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Posts posted by Btown_Colt

  1. Imagine if Dorsett had Whalen's hands. Maybe he does, I honestly don't know. I did read that he had problems with drops in college.

    Can you provide a link? I've never heard anyone talk about Dorsett having a problem dropping the ball.

  2. The problem is that it makes Pagano look weak. By leaking the information they are accomplishing the exact opposite of what they want, assuming their goal was to support Pagano.

    I agree. This whole thing stinks. It doesn't matter what the rumor is. It doesn't matter who is spreading it. The only thing that matters is that whatever issue/issues there may be, it has been allowed to build enough tension that it has caused the orgination to divide, take sides, point fingers, and leak information. Coaches aren't performing there best, players arent performing there best.

    So what's left? Either get it figured out, or fire everyone. I think at the end of the season, Irsay will be looking for a new GM and coaches. Which means will be starting over again. The new coaches will want to run there schemes and get players they want. We are 4 years into Luck's career. At the time we are supposed to adding the final touches to the team and competing for superbowls, we are going to be resetting and rebuilding. I just don't want to see Luck's talents wasted here while the owner, GM, and coaches are fighting over things that should have been figured out before they signed their contracts.

  3. Very interesting listen, especially around the 3 minute mark when Holden says the amount of crap he has heard would crash the Star's website. Then he says he only reports things with multiple sources and that is why everything doesn't come out through him.

    Personally with all of the reports coming out, it's impossible for me to believe something isn't going on. On random websites you will get more rumors and heresy, but when journalists who have integrity reporting for major sites and papers are reporting a lot of this stuff thinking something isn't happening turns into denial.

    For a lot of posters here, I think it's the "say it ain't so" or "it won't happen to me" mentality. It's too horrible for them to admit it's true, so they simply pretend it's not. Oddly enough, many don't have a problem believing it for other teams.

    I agree 100%. And it's not just Holder saying he has information, everyone is. JMV says it's the worse he has seen it, which includes 2011 when players were leaking information to lite a fire under Polian. JMV pretty much said you don't even have to dig for the info and is shocked at how many people are willing to leak information.

  4. Listened to Dan Dakich on the ride in to work this afternoon... and he brought up a good point

    Why, if this is a players-only meeting we're talking about here, do we even know about it?

    Because Colt players are leaking information. The mere fact that Holder got this information let's us know that there is something going on with them all. Players aren't happy how things are being ran. Right or wrong and whatever it is, this needs to be stopped and issues resolved. Otherwise, at the end of the season everyone is gone.

  5. And I just wanted to ask whether or not there have really been "all these reports" or if it just hasn't been the same single report spread around multiple websites and articles...you know..the multiple authors just cutting and pasting what one person said a while ago.

    First, I don't disagree with any of the points you have made. And I honestly don't care who is making what decisions. If Irsay wants Grigson making those calls, fine. I can deal with that.

    I just want the colts to have success, be competitive, and win.

    I get that reporters can twist, distort, and fabricate what they have been told. I understand. I just can't believe that 8 weeks into a 3-5 season, after firing the OC, after all these "rumors" that Irsay hasn't spoke up.

    I simply feel that if there wasn't at least a shred of truth to any of this, Irsay would have already spoke up. Surely he wouldn't want these false rumors hanging over his team?

  6. Its hard to stop something if it is being continually led by outside agitators. There is very little control over what they say.

    And it may very well be that the Oline decisions were made at the top. Maybe that was the best place for them to be made considering the background of the people closer to the field. Maybe the Colts won a few more games because of it.

    Again, I want to know what happened when Arians was here.

    Well, if Irsay is behind this and is/was on board with Grigson deciding who to play, then why don't he just come out and say it? I'm pretty sure it would put the rumors to bed. People may not like it, but Irsay is boss and what he says go.

    You may be right, maybe Grigson was the best person to make the oline decisions, but apparently, there are people/players within or close to the organization that disagree. And not just disagree, but disagree to the point that they are leaking information to reporters every week.

  7. As far as meddling in the the Oline...that's an overstatement, we're talking about three positions on the oline. Nobody questions starting AC at LT or Cherilous at RT. When there is clearly superior talent, who should start is obvious.

    So we're talking about meddling in decisions that involve LG,C, and RG who are 3rd and 4th round and UDFA talent combined with vet free agents who can only command a team friendly contract.

    Would it have changed things much which one started over the next?

    Were and are there clearly superior players at the C or G positions who got benched in order to serve a egomanic's personality? Is that the accusation?

    I get the feeling is that he meddling in more than just the oline, and it wasn't just last year. Maybe he made them play Luck, knowing he was injured?

    None of us know for sure, but the point is there shouldn't be this type of distraction, and it should have been stopped before it was allowed to escalate.

    I don't think we have all these reports, if there isn't at least a hint of truth to the rumors.

  8. The point is -- you're accepting what the Blog says and not what I'm saying. That's your right.

    But there's nothing to the blog that can't be found right here. The blog offered no proof.

    You're free to believe who you want and what you want. That's the way of the world......

    I just don't happen to think the idea that Pep had never actually called plays until he came to the Colts to make any sense. It defies logic and common sense.

    I know this is off topic and I quoted you because you say you have followed Stanford for so long. Is the position really called the Andrew Luck Director of Offense? I guess I don't get it?

  9. I would like to do some trading. I thought maybe it would be easier to do it here.

    Here is who I have that I am willing to part with:

    Mike Wallace

    Tavon Austin

    Delanie Walker

    Martellus Bennett

    Marshawn Lynch

    Andre Ellington

    CJ Spiller

    Chris Johnson

    Antonio Andrews

    Peyton Manning

    I am looking for a receiver and a running back or 2.

  10. Brady is the easy choice. Shaky O-line and short week for Peyton while sturdy O-line and long 10 days for Brady to prepare.


    QB: Brady

    RB 1: Lynch

    RB 2: Chris Johnson

    WR 1: Beckham

    WR 2: Wallace

    WR/RB: ??

    WR/TE: Bennett


    Spiller (not sure if he will play or not)

    Ellington (injured)

    Joique Bell

    Michael Floyd

    Marvin Joneses

    D. Walker (not sure if he will play)

    I can't decide between Bell or Floyd for the flex position. If Spiller does play Sunday, should I play him or wait and see how he does first.

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