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Status Updates posted by CR91

  1. my fellow colts fans that leave in the east coast, stay warm and safe during this blizzard

  2. I love the heart we're playing with. I hope we keep pagano

  3. ONE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON DEFENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. def our best game overall

  5. I get we have scrubs starting in the secondary, but this is getting pathetic

  6. ugh the offense is so inept right now

    1. crestmount


      apparently, the O-Line is supposed to protect the QB--someone forgot to tell them that today

  7. can we please all just relax. its only been a half

    1. Stephen


      we got beat down

    2. CR91


      only week one my friend

    3. crazycolt1


      I wouldn't call it a beat down. The turnovers is what the Bills capitalized on.

  8. please let jake ryan fall to us in the fifth. PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    1. CR91


      I HATE YOU PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. come on anderson,davis, or dawson

  10. why do I get the feeling the colts will take another cane in the third in duke johnson

  11. after doing some research on the kid, im willing to have an open mind. heres to henry anderson in the second

  12. stupid stupid stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. COLTS449


      Agreed. I'm so * I wont be able to go to sleep for a while.

  13. one more day til draft. come on goldman or landon collins

    1. Defjamz26


      I'm hoping for one of those guys too

  14. draft in 8 days. im excited

  15. 10 more posts and ive joined the 10000 club

    1. southwest1


      Is that the same thing as the mile high club? Just goofing around CR91! Your posts always crack me up! :)

    2. CR91


      Nice to have a fan

    3. southwest1


      In all seriousness congratulations on reaching this forum milestone CR91. Nice job! Yeah, SW1 likes your take on things. Keep it up.

  16. this free agency period doesnt make sense

    1. southwest1


      You mean the legal tampering window that no NFL GM adheres to Roger Goodell? LOL! Ah, the poor Commissioner doesn't like that teams didn't wait to reveal their new signings until 4 PM on Tuesday. Boo Hoo Roger.

  17. I wonder how much jerry jones paid off the refs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yoshinator


      He gave them each a Condo on the island of their choice!

    3. southwest1


      $45,000. Would you like to see the receipt? LOL!

    4. Synthetic


      That one call did not make the Lions lose that game.

  18. mods need to ban anyone with triple digit posts from creating threads or posting after a loss. it'll save a lot of time

  19. we're all steeler fans today

  20. celevrate your birthday by having a big game wayne

  21. peyton being un-peyton like vs the raiders. two picks

    1. Synthetic


      One more and he'll out do Brees in terms of picks.

    2. Jules


      He still thinks he is in Foxboro....

    3. T Y Goodbye
  22. ill be back when the "fire everyone" people leave

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CR91


      no. I never said fire anyone

    3. alawai


      Sorry joke didn't go thru

    4. COLTS449


      I was joking by the way.

  23. if theres any CPAs on here please send me a private message

  24. defense good offense bad

  25. I hope this trashing calms the doom mood around here. offense and defense was terrific

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