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Posts posted by Traines

  1. Quite a few people want to take a RB in Round 2 or 3, but none of them (that are likely available; i.e.Gurley/Gordon won't be there) are going to give you more value than Lockett in either of those rounds in my opinion.  I understand that some believe we are a bit crowded in the WR department, but then again, we're hoping Duron can be our WR4 this year...Griff our 5th spot on the roster, or maybe one of the PS guys?  Like I said, I am hoping for the best and think Carter can possibly develop into a decent ball player, but he is an unknown with a pretty weak resume' and a somewhat unfavorable (for lack of a better term right now) past...and he is dirt cheap so it's not like we're overly invested in him should he get surpassed by others on the roster.  If one of TY or Andre miss any significant time we're going to be relying on Moncrief (2nd year) and the unknown Carter to step up and play a decent sized role.  And don't get me wrong, I really, really like Moncrief and think he will be a good player (really liked what he did this past season as a rookie and loved that we got him in the 3rd last year) for us this coming year and into the future, but Lockett in my opinion is more talented, more polished, and has much more upside.  He can fill multiple roles in the passing game, roles we currently do not have anyone on the roster to play IMO (I like the Edelman comparison), and has an excellent resume' and game film...really good at the very least...hands and route running are very, very nice.  Also, if Moncrief were to go down, we're depending on Carter and Whalen to step into that 3rd WR role...I don't dislike either one, but not sure how confident I would feel about it.  Admittedly, there may be defensive guys available at these spots that you just cannot pass up, and I am all about improving our D, but to say we shouldn't take a very talented WR early because we have Moncrief, Carter and Whalen seems like some are over-valuing them.  I also understand the argument that we can get a good WR later, and I agree, but I feel that none of them are going to be as polished or talented as Lockett.  He can have an immediate impact for this team, if not in the receiving game, the return game (where he has proven to be dangerous in college).  Plus, Carter and the PS guys are projects, we do not need another at this point in my opinion.
    Overall, I believe our team only gets better with Lockett on it, which is what the draft is for, improving talent; he can open up the field for TY and Andre, or vise versa, as well as provide special teams contributions as a returner immediately.  I understand that he does not play defense, but he plays a premium position and would provide us cheap talent for at least 4 years.
    Couple of notes; when I mention WR3, WR4, WR5 above, I'm referring to their position on the depth chart, not X,Y, or Z on the field.  Also, original mock was done prior to news of Clemmings stress fracture.  Assuming the worst in that situation and for the sake of not changing the entire mock, I would be fine with either of the following to replace him in the mock; Kevin Johnson (CB), Byron Jones (CB/S), Ronald Darby (CB), Landon Collins (S)...sorry for another long-winded post and kind of veering from the overall subject of mock drafts.

  2. Round 1 - #29

    T.J. Clemmings, OT, Pitt


    Eventual replacement for Cherilus, either this season at some point or next.  If Cherilus is healthy then Clemmings can compete for the RG spot, and I honestly think he could win the spot even with as much competition as there is right now.  Either way, I think this would give us a solid succession plan, allowing us to; a.) Cut Cherilus after this season, saving money for our other FAs coming up, b.) allow us to have a cheap RT (a fairly expensive position to fill via FA, or to keep our current player) for the next few years, and c.) prevent us from trying to draft someone next season that we hope can start right away - I realize that Cherilus would still be under contract and we could just keep him and avoid this, however, I think we will be looking to shed his contract and use that money for our own guys...just my opinion.  I am also in the camp that thinks the left side of the line should be left alone.  I feel as if Mewhort and Castonzo have very good chemistry and should remain on that side together until proven otherwise.  Overall, I think that Clemmings is a player who can have immediate impact as well as a bright future, exactly what you want out of a first round pick.


    Round 2 - #61

    Tyler Lockett, WR, KSU


    Well, if that first pick didn't make you dislike me (or this mock) then this pick is surely going to produce some hate mail.  Yep, offense the first two rounds and round 2 is a WR, holy...!!!  But seriously, this guy is an absolute stud in my opinion, and every bit worth the pick at 61.  I realize that we already have a solid WR group with; TY, Andre Johnson, Moncrief, Duron Carter, Whalen, and the PS guys (only mention because it will be brought up by someone), but Lockett can come in and make it even better.  He is capable of playing multiple roles.  He is a guy that can play out wide, move to the slot, return kicks and punts, or (I believe) be used as a gadget player here and there, and be successful at each.  He can create matchup problems with a lot of LBs and Safeties, as well as be a threat in about any area of the field.  The type of player that opens it up for everyone else, defenses are going to have a hard time focusing on TY and Andre (and Moncrief) with him on the field; similar to an Edelman.  I am hoping that Carter is a good player, but it has yet to be seen and shouldn't be counted on, especially this season...hopefully I am wrong, but to assume that he is going to be able to hold his own immediately if need be (due to injury or whatever) seems like quite a gamble.  Also, I love Griff and all, but Lockett is far and away an upgrade...far and away!  On top of all of that, guys get hurt, if for some awful, terrible reason TY or Andre went down we would be glad to have Lockett as depth over Griff or the PS guys (and once again, we don't know about Carter).  Obviously, Lockett is not a sure thing, and is just as unknown as Carter in many ways, but his film is damn good (also high character) and makes me think he is every bit worth the pick here. 


