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Posts posted by JTcardscolts

  1. Just saw this on espn, Chris Carter says he believes Moss could get out of bed today and still run a 4.3.

    Personally, I love the thought of him on the team, especially if Peyton comes back. I've always wanted to see him with a tall speedy WR.

    And for Luck, if he's the colts QB next year, Moss would be one heck of a security blanket for a rookie QB. IMO.

    So, what do you think?

  2. How would it be different? As to the rest of your post, I have really no idea what on earth you are talking about...

    IMO the talk about shipping Peyton off for rgIII would be far less (maybe not even exist) because the thing about rgIII is his potential not him being NFL ready...Thats what makes the argument with luck so great, cause everyone says he is NFL ready now, so we draft him and Irsay keeps his word and Peyton comes pack the circus that will follow will make what's going on now look Like a pregame show to the super bowl...
  3. I remember when I was rooting for the Colts to loose the last game of the season because I wanted the #1 overall pick so the Colts could trade it and get numerous picks to address several area's of need. Now we have sat through a month and haif of Manning Gate and it is the same thing everyday. The soap opera continues everyday. Now I know how the Packers must have felt when Favre was replaced but at least they had a prepared Rodgers ready to take the reigns.

    If I only knew what I knew now I might have rooted for them to win that last game so we wouldn't have the #1 overall pick and all this talk of replacing Manning would be different I think. What would we be thinking then? Wouldn't it be nice to be #2 overall and have a healthy Manning coming back into the fold? Would we be talking about drafting RG3? How things could have been different if we just had won that last game.

    Great post thanks
  4. Ok, I've stayed away from a lot of the Manning talk on here...only posting every now and then. There's a lot of it going on for sure.

    Here's my crackpot theory...take it with a grain of salt:

    Irsay and Manning have known since December that Manning is good to go.....this whole thing is one big ruse to stir up the media. BUT......

    Irsay did realize that the Colts F.O. needed changed and the team needed to rely less on Manning (see 2-14 without him as evidence), and went kind of Denver Broncos late in Elways career...brought in a smash-mouth minded defensive coach (Manning runs the O so there's not much need there, just coaches for the skill and line positions) The Polians were not going to get it done in the near future

    So...they start this back and forth, causing the hype machine we call the media to foam at the mouth, which they are literally now doing (see ESPN already talking about which teams he'll fit best with)

    Irsay realizes that the team needs more than a so-called "can't miss" QB to be competitive. He realizes the picks he'd get for Luck would help the team immensely, especially after he came out and said he's going QB #1....lifting Luck's value even more...

    Manning doesn't want to uproot the family, and leave the town that he's called home for 14 years to start over in a new system (or force his system on new players; that takes time he doesn't have)...

    So they both create the greatest ruse of all time, football wise. And Manning comes back, they trade the pick, and they both give the symbolic middle finger to all the media ^fool^s and their baseless rumors and hype...

    And a revamped Colts team with a few more pieces on defense (see Houston's D for example) goes on to win another SB or maybe two with #18 leading the charge..

    Sounds like a pipe dream, but given everything that's been thrown out there, and I mean it's a LOT, this isn't out of the realm of possibility.....

    I stated this exact theory in a thread a while back...

    It could happen...

  5. That wasn't very polite at all, really.

    I actually have abstained heavily from discussion about this topic, rather opting to post most frequently in the NFL General forum on this website far more than in the Colts forum.

    And no, I can't say anyone has offered that they're "sick of my rants" about this topic. Presto was pretty sick of my rants about Madonna, other than that ?????

    Really I was just offering my opinion on Kravitz latest faux pas. Sorry if I'm not wanted *slits wrists in bathtub while listening to melancholy music from the 70's :(

    Say it ain't so say it ain't so....
  6. Isn't this exactly what most of the "Peyton has to be here no matter what" crowd?. They say they won't believe anything that don't come from the horses mouth, but then when a positive report comes out, they can't wait to post it and say "I told you so"!

