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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. That and maybe most feel that Minshew can't win a huge game of this magnitude?
  2. What is puzzling to me is how the line has moved to Houston being favored 1.5 now. They were 1 point underdog. I heard on the Bowen show earlier that they said, 90% of people are putting their money on Houston. That can't be right, that number is outrageous. This is a 50/50 game to me, and we even seem healthier going in and at home.
  3. It would be great if we won the AFC South so people can shut up about Ballard never winning a division title. We need a win and the Jags to lose to the Titans for that happen though. Having said that, if we win Saturday, I will be really pleased with this season no matter what happens in the playoffs.
  4. At the end of the game, Minshew should have said SCOREBOARD, go sit on your couch and watch the playoffs!
  5. When I was at the 2009 game, I had a group of 4 sitting behind me that were Pats fans. It was fun because of the trash talk my friends and them were doing - but it was in fun. When we won, they told us Peyton is freakin' God . They respected our team, they knew we were great. We were cool with them too. I told them, Tom still has 3 SB rings and is great. In my experience/lifetime, the 50 or so games I have been too, all have been smooth. You would think I would see one bad thing like a fight or something. Nothing though.
  6. Nothing against the East Coast because I have chatted with people in here that are really cool like @NFLfanand @DEColtsLover36, but in general I know fans from NY were extremely rude to people in Indiana when the Knicks/Pacers had their rivalry during the 90's. They were calling us hayseeds and hicks, Pacers fans were heckled that went to the games in NY - it was on the news, and for some reason Spike Lee thought Indianapolis was a racist city but yet during the 1994 ECFinals the Governor let him stay at his house before Game 6. We treated Spike like he was Denzel Washington . Ever since the Pacers played the Knicks in 1994 and 1995, my views of NY people changed as a whole. I also knew back then a lot of Steelers and Eagles fans were rude, it made me wonder, is it an East Coast thing? We are laid back here and even respect the opponent. I have been to 50 games here and have never even seen a fight among opposing fans and we even treated Patriots ok back in 2006 and 2009. I was at the 2009 game and talked to several Pats that were wearing their gear and they had no problems.
  7. Key thing here is, did you have Vikings gear on when you went to the game though. Nobody would know you were a Vikings fan except for maybe 4 or 5 people that you are around if you told them and if you are rooting for the Jets/Giants, they would have no reason to mess with you.
  8. Yeah, luckily they were playing a KC team that was coming off a loss and it is Pat Mahomes. I was pretty sure Cincy would lose that.
  9. When they signed Tannehill, their goal was to win a SB with a RB like Henry and a good defense so it was a fail. Vrabel would even say so. They had a couple of very good years, and it is hard to win a SB but many in here set us to the same standards. I have read many posts in here from some saying Ballard will never get us to a SB so he is a fail.
  10. If Pierce doesn't get the Raiders job, I think he would be a great D Coordinator.
  11. Lets say it ends up like this: #3 seed = KC #4 seed = Jags 10-7 Division Champs #5 seed = Browns #6 seed = either Bills or Dolphins, one of those 2 teams will be a 2 seed. #7 seed = Colts 9-7-1 Texans would be 9-7-1, Steelers 9-8 and out.
  12. No. If the Colts tie and Steelers lose they finish 9-8, Colts would still be in at #7. Steelers play before the Colts. Even if the Jags won, Jags would just win the division, it would be Houston and Pitt out. Not sure why some don't understand that. We would have the tiebreaker over both. I get it, the chances of a tie happening is like 1% but the Steelers lose, a tie would be a like a win for us.
  13. True but once they signed Tannehill before the 2020 season to that huge contract, they had no other options. They rolled with him and had too paying him all that money. It got them 2 Division Titles but no SB appearance or SB win.
  14. If we win Saturday, I will be rooting for them bigtime on Sunday. Where the Titans screwed up is, they never got a good QB to compliment Henry from roughly 2019-2022 when they had chances of getting to the SB. Tannehill isn't a scrub, but he is basically above average. Mustache is playing similar to how Tannehill always played. Tannehill = Above average, respectable, but you are not winning a SB or getting there with him unless you have a dominant defense, their defense was good but not close to great. Henry's career was wasted basically regarding getting a ring.
  15. A tie probably won't happen, I would rather just win to be assured we get in. We beat the Texans already, not the other way around.
  16. See above, yes they can. If they tie Houston and the Jags lose, we win the division. Tiebreaker over Houston 1-0-1 is why.
  17. 1. If the Colts win they are in at #7 no matter what. 2. If the Colts lose they are out no matter what. 3. If the Colts win and Jags lose, we win the division and are in at #4. 4. If the Colts tie the Texans and Steelers lose, we are in at #7. Both the Texans and Colts would be 9-7-1 but we would have the tiebreaker head to head 1-0-1. 5. If the Colts tie the Texans and Jags lose, we win the division. We own the tiebreaker over the Steelers which as of now was a critical win for us.
  18. - Philly Steak and cheese mmmmmmm. In my Homer voice.
  19. Yeah as of now I plan on not switching, I may have to with 1 or 2 games if an injury pops up to a team I have but I am good for now. I thought you would pick the Texans lol. Looks like we have the same on Saturday. Which is cool. Good luck.
  20. I factored in the schedule is why. Of course the Ravens have the better roster.
  21. I do want to say when I said "probably not" I was being sarcastic, I just didn't put the emoji in . No, the Ravens have the better roster than we do but we have had an easier schedule.
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