    For those of you who want a running back here I think Lockett is going to provide much more value, especially in a deep RB class.  Some of you I know just want defense no matter what, so...I'm sorry.


    Round 3 - #93

    Derron Smith, S, Fresno State


    That's right, I went defense, you can maybe come around on this mock, although Smith is not the fan favorite like Tartt appears to be.  I wanted to go with Henry Anderson here, but I do not believe he'll make it this far (hope I am wrong).  Smith is good in coverage and I think he has good to very good ball skills, plus he doesn't appear to be afraid to get in there and make the tackle, even though he is on the smaller side.  I believe his size drops him to this spot, but I think he is worth the pick here and if he is not a starter this season at some point, he will see the field and not be a liability.


    Round 4 - #128

    Derrick Lott, DT, Tennessee-Chattanooga


    Will provide depth on the DLine, particularly at the 5-tech spot for us, and should be serviceable at the very least.  I liked what he did at the combine a lot, really impressive for his size; really good speed and quickness to go along with some good strength.  Admittedly, he is someone who I have not seen much game film on, however, what I have been reading on him all seems to be pretty positive...aside from the fact that he will be 25 come the season.  He may be able to be had a round or so later, but I think he can give you playing time this year and is worth a pick at 128.


    Round 5 - #165

    Josh Robinson, RB, Mississippi State


    I like his tape for the most part, has a pretty well-rounded game, but like most college RBs he is going to need to work on his pass blocking.  I think this is something he can definitely learn and be good at, especially having Frank Gore as a mentor for a couple of seasons.  He can catch out of the backfield, has pretty decent hands, definitely not a liability and can be depended upon in this area.  However, my favorite part about his game is that he can absolutely run over people and break tackles like nobody's business.  These were not all scrubs either, some of these were guys who are going to be drafted and likely be successful at the next level.  He is not going to break off many 50-yard runs probably, but we don't need that when we would have a guy that can wear defenses down with his punishing style.  I think he is going to be a handful for a lot of NFL defenders who are trying to tackle him.  He has a great story and I think he would be a great addition to the team, absolutely worth a look at pick 165,  I also think he is the perfect guy to play behind, and learn from Gore.


    Round 6a - #204

    James Sample, S, Louisville


    If he lands here I think he will be a steal (I can already hear Reality saying that he is 10 rounds too late...that's right Reality, long-time reader, second time poster here!)!  He is another player that I have read up on much more than watched.  He only has one year of starting experience so I think that will help in his dropping to this spot.  Most of his flaws appear to be fixable with more coaching and experience.  He is well-built for the position, I really like his size.  He is more of an ITB type with good tackling ability, but he also had 4 picks last year (playing alongside that wussy Holliman).  He can go sideline-to-sideline and make tackles in the open field and has coverage ability.


    Round 6b - #206

    Nick Marshall, CB, Auburn


    I only know what I have read on him and it seems the opinion on him is quite mixed (like most late round guys anyway, especially one converting from QB to CB).  He seems to be a good athlete with good size for the CB position, and I like his versatility.  I have watched him play QB, but I never did see him perform as a corner.  He is going to be a WIP but I think his athleticism and size would allow him to be successful if given the right coaching and situation.  It's pick 206, I'll take my chances...and who knows, maybe he can provide some scout team QB work in the meantime...as in Hasselbeck can't emulate some of these moving QBs (not that we have many of those types on our schedule)...just spitballing, don't hate me....



    Round 7a - #244

    Terry Williams, NT, ECU


    Good NT to bring in and compete with the others, has the size we like as well.  He appears to have the potential to be a "knucklehead" as he has a drug-related arrest and was suspended again later that season.  I think pick 244 is an alright place to take a chance on this guy, although he could go higher.  He appears to have the talent and ability, but maybe not the discipline to make it at the next level.



    Round 7b - #255

    Marcus Rush, OLB, MSU


    Yeah, why not?!


    Possible UDFAs I like:

    Zach Zenner, RB, South Dakota State - he very well could go in the later rounds, but there is a lot of competition at RB this year and only so many will be drafted.  I would consider him in Round 6 in this mock even.