    Hey scroll up, it's just a report like all others...but you see how not very many people had commented on it yet. Yet all the anti-Peyton threads gets blown up just as soon as it's posted...I think that speaks for itself....as far as who's playing the "I told you so game"
  7. I think it is rather funny how some of you get on the negative threads and wanna dismiss Peyton, without giving him a fair shake, and believe everything the media is feeding you. And then when you hear or read a positive thing it turns into a quick "well let's wait and see now" and pretty soon it'll be well I wanted Peyton back in the first place.....yea ok.....

    What's that I hear? Is that a fish outa water?


    Just a bunch of these guys startin to flip flop...

  8. Doogan - I write on here to amuse myself & admittedly go overboard at times. But if there is one thing that I am very comfortable with it is that I know the game in general, the Colts in particular and the people that cover it. So when I say I am confident it is because I am. Very. But I can be and have been wrong and would love nothing more to go the LOS next season and see 18 behind center. I just don't think I will.

    Wait a min now.... did you just set yourself up with an out

    Hahaha now that's funny

    Thanks again you made my day (night)

  9. In the the tradition of LeBron James..!!!

    ESPN in conjunction with ABC and the 'Soap Opera Network' presents..

    'The Decison' Peyton Manning! :flaming:

    A 3-hour broadcast on March 8

    Live from a sold out Lucas Oil Stadium..

    where Peyton Manning throws 20 balls to celebrity pass catchers Charles Barkley, TO and Snooki...

    in an effort to hit them in the face and prove his arm is NFL-Strong!!!

    ..and then..Colts president Jim Irsay and Manning go into the board room where they try to

    convince Donald Trump ...

    'Should he stay or Should he go"...as Trump asks board room judges Bob Kravitz and Jim Rome :rock:

    ..to chime in about the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates arguements...!!

    At the end of the show.....with the O-Jays singing 'For the Love of Money''

    Donald fires Irsay or Manning and makes the other his Vice Presidential running mate.... :shake:

    ..all proceeds from the show go to the Kerry Collins NFL QB retirement fund... :cheers:

    DONT MISS IT!!!!

    ('Desperate Housewives and CougarTown' will return at their regularly scheduled to times next week)

    And the post of the day goes too....^this guy.
  10. True, but you have to have an audience. The media only distorts the truth and stretches facts, because they know that people no longer hold media sources accountable. People don't want boring/right...they want exciting/(who care what the sources are). With the onset of television programming where people are embarrassed and humiliated (reality tv), fake sports drama, (wrestling), and corporate firing/cooking show humiliation.....it is easy to see that the masses dont want anything other than embarrassment, rejection, lies, deceit, and failure. Many have grown up in this era and cant see the changes.

    As long as thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread of their bulljack and fake drama keeps getting posted, they are going to keep dishing it up to you. I haven't, nor will I, post a single thread about he said she said. What I did post, was a thread about football. It was a way for all here to learn more about......you know....the game of football. I had three takers.....and the thread died. Why? Because it wasnt about drama, deception, and lies.

    Anyway. this wasn't a rant about you personally, I used your comment as a platform to make my own statement. For that, I sincerely apologize.

    Well said.....really
  11. So ESPN is responsible for all this? Interesting.

    Said this in another thread about Kravitz but it applies here too - everyone is killing the messenger but paying precious little attention to the message itself.

    You are running rule # 1 of the Internet Message Board Rulebook to perfection. When the media says or writes something bad about your favorite team or player, immediately dismiss the report as irrelevant and the reporting itself as 2nd rate, agenda driven nonsense so as to make yourself and like-minded board members feel better about the situation. Congrats.

    And let's not for get the messenger in question, got his info from some who talked to someone.....

    Did you play telephone in school has a young child???we all kno how that turns out...

  12. So ESPN is responsible for all this? Interesting.

    Said this in another thread about Kravitz but it applies here too - everyone is killing the messenger but paying precious little attention to the message itself.

    You are running rule # 1 of the Internet Message Board Rulebook to perfection. When the media says or writes something bad about your favorite team or player, immediately dismiss the report as irrelevant and the reporting itself as 2nd rate, agenda driven nonsense so as to make yourself and like-minded board members feel better about the situation. Congrats.

    This is about a facebook survey, I believe in the wrong thread...
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