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Posts posted by austriancolt

  1. Can't really compare them until RG3 is playing behind a fragile Colts Offensive Line and in a Colts team that lost a lot of veterans and filled with rookies and formerly bench warmers. Don't get me wrong RG3 is a great rookie QB but he has totally different preconditions in Washington than Andrew in Indy. And we will see how he will perform in his second year. Cam Newton who is a similar QB type had a great rookie season too and now struggles in his second season. And yeah I know Luck can also struggle in his second season but he has a different QB style than RG3 or CN. They benefit a lot from their "suprise effect" but teams tend to find ways to contain them after some time. I'm still happy with Andrew and the decision to draft him over RG3. RG3 is playing great and spectacular and its fun to watch him but overall I think that AL12 will have a better career. He just needs a better supporting cast.

  2. What scares me are the holes we have on both sides.The Offensive Line is very inconsistent and lacks talent, the Defense can't pressure the QB, misses a lot of tackles and can't force any turnovers. Even with our starters (Powers & Davis) our secondary scares no one. Too bad the Packers stole Casey Heyward from us in the last draft he plays great and even former Colts CB busts like Tim Jennings and Jacob Lacey contribute on other teams. With just three picks in next years draft it will be tough to fill all holes even with a lot of cap space.

  3. It was an ugly game for us Colts. I watched it with my brother who is a Pats fan so it was an ugly defeat for me in several ways. But I'm not disappointed, I expected games like this with a Rookie quaterback and a team in rebuild mode. We started great scored two touchdowns than stopped the Pats and Gostkowski missed the field goal so momentum was on our side but than everything turned with that punt return by Edelman followed by a pick of Andrew. Instead of a 21 - 7 lead we were down by 7 and nothing really worked from that moment on.

    -> We run the ball very good at the beginning but than stopped to run. I remember a 3 and out early in the game - I think we were down by just 7 - where Andrew missed all three passes. I still don't know why they didn't run at least once.

    -> Offensive line played well at the beginning but after the first quarter the Pats defense constantly pressured Luck. Costanzo had a terrible block who led to the fumble. Good run block at the beginning. Overall very inconsistent performance

    -> There wasn't much pressure on Brady and so it was easy for him to crash our secondary.

    -> A problem since years: We simply can't tackle anyone and our Special Teams are still bad

    -> We can't force any turnovers. We weren't even close to an interception. Last in the league in forced turnovers!

  4. Well I think he is doing great. Look at the stats Peyton had in his first season. Look at the fact that he is playing in a team that had a complete overhaul in the summer that lost a lot of talent and veterans. RG3 is playing great, now doubt about that, but it's also a fact that he is playing under complete different conditions.

  5. After three games I'm actually surprised how good the Colts did so far. Yes the loss today was disappointing and we made a lot of mistakes (some very stupid ones) so far but don't forget that this is a team that had a complete overhaul in the last few months. Andrew Luck is doing great although he sometimes makes bad decision but despite all the praises and the hype he still is a rookie that has do learn and even the greatest made rookie mistakes. We have a lot of young, unexperienced guys on the team so yeah they make mistakes too. We have a complete new Offensive Line that to be honest consists of what I would call "fillers". So can't expect miracles from such a mix of second tier players or players that underachieved so far in their career. Defense is playing with a complete new scheme etc. etc. Rome wasn't build in a day and a great team wasn't build in a couple of games either. We are still at the beginning, but so far we do better than I expected.

  6. in fact he said it had nothing to do with the bounties, but that the players were probably told to hit him every chance they got.

    that's what defenses do, hitting people, get to the QB knock him down to get the ball...

  7. I just hope we will fix the Offensive Line next year even if we have to invest all of our draft picks but I can't stand this poor play by our Oline any more! I think Castonzo played well but the rest are just fillers and we need more talent to protect Luck and maybe get some SERIOUS running game. run blocking is a joke right now.

  8. I'm torn because Warmack would help our run game tremendously and help keep Andrew upright. But we saw what is was like when Freeney went down yesterday, no pass rush. We would do well getting Jones when Freeney is not retained next year. Even then, Lotulelei can be that Ngata type piece we can move around the line and hopefully shore up the run D. Too many holes to fill, not enough picks.

    I think it is a no brainer: Protect your franchise QB first! If needed spend the whole draft on the Oline and fix it. These bad Olines are haunting us for to long... We still can get a big NT like Kwame Geathers with the 3rd or 4th pick

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