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Posts posted by Btown_Colt

  1. Conversely, you could trade him for a first round pick or multi picks or an OL or DL player or two, and save a bunch of cash.

    So in one post you say receivers are a dime a dozen and not worth paying. In the next you suggest that we could have got a first round pick/multiple picks or multiple players. So why would a team trade any of that for TY if in fact receivers are a dime a dozen?

  2. I am 30 years old, white, and from Indiana. Apparently I was molested often as a child. Me and my brother both had to cut our own switches, or sometimes we got the belt. But we always had to pull our pants down.

    You are correct about one thing OUM, it left a lasting impression on me. Everytime I thought about smarting off to my parents, talking back, skipping school, cussing, throwing a fit, etc. I remembered what dad would do if he found out. To this day, I still cant talk back to my parents or disrespect elderly people. I guess dad's form of discipline/ molestation (whatever you want to call it) worked on me and my brother. Maybe more parents should discipline their kids. I learned at a young age what I could and couldn't do.

    With that being said, I will never make my son cut his own switch, but don't think for a second I don't pull his pants down and bust his butt when it is needed.

    We have plenty of people in this world who do molest children and what AP done was too much, but please let's not start considering spanking a bare butt molestation.

  3. Meh...talk is cheap...he will be known by his results...does he know the playbook, does he improve his route-running, does he catch everything thrown to him without drops (develop a pro's concentration), can he block a DB.

    The guy has a very high opinion of himself and how much he will bring to the team...I hope he is putting in the hard work that is necessary to accomplish it.

    I'd be feeling pretty cocky too. I mean c'mon...he just got drafted in the 1st round, to the colts, and Andrew Luck will be throwing him the ball. You wouldn't be feeling good about yourself if that happened to you?

  4. He has no competition from the UDFAs. Those guys never see the field so there is nothing to compare to. All he has to do is knock off one of the bottom money guys or hope for mass injury and bam, he is on the roster.  Personally, I would only keep guys that are 6'2 or bigger and weigh no less than 200 lbs. I know this cuts down on the speed a bit but I would rather have a big body target with huge wing span than a fragile little sister any day of the week. I bet Andrew would agree too? Drafting Dorsett and putting him out with TY will likely only result in higher occupancy at the infermary. Moncrief and AJ are the only ones that are close to my criteria and worth any money.   

    You don't think Luck enjoys throwing to TY? wow

  5. GoPats,


    There is nothing to defend here in terms of legacy. The game in question was 45-7 and then we won the SB with proper footballs. This isn't even on the same planet as spygate as much as the haters would like it to be. Brady shredded the best defense in January forever cementing his legacy. There honestly is nothing left to prove - he has it all, the titles, the playoff wins, regular season wins, top 5 in all major passing stats. All he can do now is add to his GOAT status making it even harder for the likes of Aaron Rodgers and the young guns to try to catch him.



    And this is why nobody likes patriot fans. In the middle of all this, days after a report was issued stating that Brady cheated, you still feel you need to spew this. He is not the GOAT time but possibly the greatest cheater of all time. Mariota may have just passed up TB and he has never played a down in the NFL, but at least he hasn't cheated.

  6. Fair points but Rose is a little different.


    No one ever doubted Rose's actual ability to play his sport. He stepped outside the rules in a much different way, IMO. From what I'm seeing from other fans, people are ready to basically dismiss everything Brady has accomplished and chalk it up to one millimeter of grip strength on a football. Everyone has an ulterior motive... tearing Brady down brings their guy up a notch somehow. 


    My prediction/thought is that, assuming Brady plays in 2015, no one is going to notice even a little difference despite the forthcoming changes to how footballs are handled pre-game. He broke the rules, yes, but the worse part is that he lied about it. That doesn't magnify the original transgression. 


    It's a plea for objectivity that I realize will largely go unheard.  :)


    First I want to say that your post so far in this thread have been pretty logical and fair. My reply is not pointed at you directly.


    This is what makes me mad. Not at you or just Patriot fans, but everyone saying it didn't matter or it didn't help him. It obviously helped him (maybe only in his own head) or else wouldn't have done it. If the PSI in the football didn't matter, then it he wouldn't have been mad at the ref's during the Jets game. He and Manning also led the charge in getting the rules changed allowing teams to use their own balls. You may see it as a insufficient and as only a "millimeter of grip strength", but Brady sees it as a whole lot more than that. So yes, I would venture to say that the "millimeter of grip strength", helped Brady accomplish what he has. Could he have done with balls that had a "millimeter LESS of grip strength"? Probably, but he didn't. He chose to do this because it benefited him, end of discussion. Whether it really did or not is irrelevant. I assure you he didn't have the balls deflated so that the game would be more of a challenge for him!

  7. Ah. No I wasn't calling you a liar. Just that not wanting to believe negative things about your team/players isn't limited to just Pats fans.

    And yeah, I post at the planet so I know how angry they are.

    But be honest, if the roles were reversed here how many of us would just automatically believe that Manning/Luck did something like this?

     I can't speak for everyone else but I would. I surely wouldn't be on a patriots forum trying arguing that they aren't really reading what they think they are reading or that the report doesn't prove anything. 


    If BB didn't know this was going on, then he ought to be pretty upset right now. And if he has any type of integrity in him, whatever punishment Brady receives, BB should double. I know if I was the head coach and my star QB went behind my back and pulled something like this, my punishment would far out weigh the NFL's. 

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