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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. That makes sense! Yeah I’m not an expert by any means of your country’s geography, but I’ve taught it for years and worked with National Geographic so I’m familiar!
  2. WOW! Maybe it traveled from the Red Hills Forest? You guys probably have a better chance of getting a cyclone compared to a leopard!
  3. For the record. I vehemently disagree with the idea we tanked on purpose. That would mean Caldwell, Polian and everyone involved was fine with being fired.
  4. Alright, so I guess we’re tanking this season for something better. Win win.
  5. Since Super Bowl 37, I can only think of four: Dilfer Wilson Flacco Foles It's very, very rare for a team to win it all without a superstar QB.
  6. So the organization is just sitting around at different points doing nothing on purpose because they “don’t care about winning?”. I really find that hard to believe, and if it were true that Ballard and his entire staff were indifferent on making the team better, then I sure as hell would think Irsay would have a problem with it.
  7. I'm certainly not OK with the results, but again what the hell am I supposed to do? This is just some silly sport where big sweaty men hit each other. We really take this stuff way too seriously sometimes. And again this is where I say some people truly treat the team as their identity. So if the team fails it somehow negatively impacts their life.
  8. I've ran the mini once in my life and that was enough for me. I was 19, in the best shape of my life too. Used to run 5Ks in 16-18 minutes on average. I realized 13 miles was too much for my taste. I'm planning to start getting back into 5Ks though. Will probably have to walk the first one!
  9. Yeah, my brother is getting close to 50 and he now regrets all the crazy things we did together in our youth. Turns out doing backflips at Perfect North Slopes comes back to bite you years later!
  10. I fielded a few punts from my high school and college days. It was never what I call a pleasant experience for my hands. I don't blame Chris for being hesitant on breaking fingers.
  11. We have like the same body type. My legs and arms are also pure muscle, but I've got a double chin and a dad bod belly now.
  12. Dang bro. You're in good shape! I'm 5'8 but have lost a few steps, and before I knew it I'm at 220! Going to have to pick running back up and get back under 200!
  13. My 4 year old son a few months ago had an entire tooth pulled without any numbing or meds... His pain tolerance is insane. I'm always opting for at least the novocain before any work done. But yeah, besides that stuff I try to stay away from pain medication. I come from a long line of family addicts ranging from alcohol to prescription meds to friggin' meth... It's always in the back of my mind even when taking excederin for my migraines...
  14. I think there's a difference between making excuses and accepting things for what they are. I'm not happy about us not winning the division in years. Yeah I'm tired of it. But what can we do? Boycott the team until Ballard gets fired?
  15. Hindsight is fun... I'm sure most of the league would love a do-over for the 2000 draft and pick up Tom Brady.
  16. Had I kept the Bengals picks and not traded up for Bowers, Mitchell was on my list.
  17. Chargers got their shiny new WR and an OT to hopefully keep Herbert protected. Good draft for them so far I think.
  18. Reds are also 4-2, and have won their first two series so far!
  19. Since I can't give you a laugh, you get a like and this response.
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