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Posts posted by shasta519

  1. 41 minutes ago, Flash7 said:

    True, but Polian allowed his son to slowly make the front office decisions, leading to his own firing. So, overall, it's Polian's fault because his firing led to Grigson's hiring.


    So long story short, the current issues we are facing are not Ballard's fault whatsoever. Nuh uh, not at all.


    Sarcasm, if you didn't catch it.


    Yep. Polian is a HOFer, but he allowed his son Chris to erode the Manning era team into an aging roster with bloated vet contracts and very little young talent (from mostly poor drafts), which was a big reason that Manning ended up in DEN.


    While the Colts did go to the SB in 2009, that season was sandwiched between three first-round losses and the 2011 debacle.


    Interestingly, that period (from 2007-2011) was also a 5-year period, much like what Grigson had and what Ballard has had to date. 


    So Polian should definitely not get a pass for that "era" of Colts football, especially when his successor is almost universally despised and blamed for his era's downfall. 



  2. 25 minutes ago, MPStack said:

    There is “one” player left from the previous regime. 



    Yep. And that regime left five full seasons ago. Ryan Kelly was from the last draft class and he is going to be 29 in a couple of months.


    When a new GM takes over, he often turns over as much of the roster as possible, especially when they switch defensive schemes. And Ballard has had plenty of time to build it in his vision. As others have pointed out, there are definitely holes at very important positions (beyond QB).



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  3. 31 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

    So is that why most all NFL teams have good franchised QBs because they are so easy to find in a year or two?


    No, but you referenced two of the teams that were able to find them once, so I am not sure if it's fair to assume they couldn't do it again.


    I don't think anybody has said it is easy to address QB, but Ballard is held to a very high standard with this fanbase and around the NFL. We shouldn't say "he's a top 5/10 GM" and then hold him to the standard of the lower 20-25 other teams when it comes to addressing QB.

  4. 21 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

    So your saying if KC lost Mahomes or Buffalo lost Allen they would bounce back by year 2 no problem?


    Not by year 2 maybe. However, they were in a very similar situation with Alex Smith and Tyrod Taylor. KC was a perennial playoff team who couldn't get over the hump and BUF was a fringe playoff team. They both got aggressive in the draft. And while those didn't pan out for a couple years, there was a general direction after a year or two.


    The difference is, the Colts are heading into their 3rd offseason, and there is no real direction (yet). I hope that changes soon, but if we trade for Jimmy G...I fear that we will still be in a similar situation a year or two from now. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


     Absolute Truth!  Irsay stood there at the podium introducing Grigson saying he would be mentoring him.

     What we then witnessed was Irsay doing a lot of GM ing "mentoring". This back when he had serious personal issues that had his family very concerned.  

     I do believe Irsay is well grounded now, and understands that we are in a defensive position in our team build, because of the QB market. 

     He knows this sucks, we know this sucks. What to do?


    This is such a great point that never gets brought up when people talk about Grigson. Ultimately, his failures are his own, however, Irsay's approach to Grigson was a far cry from his approach to Ballard. He was much more hands-on with Grigson and far less patient.


    Once Manning left, Irsay's stated goal was a more "balanced team" that didn't rely on "Star Wars numbers." He also clearly wanted to win right away. And while there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of a franchise QB being on a rookie deal, you had Irsay was tweeting about briefcases full of money for FAs. You even had him going flying around to talk to FAs. Very unorthodox for an owner.


    How much influence he had during that time is not really known. But there was clearly some. 


    And then it culminated with the the serous off-field issues you alluded to.


    Irsay seems much more grounded now. 

  6. 9 hours ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

    You guys have to listen to this.  I laughed but it is exactly how I have felt with how they handled Wentz.  He also says he thinks Irsays comments were directed at Ballard about being all chips in. He called them out big time how they handled Wentz.




    Profanity doesn't bother me, but that dude's podcast would be so much better if he knocked it back about 80-90%. But he is entitled to do his own thing.


    Not sure I really agree with the premise and he comes off a bit like a Wentz apologist to me. Much of the focus is on that ARI game and it's pretty clear that game was smoke and mirrors; a prime example of how a QB can play poorly for most of a game, but it looks good in retrospect (in memory and the stat sheet) because of a couple throws on one drive near the end of the game.


    I am sure Reich was happy for Wentz for making that play...but the cracks were already there.

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  7. 54 minutes ago, MarylandTerrapin said:

    Ultimately, all of this can be traced back to when Irsay hired Ryan Grigson.  If the team would have been built in the trenches, then Luck would still be playing.  In fact, if you replace 2012 Grigson with 2017 Ballard, then I believe we would have been a perennial threat.  Ballard has several solid players on O and D, but had solid QB play in only 2 of his 5 seasons here...and guess what...we made the playoffs both years.


    I get that Jim Irsay is upset with the direction of his franchise.  However, he made his bed 10 years ago, now he has to lie in it.


