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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. Fair enough good sir. I still think if and when he is around Colts fans again it won’t be a bad experience. Especially if Richardson and Steichen get us back into relevancy.
  2. “Stress over what you can control, let go of what you cannot”. It’s hard but I’m trying live by these words more often now. It’s why I’m not on this forum as much anymore. I can’t really control what the team does. I can only allow it to entertain me.
  3. If I recall correctly it was something to do with the college football championship a few years ago.
  4. Dear God… Making a lot of assumptions here and working yourself up over nothing. This is Luck’s choice to come back, Irsay is just announcing he’ll be there. Luck has been back in Lucas Oil at least once or twice already and guess what? He wasn’t booed. I can’t speak for the fans online and outside of the state, but around Indianapolis and Indiana people don’t hate him as much as you think or want us to.
  5. We all should be celebrating Chuck Pagano and cancer awareness. Chuck has contributed to this city and state even today.
  6. Absolutely. And I was also very hurt, angry and nearly questioning my faith and fandom with this team directly after he retired. And in terms of his marriage: There’s always a major test at some point in a couple’s relationship that either breaks the bonds or strengthens them. It does seem they are stronger than ever now.
  7. Agreed. That would be a good thing to do, as the community may not realize how close he was to losing her and his family. I guess I’m rare in that I truly understand and agree with his decision. Being a husband and a father is way more important than a silly game. There will always be another QB to get in the future with football. The Colts may have down years but there’s always a future out there where we have successful seasons.
  8. Congrats to Anthony and his finance. May they have many years of success and happiness!
  9. “Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey” And in Indiana we’ve got plenty of all three. Hell if you ski at Perfect North Slopes you can see our major distillery in the distance.
  10. And I think he realized he was losing himself with those changes. He wasn’t happy with the man in the mirror anymore and decided to make a difficult choice to find a way back to who he used to be.
  11. I'm going to say my piece and then I'll be out of here. Please remember that while it's okay to be criticizing your head coach and team, you've got to understand some things. 1. Winning is incredibly hard in the NFL. We take for granted winning, but nearly all franchises have long stretches of bad seasons. 2. Being a head coach is incredibly hard. Especially when you're calling plays. I am the play caller for my high school football team, and I promise you this: it takes an insane amount of skill, finesse, awareness, leadership, creativity and decisiveness to call plays. And all of this is within a few seconds. Shane made a lot of mistakes. He's also human. He's also learning how to be a head coach and craft and design an NFL caliber offense at the same time, all while dealing with setback after setback. 3. Sometimes players just don't execute. We can blame anyone and everyone but at the end of the day: % just happens. You can practice a play 100 times. And on the 101st is when a mistake happens. Chalk it up to it just not being our time I guess. 4. My father in law has a fantastic phrase for life's disappointments. "You can't let that % bug ya for too long". Allow yourself to have today to be angry, I sure am. But then let it go. If you've ever been on a football team, you know what I'm talking about. You have to move on and accept the loss. Learn from it. I have more, but I'm tired, my kiddos are needing my attention and I've got to be prepared for teaching this week. God bless all of you. Take some time for yourself. And see you around. -RollerColt
  12. % like what you’re talking about is the reason I’ll be taking a break from this website indefinitely.
  13. After last night… my throat is killing me from yelling and my spirit is diminished. Congrats to all of you guys who picked so well this season. It’s been disappointing for me. Oh well. In the military they say embrace the suck. Well I suck so I guess I have no choice but to embrace it. Might take some time off the forum after this week.
  14. I’ve soured on Ballard. I would’ve been fine seeing him the door last season. But now with a new coach and QB we’re stuck with him for better or worse. I don’t know if he’s learned enough from his mistakes. I guess we’ll see.
  15. I’m really disappointed. Mainly because we could’ve had that game. We left plays on the field. And it just… sucks… Stroud and the rest of the nation will no doubt feel emboldened and justified in calling us a weak city and state. But it sure as hell didn’t sound weak in the stadium. Too bad no one will remember.
  16. The fans in person are way better and take losses better than all the sore losers online I promise you.
  17. How do we sound when the refs try to explain calls? We keep imagining you can barely hear him with how much we’re yelling LOL
  18. He’s earning his checks for sure tonight. And he’s backing up his talk as well.
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