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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. Just heard GM Les Snead of the Rams say on NFL network that with his pick currently at 15 he is taking BPA regardless of need.  We did that last year taking Dorsett over DT Malcom Brown who went to the Patriots.  We have quite a few positions of need so BPA would probably address one of them by default.  The only caveat is the overall concensus from Irsay and our GM and coach is that fixing the interior of the OL is a top priority.  With no OL additions so far I think that speaks loudly to which position group will be addressed first. Of course that could change with a signing or a trade. 

  2. I am very optimistic going forward.  They have no choice but to work together.  Like I have said before Grigson owes his new contract to Chuck.  Chuck wanted him back.  Chuck already has put his stamp on the coaching staff and I believe he will have the biggest input on this draft .  I believe if there is a difference of opinion on who to pick, Ryan will yield to Chuck, he owes him.  Chuck will be given a chance to pick the players he wants and who to play going forward. That's the way it should be.  I am very excited about the upcoming year and the return of a healthy Luck.

  3. Pretty obvious Bill B. views fixing his OL more important than an Edge rusher.  You protect your franchise QB at all costs.  He doesn't want Brady getting killed like Luck and missing time.  You don't win with your franchise QB on the sidelines no matter how many Edge rushers you have.  Get that OL fixed above everything else, then attend to the defense. Bill knows that.  

  4. This could be a good development.  Worse case we are going to need better backups than Lance Louis and whoever. Getting lighter with a new system and OL coach could all work to his favor.  Preseason will determine how this plays out.  Makes for great competition with the new guys we are going to bring on board.

  5. Really, You're afraid of Osweiller, Bortles, and Mariotta and a few overpriced FA's?  Not me. We will be a stronger team than last years team without all the overpriced FA's.  And we will have better coaches ,a healthy Luck and a stronger OL when all is done. I really like this sensible approach.  We will be fine. 

  6. In Baltimore he was strictly a run stopper and edge setter like Walden.  With us I would expect him to be in the rotation with Cole and Mathis.  I never said he was a better pass rusher. But I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be better since both of them eventually turned out to be busts.  Upshaw is much better than either of those guys no matter which side he lines up on.

  7. I'm all in with Zeke in the 1st if there.  But, I agree he will be long gone by then. If we don't sign an OL in FA then our 1st will be OL maybe 2nd. too. Two instant starters a C and RG,  Irsay made it crystal clear to protect Andrew.  They don't want to look at him every day without addressing the line.  If they do address the OL in FA or trade then the picture changes. OL is our biggest need and this year we can find long term solutions.  

  8. Unless we sign an OL in free agency I think you should be expecting using our first rd. pick on one.  Maybe the second as well.  Irsay wants Luck protected, and rightfully so. Last year's scare is enough for me.  Drafting this high we should get a couple of good defensive players in three and four. Now if we sign a OL player or two in FA that changes the picture.

  9. Okay now, all you GM's out there, take a deep breath and count to 10.  You're acting like lemmings going off the cliff.  One after another.  Mass suicide.  Have a good nights rest tonight and wake up tomorrow ready to have a great day.  I bet tomorrow will be a better day.  All is not lost. This is just the start of the new year. 

  10. He really was not happy here.  He did not get the money he wanted and found out his market value. Instead of coming back to us for approximately the same offer he decided to move on.   Wish him well.  Grigson had the money right. Time to move on. 

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