear to have found their guy so I am not sure what you are talking about. My point is that if he has a low passing percentage and the teams is relying on him alot to run alot, it will most likely be a short career as he may get injured. That was my point
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