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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. A lot of big games today. After today we will know who the pretenders are and the contenders.
  2. We will have to agree to disagree. Decker flat out said after the game he told the REF he reported. If you think Decker is lying, I don't know what to tell you. You can defend the REFS all you want, IMO they have sucked all season and in big moments of big games. I have facts to back it up and most fans and players agree with me.
  3. If we go 10-7 and win the division, Shane should get it. Most people before the season had us winning 3 or 4 games and had the Jags running away with the division. Taylor has missed 8 games, Smith as well, and we are winning games with a backup QB that many make fun of. If we don't win the division, I would give it too Dan Campbell. The Lions are a great story this year.
  4. Thanks for opening the thread once again @NFLfan. I voted a Colts win. Huge game today, let's see what happens.
  5. Thanks, because I really don't even want to talk about it.
  6. How would games be rigged if the REFS just make the correct call?
  7. Lions got cheated. A novel idea would be the REFS getting it right at the end of games and quit deciding games.This has been going on all year with many teams. I have been listening too CBS Sports radio all night and everyone thinks the Lions got screwed. The hosts, the callers, etc.. When I say "everyone", that is not an exaggeration. That is like the 2 or 3 people in here that just blow off the Browns loss. Odd. Decker said he reported in the post game. 70 didn't even need to report so yes the REFS screwed up again.
  8. Sad face because the Lions got screwed. That is almost as bad as our Browns game. Still not quite. Browns got 2 calls, REFS made sure the Browns would win.
  9. I had a feeling Dallas would win. Nobody lost any ground, the top 4 are all 2-0 in here. I am pretty sure I am sticking with my picks tomorrow. Only pick I may switch is the Panthers at Jags. No Lawrence. If I switch it, it will be before gametime.
  10. Do you think all of the Patriots SB wins should be vacated, have an * by them? They are proven cheaters. Most say they have the greatest Coach/GM of all-time.
  11. I really don't recall hardly anyone in here that was even happy we signed Lammons. I barely even heard of the guy before we did.
  12. You think taking PED's makes a person's character bad? Man, you would of hated football back in the 70's and 80's when half the league was doing steroids . Do you think anything less of Robert Mathis, he got caught in 2014?
  13. Von Miller is being accused of the same thing. I guess the Bills organization don't know what they are doing either
  14. It is amazing how a team will play for a coach they love and respect. That is what the Raiders are doing right now.
  15. Yeah, it just sucks when someone accuses of someone for doing something bad and it isn't true at all. It ruins it for the women that really have been abused. Another example, Brian Banks
  16. The look on the people's faces at ESPN, especially some of the women at ESPN who were just shredding Matt Araiza, then when he was found not guilty was freakin' priceless. Same for the Duke Lacrosse players being found not guilty.
  17. I can't debate the fact that we laid an egg. It did look like we were going through the motions. It has been happening all season with almost every team though. Just a strange season. We have Pittman and Smith back this week, that should help Mustache out quite a bit.
  18. I am not taken sides; he may be guilty as hell. Blaming Ballard for drafting 1 player that has done this is where I have a problem, and some are doing it. You never know what anyone is going to do. I remember reading on the news years ago, that one of my best friends I hung out with in high school, shot and killed someone while robbing a gas station. When we were friends, he was the nicest guy you would ever meet. I can read people pretty good and when I read that, it blew me away!
  19. Mallory is a decent talent, I like Mo as well. We will be fine.
  20. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. If he did, cut him and move on.
  21. Yeah, it is bad if he did it and we cut him and move on. It doesn't make our organization as a whole look bad. A few guys screwing up, doesn't ruin any culture. Get rid of them and move on like I said. If you look at the players that have got in trouble this year for the Colts, they are jags as the term some in here like to use. This isn't like Taylor, Pittman, Downs, Nelson, Smith, Kelly, Buckner, Moore, Mustache getting in trouble.
  22. I have: Washington over Texas Michigan over Alabama -I am not betting on either game though, staying away from that as these games are too close to call.
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