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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. I'm liking the analysis from Belichick. He's much more comfortable as an analyst compared to as a coach.
  2. LMAO I really look like I was smoked by Tyson. All puffed up and black and blue hahaha. Maybe that's what I'll tell my students tomorrow!
  3. Thanks! Definitely do not recommend wearing Red near a bee hive. One sucker got stuck in my eyelid... and here I am...
  4. Bill saying the same thing Ballard said "you have to have someone to trade with".
  5. First time I've ever been stung in the eye. Mother trucker hurt like all get! 0/10 definitely don't recommend!
  6. Yeah. Walked past my family's bee hives this afternoon wearing a Cincinnati Reds shirt. It was my own stupid fault, wasn't thinking. For those who don't know: don't wear red around bees. They friggin' hate it!
  7. Got stung in the eye by a bee, whole side of my face is swollen up. Still here. Listening in to Pat's show with Bill. Belichick sounds so much happier and youthful.
  8. Oh man, it would be hard to say no to picking him.
  9. Same. And that's because over time that level of depth eventually decays.
  10. I can see your position and why. That's why I say it's possible for him to be drafted by Chris, not maybe not probable. It really won't be determined until the draft starts and we see where the top picks fall. But I could just see us in a specific situation where perhaps Bowers and the top CBs are already gone by 15, and there's Murphy. Do we trade back or do we take him? It's going to be a very interesting chess match tonight.
  11. I agree. It will need to be addressed sooner rather than later.
  12. You might want to prepare yourself for DT... I'm not saying it's going to happen, but it could very well be a possibility tonight that we take Murphy if he's there...
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