    J.J. Nelson, WR, UAB - Tiny, but could be a really good returner at the next level...but damn, he is small!


    Marcus Murphy, RB, Mizzou - Hard-working guy who could develop nicely and contribute on special teams in the meantime.


    ...and I'm too lazy to continue with the UDFAs





    We have a potential replacement for Cherilus at RT, which in turn saves us money by cutting him next season (or this one).  This money could go towards Anthony Castonzo's new contract, giving us bookend tackles for the next four years, and only paying the premium price on one.


    Another weapon for Luck that opens up the field (Edelman-esque)...also, we can cut Cribbs, save a million, and have a returner with much better WR skills.


    Two (2) safeties who have each been good tacklers as well as proficient in their ball skills.


    Two (2) defensive lineman; a NT and a probably 5-tech.  Each of these are guys who have the talent to make the team and at the very least be good competition and depth.


    We will be getting a RB who can abuse defenders and shed tackles, as well as catch the ball out of the backfield.  Perfect guy to learn behind Gore.  Should help keep Pat off the field in 3rd and short distances.



    I am not completely content with our LB group, but I think they are decent, definitely decent enough to ignore in the draft if it were to fall this way.  I assume Freeman will get his stuff worked out, and I hope we re-sign him.  I am sure that he would be able to be had for a reasonable price and I would rather see him stick around than Jackson...Irving is great depth too in my opinion.  I love Paul Dawson...and Kendricks...so....


    CB is where I really wanted to take a guy early; Peters (likely not on our board though), Darby, Byron Jones as possible 1st rounders...Ifo, Golson, D'joun Smith as possible 3rd rounders-ish. Bobby McCain 4th/5th...once again just spitballing, I apologize.  I like a lot of the CB/S guys (Rowe, Jalen Collins, Rollins, Shaw) and wouldn't mind getting a couple of them in the draft, but I went in a different direction with this one.


    Lastly, I didn't go TE, but you could easily squeeze one in those last three picks.  This is obviously not currently a need, and I really don't see too much of a reason to draft one unless someone is just too good to pass up (highly unlikely at that point).  I like all 3 of our TEs (plus would like to see Swoope), but I am in the Dwayne Allen fan club.  Obviously, he needs to put together whole , healthy seasons, but assuming he does so, his skill set is much harder to replace than Fleener.  Yeah, his blocking is "improving", but he plays like a wuss, and leaves yards on the field.  If you're going to be pretty much one-dimensional as a TE these days, you better play lights out in the receiving department.  Not a Fleener hater at all, and would love to keep him but if one has to go, it can be him.


    Sorry about that TE rant, I guess it has been on my mind for a while, haha.


    Lastly, while I am ranting, this backup (3rd QB) talk is very confusing.  I guess I can understand what you guys are talking about with regards to having someone in line for after Hasselbeck retires next year, but seriously, why can't we get this backup next year in the draft.  The only reason I want to have a backup is to help run scout team.  If Luck goes down long enough for a backup to play any decent amount of time I'd rather us just do what we did to get Luck....suck!  But in all honesty, if you do draft a guy who is remotely decent, he is going to get picked off the PS in no time...or if you leave him on the 53-man you are totally undervaluing that roster spot.  Ok, I'm done, sorry if this last bit took the focus off the mock, just got on a roll and this stuff kind of applies to my approach to the draft, so somewhat relevant I suppose.


    This is only my second post so none of you are familiar with me, but there are many of you who I am very familiar with so I am ready for you to lay it on me.


    Thanks for the read, and sorry for the length, this baby got out of control!

  3. Round 1 - #29

    A - T.J. Clemmings, OT, Pitt

    B - Eddie Goldman, DT, FSU

    C - Landon Collins, SS, Bama


    Round 2 - #61

    A - Tyler Lockett, WR, KSU

    B - Stephone Anthony, LB Clemson


    Round 3 - #93

    A - Jaquiski Tartt, S, Samford

    B - Rob Crisp, OT, NC State


    Round 4 - #128

    A - Derrick Lott, DT, Tenn-Chattanooga

    B - Adrian Amos, S, Penn State


    Round 5 - #165

    A - Josh Robinson, RB, Miss. St.

    B - Bobby McCain, CB, Memphis


    Round 6a - #204

    A - Zach Zenner, RB, South Dakota State

    B - Damian Swann, CB, Georgia


    Round 6b - #206

    A - Nick Marshall, CB, Auburn

    B - Andrew Donnal, OT, Iowa


    Round 7a - #244

    A - Terry Williams, NT, ECU

    B - Clayton Geathers, S, Central Florida


    Round 7b - #255

    A - Marcus Rush, OLB, MSU

    B - Mike Hull, LB, Penn State

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