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Posts posted by TC

  1. Once again Pagano proves he and his staff deserve another chance to remain in Indy.  Players continuing to play hard for them and taking QBs off the streets and putting together a win under tough circumstances shows their ability.  He is the one which has kept this locker room together during a rough, disappointing season.  Just look at his record over the period of time in Indy.  That in itself should be justification for another reasonably contracted opportunity with the Colts without a meddling GM.


    Over his tenure, Grigson has shown that he is a poor decision maker and then further complicates this fact by injecting himself directly into head coaching decisions?.   Just look at the single decision to bring Pep H. in as OC without the support of the HC.  Ridiculous.  That should always be a head coaches decison...not the GM.  I do not understand how the Irseys would even allow this type of environment.  This is not the first time that they have allowed an egotistical GM to run roughshod over coaching.   


    Add to this player injuries at key positions this year (such as OL which can be attributed to GM personnel decisions) it is not fair to judge Paganos performance due to this environment. Pagano deserves another chance with the Colts under a stable contract and Grigson needs to be sent packing now.  Bring a GM in that will assist the coaching staff and players, not work against them. 


    I honestly believe if the players, fans, honest local media and others can recognize this then so do the Irsey family.  I truly hope they fully consider the entire situation prior to making moves.  Either way, as a business, and the only way this season ticket holder and other fans can have a little say is to control where their dollars are spent in the future.


    If fired, Pagano will immediately be picked up by another team...and they will be getting an excellent players coach.  Grigson, if he remains, and the fans better hope the next coaching hire enjoys being continually undermined and can continue to take his personnel mistakes and put a competitive team on the field as well as Pagano and his chosen staff has. Good luck with that.


    Good luck coach Pagano wherever you end up.



  2. On 12/30/2015 at 2:12 PM, CR91 said:

    I think grigson has brought in some really good players like freeman jackson walden vontae adams langford redding anderson parry hilton moncrief mewhort. course hes had some bad players like richardson, werner, a trio of wrs every year(I actually thought avery was pretty good). grigs knows how to bring talent and while everyone will complain he hasnt fix the oline, its not like he hasnt tried. players like GC satale mcgylnn holmes harrison louis thornton thomas shipley nixon justin anderson either didnt pan out or were injuried too much

    I am not sure what team you have been following but it does not appear to be the colts over the Grigson tenure.  He was billed as a great evaluator of talent and has had many more misses than hits.  He has also allowed many talented players leave and go elsewhere.  This team has no depth.  Personnel, I thought was supposed to be his strong point.  Pagano at least has gotten the players he was given to actually play for him and keep the locker room together.  Grigson seems to be learning as he goes.  Cannot do that in the NFL and be successful.  If anyone goes it should be Grigson...not Pagano!

  3. That is nonsense.  Grigson is the person that needs to go!  Pagano has proven he can coach, especially holding this years locker room together when everything was going against them.


    Grigson has proven only that he is learning on the job and is taking this team down with his poor personnel decisions.  This is ridiculous!!!!  Who proven are they going to get to replace the coach.


    I expected more from Isrey....I do not care if Grigson is his boy.....this is a business.  If true I guess the only way for a long time season ticket holder like I am is to give my tickets back to the organization.  Hopefully many more will also follow suit.


    Performance should determine someones job, if you truly want to advance as an organization.  Pagano has proven his.  Grison has only proven he is buddy with the Irseys.  You can do what you want as the owner....so can we as ticket holders.



  4. Being a colts ticket holder....one more upgrade the team needs to make during the off seasson is to the current GM position.


    Grigson has shown that he is learning on the job and has too many misses to date.  Poor personnel decisions such as A. Johnson, Richardson, Werner, Toler, playing two rookies on the O line protecting your franchise and finally a total degradation of or overall lack of team talent.  The NFL season is long and colt teams has always been able to bring up talent within to shore up things when needed.   Not any more and I assume that the GM has the final say on personnel decisions.  For someone who was suppose to be a good judge of talent, he has too many strike outs.


    Pagano has at least shown he can coach our guys and has held the locker room together during a very tough season.  While I believe he should have changed OCs much sooner in the season than he did at least he corrected the situation and deserves a contract extension.


    I really do not believe Grigson has shown he can do the job and there should be limits to the ability to learn on the job.  Aquire an experienced and proven GM to take us forward from here.


  5. Whitehurst managed the game well, but obviously not ready for game speed.  Now to the practice squad for a QB.


    As a colts season ticket holder, I hope they make one more roster move soon.... GM Ryan Grigson needs to be relieved of his duties.  As I understand he was supposed to have come into the job as a great talent evaluator.  I believe you can plainly see with the questionable personnel picks such as Werner, Richardson, the fact of trying to play two rookies on the O line protecting your franchise, and the fact that we have absolutely no depth at key positions....he is not doing the job.


    It is my belief that the coaching staff has had one hand tied behind their back all season and done a reasonable job of salvaging what they can of the season.  At least they still have the locker room...and after a year like this that is something to say.  Only question I have of Pagano is why did it take so long to fire Hamilton as OC?


    Too many swings and misses at GM to truly continue to build positively for the future.  Renew Pagano's contract he has proven his ability and start over with a truly experienced GM....not one which is learning as he goes and has proven nothing.


    Long time season ticket holder.

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