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Posts posted by Spider2-Y-Banana

  1. His w-l record is skewed by AFC South victories.  

    This is a STUPID statement.  If we say this then we also must say that Brady's win/loss record is scewed because, for most of the years he has been there, the AFC East has SUCKED!  Same for Rodgers, because the Lions and Bears have been aweful.  I could go on if you like.

  2. Any coach would have done the same thing.  Would you say they also "paniced" (sic)?

    If it were obvious that they were not going to punt, which it was, YES I would say they panicked.

  3. Although its obvious some changes need to be made, Im not going to jump on the fire everybody band wagon. However, there was a timeout Chuck called that left me scratching my head. I believe it was late 3rd quarter or early 4th quarter. The Saints were punting from their own side of the field, they were standing around and were either going to let the playclock run out and take the penalty or take a time out just before the clock ran down. With 2 seconds left on the playclock...we called time out..does anybody remember this???

    Colts only had 10 players on the field.  When he saw that he paniced and called time out.

  4. The Gore/Bradshaw to Addai/Rhodes comparisons should be more like Brandon Jacobs/Bradshaw that the Giants had back then.

    Neither of these guys are like Jacobs.  He was a one trick pony and had not moves.  These Gore/Bradshaw have moves outside of just putting their head down and trying to run someone over.

  5. Well Henry Anderson could be out today, and he is probably already our best D-lineman. That may be why he said that. Plus our edge defense can be soft at times.

    I am more concerned about Vontae not playing than Anderson.  Winn is a capable back up.  I know he's no Anderson...but I really think they will try to pass on us, especially if Vontae is out.

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