    It can't be Grigson's fault 6 years after he was fired.  

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  8. 9 hours ago, Hawkeyecolt said:

    Did they pay market prices on Leonard, Buckner, Smith, and Kelly?  The Colts will re-up Nelson in his prime while the Jags just paid big money for a once great Guard who is coming off multiple years of injuries.  Spending money on your own players isn’t as flashy but it does count.  Ballard’s system is that of Polish’s except he didn’t have Peyton fall in his lap. I too would like to see some signings but there’s nothing today that should make me angry. 

    Scherff has definitely missed a lot of games the past few years, but he is not a “once-great” G. He has been to 3 straight PBs.


    His contract is worth up to $17M AAV. 


    Q also missed games last year and there are concerns about his back. And his contract is probably going to be substantially higher.


    If a Q deal is a good move, then the Scherff deal is too. 

  9. 30 minutes ago, Detectacon said:

    Ballard isn’t the only one who is same old, same old. Every year we have this thread and every year the homers among us remind everyone that “FA just started.” 

    Some people might want to wake up to the fact Ballard is white bread. Plain. Bland. Boring. No flair. No willingness to take the risk for greatness. 

    Maybe FA signings won’t get us to the top, but neither has the approach he has been taking. 

    If Irsay is serious about being all in than perhaps he should make sure his GM is too. I will call it now. Ballard will continue to be Ballard and this team will continue to be this team. Average at best. 

    At least they don’t say “FA hasn’t even started yet!” anymore. That was really annoying.

  10. 10 hours ago, danlhart87 said:

    Let's keep this going 


    It's like going to a restaurant and complaining before the waiter has taken your order 


    It's like watching a movie but turning it off 3m in cause you disliked the opening credits



    Well, if the waiter tells you that the table next to you just got the last piece of prime rib, I can see why someone might be a bit disappointed.


    And if your second and third choices also ran out, you might be skeptical about what you were going to get.



  11. 15 minutes ago, stitches said:

    Simmons had more than just the ACL on his resume regarding red flags, too... 


    I guess it depends on what is causing his knee tendinitis. The medicals will clear that hopefully. Some players get bad medicals and drop, though... for example - Jawaan Taylor dropped to the second round last year and he was considered one of the best OTs of the class. Myles Jack dropped to the second round too and he was considered a top 5 player... 


    Agree...it depends on what is causing it. The fact that it has flared up twice before both the Senior Bowl and Combine (essentially his last two football activities) is definitely some cause for concern...until it doesn't happen at his Pro Day. If it happens there...then who knows what it would do to his stock.


    If it is a recurring issue like this...it might point to a needed surgery. 


    I would argue that Simmons was a better prospect than Kinlaw too. That's not to say Kinlaw isn't a great prospect...but I don't think he's a top 5 guy like some thought Simmons was (or Jack). 


    I think he will be there at #13...and in that case...do the Colts take him or do they potentially look to move back a few spots. Trading back a few spots in the 1st round to garner some more ammo could make sense...especially in a scenario where the Colts want to jump up from #34 to grab their guy at QB.

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  12. 15 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Look how good Hines was catching with Luck. He was close to setting rookie records for a RB. Hines isn’t going anywhere with the way he did PR at the end of the season.


    What rookie records? Receiving yards by a Colts rookie RB? If he was close to that record...it was due to volume...because he only averaged 6.7 yards/catch.


    Hines is a pass-catching RB (that offers little in the running game)...who ranked #38 in DVOA for RBs last season (with a min. of 25 passes)...below replacement level. He was better the year before with Luck...a little bit above replacement level (3.5%).


    I don't think they are getting rid of him...I just want to see them add a RB who is a legit playmaker in the passing game...especially when their RB1 (who garners the lion share of snaps) isn't really used as a pass catcher.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Myles said:

    I agree.   I think Rivers could help with that.   I would be excited to see how he could use Hines.  I think Hines can be better than Ekeler catching passes out of the backfield.   JB doesn't possess that talent.  


    Just curiouis...but what makes you think that? Not saying Rivers won't help Hines...but I think Ekeler is a much better pass-catching back...he's tougher, more elusive and much more productive per catch.


    I actually hope the Colts will be looking to upgrade Hines sooner than later. 

  14. On 2/17/2020 at 9:50 PM, WifiGuy said:

    this team is sooooo close to having a top 3 defense that people don't see it.   Build on your strengths and then up grade the rest.    


    A top 3 defense? They were #17 according to DVOA...against the #17 defensive schedule. I would say they are pretty far off a top 3 defense. A top 10 defense though...that could be doable with some key additions.


    I would say the strength of this team is actually the OL...which should allow this team to have a top tier offense. The run game is there (could use bigger playmaking in the passing game)..but they don't have the passer or enough weapons to take advantage...that is what they need to build off of.

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